Your favorite moment from this PAX?



  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    - LOBBY-BAR, LOBBY-BAR...meeting up with the Behemoth guys (and girl) at said lobby bar, and chatting while they doodled on a big cardboard box. Got my badge drawn on by Dan Paladin, so that was awesome.

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    The CCP Party was pretty awesome this year. I honestly can't think of a most favorite moment, but there were a lot of little great ones.

    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    tr0tsky wrote:
    - LOBBY-BAR, LOBBY-BAR...meeting up with the Behemoth guys (and girl) at said lobby bar, and chatting while they doodled on a big cardboard box. Got my badge drawn on by Dan Paladin, so that was awesome.


    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • OptimusbryOptimusbry Event Designer Long Beach CARegistered User regular
    Hanging out with Omeganaut Saxicide at P3, she was an awesome chick. Getting stopped by total strangers because they saw my Doctor Who shirt and then talking with them for almost an hour about the good Doctor. VIP at the Alienware party, that was just bonkers. And finally playing one of my first games of DnD ever, spending an entire round of turns planning out my amazing attack, only to fail an acrobatics check and fall flat on my face. Oh and getting to chat with the Wildstar team. Those guys are totally chill.

    Suffice to say I had a pretty amazing time and can't wait till next year.

    Nintendo ID: Optimusbry :: Xbox Live: Optimus Bry :: PSN: Optimusbry :: Steam ID: Optimus Bry
  • xibalbaxibalba Registered User regular
    my fave moment was getting 3rd place in the Geometry Wars 2 tourny.

  • SwiftThiefLurraSwiftThiefLurra Registered User regular
    My favorite had to be Ken Levine signing my custom made Splicer mask. I couldn't believe I got the opportunity. <3
    Also the Assassin's Creed panel with Toby and the Star Wars panel were amazing. :D

  • KnifeySpoonyKnifeySpoony Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Here's a video of my favorite moment this year, at Just Dance 3 booth.

    Apart from that, this was a much different PAX for me compared to previous years. A lot less about the show and more about meeting some amazing people I've gotten to know. They made the show more special to me then they'll ever know.

    KnifeySpoony on
  • BirrhanBirrhan Registered User regular
    Easily the Landos.

    A close second would be stumbling upon (and joining!) the winning Moogle team. Total random chance.

    Sadly, I still did not get to meet Wil. I guess that means I'll have to keep returning to PAX until I do!

  • KeowaKeowa Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    either watching Wil Wheatons reaction as he was presented with a 'Cloak of dicks' which he seemed to wear for the rest of the con. Or the entrances of all the players and Chris perkins in their costumes during the acquisitions incorporated game. I lost it when scott kurtz came on stage by busting through a wall, then i lost it harder when perkins entered in his Mad Hatter outfit

    Keowa on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    Playing what may have quite possibly been the best and most hilarilous delve ever on Sunday evening in the Sheraton lobby bar.

    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • courtneyjcourtneyj Newcastle, WARegistered User regular
    Chris Perkins teeth. I felt drawn into them.

  • CronusCronus Registered User regular
    Mine would have to be the pub crawl. We had such a great time and raised a ton of money for Childs Play.

    The Fragdoll party was also a high point. Inside the actual convection I'd have to go with the Q&A. Mike and Jerry get funnier every year and are getting excellent at playing off even the most benign questions.

    "Read twice, post once. It's almost like 'measure twice, cut once' only with reading." - MetaverseNomad
  • peetsnackpeetsnack Team Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House Hufflepuff The Cleave LandsRegistered User regular
    Birrhan wrote:
    Easily the Landos.

    I may be bias.

  • KeowaKeowa Registered User regular
    actually I need to add this to my favorite moments, during the Q&A session my friend (an artist) gets Mike to draw Mike and Jerry as they would appear in the comic if they weren't Gabe and Tycho

  • parabolaparabola Registered User regular
    That is hilarious.

  • JimmyWildJimmyWild Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    My favorite was the 2K Games 'Citizen Skywatch' booth. Was a really cool concept having everyone in character and having the booth be about the experience, not about the game so much.

  • blockov1.2blockov1.2 Registered User regular
    The best for me was on the last day, me and a friend brought our guitars inside the elevator, and rode it up and down for 2+ hours bringing live elevator music for anyone who decided not to use the stairs

    Also, not winning any raffles but instead getting the chance to meet really cool people

  • AltDeleteAltDelete Registered User regular
    Getting my photo with Mr. Destructoid.

    Been going for four years and every year I happen to run into the robot. At first it was just cool to keep on seeing him, bumping into him in front of the building or wandering the expo hall, but this year I was stoked about not breaking the streak. It was late Sunday afternoon, my big camera was already dead, and I had already made numerous laps around the hall without finding Mr. D, and then: he was there.

    The past three:

    Next year, 5 for 5.

  • yanthraxyanthrax boners bonersRegistered User regular

    I met Mike Ross!

  • riryriry Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    One of the people in the 7-letter Moogle group on Saturday let me have his t-shirt.

    Whoever you were, thank you so much! I'm wearing it as I type this. <3333333

    riry on
    I didn't have time for an actual signature, so here's a picture of a cat with a tinfoil hat.
  • KaneBlaireauKaneBlaireau Registered User regular
    One single game made the whole show for me Sentinels of the Multiverse. Nothing else all weekend really excited me. That game, though, just made the whole weekend awesome. One of the single greatest card games I have ever played!

  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular
    before PAX some chick that met me in the hotel elevator saw me on the show floor and I wasn't sure who it was because I didn't get a name.

    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • chupamiubrechupamiubre Registered User regular

    <ZeroHourHero> I have a tiny penis
    <Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
    <prox> i work for dicks
    #paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular


    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • ChichenChichen Registered User regular
    Oh man there were so many great things...

    Getting Jonathan Coulton to sign my Plush Companion Cube and getting him to say happy birthday to a friend of mine who couldn't make it was great..

    Winning a Scroll from the Mojang booth and getting both Notch and Jeb to sign it (I think Notch was a BIT hungover from his party.)

    The Saturday Night concert was just so amazing. First PAX and first time seeing Paul and Storm and Jonathan Coulton. It was just great. (Secret sauce)

  • DreamwishDreamwish Registered User regular
    Never Forget!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod

    For LANDO!

  • emimonsteremimonster Silicon ValleyRegistered User regular
    Beating my husband at Kinect Dance Central 2... because he thinks he's such hot shit! XD

    Being cookie brigade (seriously, all you guys make that so awesome. I was not prepared for how much lovins you all would show!)

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    zerzhul wrote:

    For LANDO!



  • TraitoriousTraitorious Registered User regular
    Just going to my first PAX. More specific? Okay.

    Getting hands on time with GW2 and Torchlight 2. Orcs Must Die is just as crazy as it seemed when I initially found out about it (helped that I've been playing Sanctum as well.) My surprise game was Wildstar. For a game that was announced only a week before PAX started the combat system was smooth as butter. The combos were solid, and the integrated dodging mechanic was perfectly fluid.

    Actually hit up all the panels I put down in the schedule thread (skipped the Halo 4 panel though) plus an extra on Friday night. Learned quite a bit and heard some interesting tidbits, but the clear winner was getting some free Borderlands 2 from the Gearbox panel. I'll admit I totally freaked, though I could feel it coming with Randy's little speech before he told us exactly what the cards being handed out were.

    Other random PAXness:
    -The 3 hour game of Munchkin Cthulhu that saw me blindside two people with wandering level 18s (still lost though :() to extend the game much longer than any of us thought.
    -Going like 70-5 in SSFIV:3D figurine battles over the weekend. I have like well over a 1000 spins of the figurine wheel now. Also, getting like 10x the amount of Miis in my Plaza that I started with before I arrived on Thursday.
    -Chatting with Kristen Perry from ANet while waiting in line for the Gearbox panel for a good hour or so. Once the free Borderlands 2 thrill wears off (still can't believe that stuff), I think this might be my favorite moment of PAX 2011. Listening to her talk about her impact on the game was amazing (especially after seeing it in motion a day before), but that we went into talking about ourselves (at her behest) and then other random games like we'd known each other for more than the 2 minutes we were in line together was crazy awesome. Good thing I've been getting over that whole shyness thing with the large amount of weight I've lost, or I probably wouldn't have said anything to her for the entire time was the standing/sitting right next to her in line. Totally took that whole "70k friends you've never met" thing to heart there.
    -PPP was f'in great! Music was awesome, met a cool dude that we played darts with for a good portion of the night (and I totally wanted to get some RB in, but was having such a good time in the back corner man.)

    Maybe a little longer than it needed to be, but I'm still running off the high of finally going to this thing this year. I already can't wait to go to East to do it all again :lol:

  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    Seeing my son meet his idol, Notch, in person. :D That was pretty rad.


  • ikelewisikelewis Awesome Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    My favorite moment at PAX 2011 was doing Line Entertainment, grabbing the megaphone and playing Nyan Cat while dancing through the WSCC!

  • GBX_AdamFGBX_AdamF Registered User regular
    Thanks to all that stopped by the booth and our panel. We <3 you guys :)

    PR & Marketing Manager @ Gearbox Software
    Gearbox Twitter:
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  • squeakyboysqueakyboy Registered User regular
    Gygax the cat is....Happy.... to meet you. And then he turned out to be the traitor. And then a minion.

  • HeyJoeHeyJoe SeattleRegistered User regular
    The whole thing was fun, but as usual I have the fondest memories of the tabletop gaming I did. LOVED Super Dungeon Explore (Soda Pop Minis... 6th floor).

  • EnragedTemplarEnragedTemplar Registered User regular
    Won second in a costume contest before the convention even started.
    (i.e. the guy in the green suit)

  • BanthaBantha Registered User regular
    One of my best moments was meeting none other than Phoenix Jones, Seattle's real-life superhero, on Saturday night.

  • p0rtugalviip0rtugalvii Registered User regular
    Either seeing papa Burch from HAWP outside smoking a cigar like a boss, or Garrett from Mega 64 saying my friend looked like his sister. Or watching Marty O'Donnell walk into the bathroom. #CREEPER

    PSN: p0rtugal_VII
    XBL: DJBlackMage
    Youtube: p0rtugalvii
    Twitter: @p0rtugalvii
  • LosarLosar Thane Vector, Rock Star Tucson, AZRegistered User regular
    edited September 2011
    My favorite part was James Portnow's opening speech for the Education Through Play panel. I swear it put several TED talks to shame.

    Also, getting hamburgers at Dick's at 1AM Sunday night with 2-Player Productions was pretty cool.

    Also, chatting up Derek Alexander (Happy Video Game Nerd/Starship Amazing).

    Also, tossing out free swag to the crowd right before the Protomen performed on Friday night.

    Also, every single awesome drawing on the Fangamer booth: from Chell and myriad Pokemon to dinosaurs and Batman eating a sandwich.

    Losar on
    Isn't that informative!? Hooray!!
  • bitterfunbitterfun Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    I really enjoyed the Wildstar (I have hi-hopes for that game) booth but my favorite moment was winning 1st place in the BYOC Casemod contest:

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