For the past couple of days, my laptop has been behaving strangely.
It's an i7-2630QM 2.0Ghz, with 4GB of RAM, a GTX 460M running off a Seagate Momentus XT 500GB HDD
The strange behavior seems to start at random, but once it starts it doesn't seem to give up untiil reboot.
Basically, every 10-15 seconds the system accesses the hard drive heavily for about 1-2 seconds and repeats ad nauseum.
This wouldn't be a big deal except that while it's accessing the drive in this way, my system hangs. I can not type, click, etc.. although the mouse still moves. While playing games it causes the sound to stutter, the game to momentarily freeze, etc...
I've run full scans of antivirus and malwarebytes with 0 hits. At idle, with no programs running, it continues, yet the CPU activity reads 0%
Is there any program out there that will tell me what processes are accessing the HDD?
This is what I usually use when I try to figure out whats wrong with disk activity.
(A small howto:
Happy hunting!