I was not able to attend, nor does it look like I will be able to in the future but I really enjoyed watching the previous event on youtube. I can't find ANY evidence of this year's D&D event though, can someone point out where I might be able to peruse it at my leisure?
Incidentally, I would LOVE to have P&S's D&D songs play on a soundboard during our home games....
*hums "Critical Hits"*
Pt1: http://www.twitch.tv/pax_wotc/b/293650506
Pt2: http://www.twitch.tv/pax_wotc/b/293652033
It's very funny
pros and cons to doing that. I was in the audience and they were laughing at every joke and cheering all the time.
A little hard to hear at times, but there's nothing like cheering with 1000+ other DnD nerds :P
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
I watched the stream live as it happened. They didn't edit the crowd so much as, "the mics didn't pick up the crowd". They were all wearing headset mics and the crowd wasn't mic'ed.
5th Edition rumors abound! The "main" cause of the rumor is the D&D Insider series of editorials "Legends and Lore" by Mike Mearles. In them he is openly musing about game design. He discusses multiple editions and different versions of systems, and how you could set up d&d mechanics different ways in order to satisfy a boarder range of people.
At Gencon Mike was asked, "are you leading up to 5th edition with these articles". He clearly answered "no". He said that with his new position of R&D manager, he doesn't really get to design anything anymore. But people still like to speculate.
Also, the other rumor starter is Morrus from EnWorld (one of the biggest unofficial D&D forums on the internet). He said that he heard from an unnamed source, who was reliable in the past, that WotC was going to announce 5th edition at their panel, and then pulled the announcement that morning. That of course assumes that a large company making a HUGE announcement, pulled it from their new product seminar, and no one noticed. They didn't have any type marketing or brand imaging, or anything else to support the announcement. So normally this rumor wouldn't be credible, except Morrus is a pretty good source.
Also, the other 5th edition rumor origins comes from the utter hate the too cool for the room crowd has for 4th edition. 4E upset the apple cart in it's design and its initial marketing. They made a bunch of changes and when they discussed why they made the change they said, "well the old system is broken", and that upset people playing 3.5. So there was a huge backlash from hard cores. It then became cool to bash 4th edition. Also, people thought 4th edition came out "too soon" from the release of 3.5.
So, people like to fear monger and say 5th edition is around the corner. It could be, but I right now I am doubting it.