So, I've been tasked with obtaining a recording device for my church to record the Sunday sermon.
Here's what I'm working with -
We use a Crown mixing board with a set of AKG voice mics. The service is currently recording out to a tape deck using the "Group 1&2" outputs. Last Sunday, I brought in my iRiver H140 with the
Rockbox firmware. (Check that out if you have an iRiver/Archos/iPod). Anyway, I used the recording function to record from the line-in jack. I've plugged that into the Group 3&4 outputs. Using the auto gain control function with that firmware (awesome!), I get a beautiful MP3 of the service. I then use Audacity to cut out just the part I need for the web. The quality is perfect for what I need.
So, what's the problem, then? I don't run the sound every Sunday, so I'm not going to be leaving my personal MP3 player there, as I use it all the time. I need a suitable substitute, preferably simple to use with a line-in jack (stereo miniplug is fine). It doesn't need to have automatic gain/clipping control, but it'd be nice. I can always process the audio afterwards, as I'm not in a huge time crunch. I guess the key thing is that it needs to be in a .wav or mp3 format so that I can easily work with it and convert it to mp3 & realaudio.
Any ideas? Obviously I can work with a player that has a Rockbox build for it, but I'd prefer to get something new and Rockbox isn't supported yet on any of the new players.
Sorry for the long-winded post.