The new forums will be named Coin Return (based on the most recent vote)! You can check on the status and timeline of the transition to the new forums here.
Here's how it goes: you're going in costume to East, or you have an idea, or you appreciate them, and so you come to this thread. You share said costume/idea/appreciation, and we all get along like the happy family that we are!
I'm going as Slave Leia (so original, I know), and rumor has it I will have a Han Solo running around with me a humanized version of GLaDOS!
All bow to the benevolent aerynkelly who brought you this list of what's being cosplayed and by whom!
human GLaDOS - RainbowTunnel
MJ & K'Dash - VideoGameStupid
Sheik & Lucca - aikoe
Lando Society - zerzhul
Moira Brown or Fawkes - tvethiopia
Cardboard Tube Samurai - nevermore13
Lookouts/Daughts of the Eyerwood - adastra
Protoman - Onmitsu
Adam Jensen? - Imperfected
Lilith - MidnyghtChilde
Blue Power Ranger - PinkRanger
tobli & scrafty & susano - BigDumbHippy
Big Sister & Kokiri Link - LittleLink
Alice - nollie, kelsah
Sev? - RCJ306
Steve - spiderz13, ChaosLight
BLU Scout & Malik Al-Sayf - p00t1s
Female Gear Soldier & Sam Byrne & Aela the Huntress - LadySnip3r
RED Medic - Regiment
Tasteless & Jason and Ethan Mars - University Ogre
Doctor Who cast - ArcadiaExeter
Leliana - aerynkelly
11th Dr - Randomfool, Trust
Dr Wily or Megaman - Lucid_Seraph
Yellow bird & Cave Johnson - feitocomfruta
Captain Harlock - Cyant
Doctor Light - ChimneyImp
4th Dr - Xerlith
Jace & Elspeth - ishtra
Silver & Miror B - TheAsianKnight
Hawke? - Wikal
Chomper - Wolfiee
Nathan Drake - CARTER-A259
Kelly's Spartan suit & Shepard & ME Alliance casual uniform - KellyShepard087
Idris - kiki_lou
Jeanne - TurnedtoGold
Eldar Farseer - TheRussianFunk
Superhero villians - RedBerries
Okamiden & Kumatora - Lokiale
Ezio - Mikimo
Ghost (MW2) & Mr Benson or Thomas Bangaltar? - SlayerPath
MiB or convicts from Dead Rising - General Pengwin
Arkham City Riddler - MrDapper
Bigby - GameShark
Lone Wanderer & Lilith - Loweryi
Fionna? - Rayze
Daisy - MissAlchiap
The Warden & Cole MacGrath - riathewolf
Val Bronzebottom - ErickaJo
Captain Reynolds - Icarus027
Marceline or Daria Morgendorfer - Moocifer
ST:TOS - JerYnkFan
Jack & Morrigan - mikey
Protoman - jester44
Giant boxing bot - BumblebeeRecycled
Finn - kryptonianScion
Goth - HarlequinShadowlands
Bunny Link or Zelda - Ilu
Saints Row - PraxisLoki
Commander Shepard - owlcheesecake
Tintin & Captain Haddock & Thompson and Thompson - THE NINES
Inspecter Spacetime - klokateer9047
Wehrmacht soldier - XX55XX
Sly Cooper - guster11
Clara - LadyLilybell
Skyrim - Wodrith
Consular or Marauder SW:TOR - bonestar
Fallout trio - Vikingur
vault 101 - a fraking toaster
Sonic - henry.hargrove
Chrono or Tidus or Auron - guster11
TF2 spy & steampunk - ArcanicEight
Skyrim - KingPads
Marle - girlgamer88
Whiterun guard Skyrim - Newbienice
Catherine & Hatsune Miku - kikiltemri
Punch Out group - klokateer9047
Pokemon trainer - Volaro
Warhammer 40k Commissar - Thin Red Paste
Lin Kuei assassin - JOEPRO
Chun Li - Mistress_Ishbo
Arkham City Harley Quinn - MissMoogle
minecraft - marmaduketwist
11th Dr and Malcolm Reynolds - MagicSwordKing
Annie (LoL) - zandiie
Female assassin - cowbox
OmNom & Princess Luna - chaosisorder
QWOP - PayneTrayne
I'll probably be doing MJ "Thriller" and "Beat It" again this year but i wanna mix it up as well so i'll probably try to put together a K' Dash costume as well. I saw very little King of Fighters cosplay at Prime this year so I wanna represent them as well.
Sheik from LoZ and Lucca from Chrono Trigger for me. I'll supposedly have an Impa with me the one day and a Marle and Crono the other.
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
i'm very seriously considering/starting to plan sewing my own princess daisy dress. i've never done such an ambitious sewing project, but i think i can make it happen, especially since i still have plenty of time to screw it all up and start again. my backup plan involves a jumpsuit and moira brown.
edit: after looking through some dress patterns, i may actually attempt -steampunk daisy-
I cosplayed for the very first time at PAX Prime this year, and I had a blast (hubby was the eleventh Doctor, I was Amy Pond). I'm itching to cosplay again. Then two days ago I bought a brand new serger and sewing machine off Woot (you could have knocked me over with a feather when that combo showed up as a Woot item). Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do to combine these two things. :P So, long story short, I intend to cosplay at East, but I have no idea yet as what.
Hi, I'm @Tango, one of the Enforcers' security specialists at PAXes Prime and East, as well as PAX Dev. I'm posting this thread to help raise awareness of some refinements to PAX security policy that will be 'live' effective Prime 2011.
Be aware that the content of this post has been given the nod by PA, and so can be considered official. As such, only the most basic and definite information is presented here.
First off, the main change:
While PAX is mainly intended to facilitate gaming, we recognize that many Attendees will want to dress in awesome costumes. These awesome costumes often come with prop 'weapons,' and the question: "can I bring this to PAX?" Needless to say, real weapons are NOT permitted, but what about props?
Well, there are some informal rules that we've been using to decide this for the last few PAXes. As of now, they have become official, and are as follows:
- It fires or can fire any sort of projectile.(Yes, even Nerf.) - It looks like a real firearm at "second glance."(Yes, even if it's a kid's toy.) - It's sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure.(Yes, even if it's not made of metal.) - It's weighty enough to bludgeon someone with a moderate-force swing.(Yes, even if you're a TF2 Scout.)
If you bring something in that's not allowed you will be politely required to leave, stow the offending item in your vehicle/hotel room/etc, and then return. If you have any doubt as to whether your prop weapon falls under these restrictions - it probably does. Err on the side of caution!
You should definitely alert an Enforcer or a member of venue staff. Particularly in the big con centers, they can often get the venue's own emergency responders on the way for the fastest possible response.
You probably won't, as PAX is pretty laid-back. But the answer is always "alert an Enforcer or member of venue staff." Do NOT take matters into your own hands!
Enforcers, venue/event staff, and a few police officers. Enforcers are generally the first contact point for Attendees, and things get escalated from there if necessary. Enforcers and event staff both have security specialists who are in charge of ensuring those groups implement their security policies. The police are there for emergencies, and to prevent any lines that spill out onto public streets from causing problems.
1. Obey the above costume weapons policy.
2. Obey Wheaton's Law.
3. Be excellent to each other!
4. Let an Enforcer know if you have any issues.
Thanks for reading, and have an awesome PAX!
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
Questions about that policy, and about any changes to it before East, can be directed to me. Some points that often come up:
- Deactivated Nerf is generally okay, but please don't be surprised or offended if it gets checked!
- Deactivated airsoft is NOT okay, because it generally still resembles a real firearm even if painted etc.
- As for home-built props that resemble game weapons - use your common sense and refer to the guidelines above.
- The bit of that policy that refers to costume weapons is for cosplay and costume weapons only; this is not the place to have a discussion about carry rights, please take that elsewhere!
And last but not least:
- Don't be freaked out if an Enforcer asks to look at your prop, because most of the time it's just to see how cool it is. (That Black Templar's bolt pistol this Prime just gone! )
I've never done cosplay before and never thought I would, but I figure that PAX is the best place to do my idea. The current plan is to go as the Cardboard Tube Samurai because I figure it should be pretty easy and is perfect for PAX. Have loved to read this thread in the past and see all the great ideas and even more excited to get involved in the actual discussions about costumes and ideas.
I plan to repeat my Lookouts/Daughters of the Eyerwood costume... and I really want to find some like-minded folks to make a "troop"! I saw two people doing Lookouts cosplay at Prime last weekend. It's my dream to have a whole group of green-cloaked PAXers, ready to slay the Winter King! Any takers? I have sources/ideas for a lot of the costume pieces.
Friday: A Canadian (Unless GB beats NE in the Superbowl, cause I'll be rocking my Rodgers jersey like there's no tomorrow)
Saturday: Nothing but a rumour.
Sunday: Whatever my PAX Pokemon League character turns out to be.
Sheik from LoZ and Lucca from Chrono Trigger for me. I'll supposedly have an Impa with me the one day and a Marle and Crono the other.
Playing through Chrono Trigger for the first time on my DS (I know, I know!) I can't wait to see your cosplay.
I played through it for the first time myself on the DS. I'd seen the whole thing played when I was younger, but never actually played it myself. There is no shame.
Fortunately, Chrono Trigger costumes are ridiculously easy if you know how to sew and make simple props, so they're going to be Friday cosplay. Hunt me down on Friday! I love taking pictures with people.
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
OnmitsuI'm just a birdieCa-caw, ca-caw!Registered Userregular
Working on a massive, massive update of the Protoman costume. Fiberglass body armor, redone armcannon, EL wiring, the works. Same for my friend's Mega Man. We'll have a Dr. Light this year, and likely a Sniper Joe as well. There will likely be alternative cosplays as well, tbd.
Working on a massive, massive update of the Protoman costume. Fiberglass body armor, redone armcannon, EL wiring, the works. Same for my friend's Mega Man. We'll have a Dr. Light this year, and likely a Sniper Joe as well. There will likely be alternative cosplays as well, tbd.
Sweet, any chance we can get regular updates to see how it's all put together? I'm gonna be doing some remodeling to my Megaman costume from Prime and would love to see how you guys went about it.
I plan to repeat my Lookouts/Daughters of the Eyerwood costume... and I really want to find some like-minded folks to make a "troop"! I saw two people doing Lookouts cosplay at Prime last weekend. It's my dream to have a whole group of green-cloaked PAXers, ready to slay the Winter King! Any takers? I have sources/ideas for a lot of the costume pieces.
I love your idea, hopefully you can find enough people to make a troop. Also, happy to see I am not the only one doing a costume related to a PA property and not a specific game.
I'm considering going as Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution, provided I can swing the trip to Boston. Anyone with tips on how to make good-looking cybernetic arms, I'm all ears! (I'm fairly certain a set of just hands could be easily done with the right gloves, but I'd rather do the full arms if I could find a way. Trenchcoats are so 2025.)
So I am intending to do Lilith from Borderlands for PAXEast this year - first time Cosplaying
In light of the weapons rules...I'd love ideas for a Borderlands-style weapon for posing with that would be allowed. I haven't started work on anything and had intended on a deactivated air soft gun since I had one lying around making it free and easy...but obviously that isn't going to work! So ideas for a beginner would be great! Suggestions...websites....anything!
So I am intending to do Lilith from Borderlands for PAXEast this year - first time Cosplaying
In light of the weapons rules...I'd love ideas for a Borderlands-style weapon for posing with that would be allowed. I haven't started work on anything and had intended on a deactivated air soft gun since I had one lying around making it free and easy...but obviously that isn't going to work! So ideas for a beginner would be great! Suggestions...websites....anything!
oooh, i'll have to track you down! my bf is working on rounding up a group to go as various claptraps and i know he'd love to do pictures with you! he went as claptrap by himself last year and got a lot of attention.
So I am intending to do Lilith from Borderlands for PAXEast this year - first time Cosplaying
In light of the weapons rules...I'd love ideas for a Borderlands-style weapon for posing with that would be allowed. I haven't started work on anything and had intended on a deactivated air soft gun since I had one lying around making it free and easy...but obviously that isn't going to work! So ideas for a beginner would be great! Suggestions...websites....anything!
So I am intending to do Lilith from Borderlands for PAXEast this year - first time Cosplaying
In light of the weapons rules...I'd love ideas for a Borderlands-style weapon for posing with that would be allowed. I haven't started work on anything and had intended on a deactivated air soft gun since I had one lying around making it free and easy...but obviously that isn't going to work! So ideas for a beginner would be great! Suggestions...websites....anything!
Questions about that policy, and about any changes to it before East, can be directed to me. Some points that often come up:
- Deactivated Nerf is generally okay, but please don't be surprised or offended if it gets checked!
- As for home-built props that resemble game weapons - use your common sense and refer to the guidelines above.
Ok, so this begs the question, what classifies as a "deactivated nerf gun" - I love the one TOGSolid posted, how would I go about deactivating it?
Questions about that policy, and about any changes to it before East, can be directed to me. Some points that often come up:
- Deactivated Nerf is generally okay, but please don't be surprised or offended if it gets checked!
- As for home-built props that resemble game weapons - use your common sense and refer to the guidelines above.
Ok, so this begs the question, what classifies as a "deactivated nerf gun" - I love the one TOGSolid posted, how would I go about deactivating it?
Just Don't Bring any Dart's i am pretty sure they will still let you in.
Questions about that policy, and about any changes to it before East, can be directed to me. Some points that often come up:
- Deactivated Nerf is generally okay, but please don't be surprised or offended if it gets checked!
- As for home-built props that resemble game weapons - use your common sense and refer to the guidelines above.
Ok, so this begs the question, what classifies as a "deactivated nerf gun" - I love the one TOGSolid posted, how would I go about deactivating it?
Just Don't Bring any Dart's i am pretty sure they will still let you in.
Last year they were pretty strict about the no-weapons policy. It seemed like even if it looked like it had the potential to fire, they wouldn't allow it. I'm not 100% sure though - I didn't have a weapon personally.
Not bringing any projectiles is not the same as deactivating the nerf. Liger at one point said she had a good method for deactivating nerf, maybe you can PM her and find out what it is? I'm sure there's some on the internet as well.
I sent Liger a message, thanks for the suggestion This will have to go on my to do list for post-Halloween as I'm hoping to test run the outfit then first.
i am thinking of getting the IJiek Racing jacket but it's impossible to find and sold out on capcoms sight. wanting to be in some type of SWAT uniform but thats probably as tough as the ijiek racing jackey
Sorry - maybe I assumed too much knowledge there! "Deactivating" a Nerf gun means removing working parts so that it's incapable of firing anything. This can mean removing working parts from the inside, permanently blocking the barrel, etc. Removing working parts is popular because it's easy for Enforcers to see when they look inside -- and then, after whatever event you were at, you can put them back again, and voila: working Nerf gun.
Note: deactivating airsoft works the same way, but is NOT okay for PAX because airsoft weapons resemble real firearms too closely!
Thanks Tango! I was mostly trying to figure out if deactivating was removing *all* the inside parts or just removing/disabling the trigger/firing mechanism and leaving the rest. So now I know! Now its off to find a nerf gun! The new line just launched and it looks pretty cool!
Just bear in mind that if your Nerf looks like, well, a Nerf, you are liable to be stopped several times a day by Enforcers checking that your Nerf can't fire anything. If you're cool with that, then by all means go ahead.
I'll being doing a scrafty cosplay (pokemon) hopefully be helping in the pokemon league and if I have the time i'll be doing Susano from Okami. Do you think a big wooden sword would be against the rules?
So I am intending to do Lilith from Borderlands for PAXEast this year - first time Cosplaying
In light of the weapons rules...I'd love ideas for a Borderlands-style weapon for posing with that would be allowed. I haven't started work on anything and had intended on a deactivated air soft gun since I had one lying around making it free and easy...but obviously that isn't going to work! So ideas for a beginner would be great! Suggestions...websites....anything!
- It fires or can fire any sort of projectile.(Yes, even Nerf.)
So mod it and deactivate it. Problem solved yo. My arm cannon was built out of two fully disabled nerf guns and I proudly displayed it on these boards and took it to PAX with nary a problem. Granted, I had completely sawed the grip, trigger, and the guts out of them, but you get where I'm going with this. You obviously wouldn't take that thing to PAX stock, but it gives you an amazing base to start from. You don't really need much to pull the internals out besides a set of small screwdrivers and a cup to hold the screws. It's super easy.
Feel free to ask me any questions about Nerf Gun modding here or in PM! I got a decent bit of experience with it after tinkering with the internals of a couple and building my Buster Cannon for PAX Prime.
The fruits of my labors for those curious:
I will be building a more involved Mark 2 version (LED lights and spinning chambers anyone?) so my Nerf Gun adventures are far from over!
I feel a little weird about doing a costume that is exclusively rooted in Penny Arcade, so I have a couple thoughts and would like to get an opinion from the community. First of all, do you think the CTS (Cardboard Tube Samurai) fits a convention like PAX even though it is not a gaming character and is specific to Penny Arcade?
If I do end up going with it I'm trying to figure out parts of the CTS costume. I have the general idea of what I want to do, the yellow robe with the black on the sleeves, and bottom of the robe along with the pac-man symbols and think I can take care of that. Also I figure that for the cardboard tube something along the lines of a paper towel tube should work unless it needs to be bigger, I figure that tube should not violate any of the weapon policy rules
The one question I have is does anyone know the type of hat that he wears in some of the comics and when you look at the figure they have in the shop. In addition does anyone have any idea where I could get something like that.
I feel a little weird about doing a costume that is exclusively rooted in Penny Arcade, so I have a couple thoughts and would like to get an opinion from the community. First of all, do you think the CTS (Cardboard Tube Samurai) fits a convention like PAX even though it is not a gaming character and is specific to Penny Arcade?
If I do end up going with it I'm trying to figure out parts of the CTS costume. I have the general idea of what I want to do, the yellow robe with the black on the sleeves, and bottom of the robe along with the pac-man symbols and think I can take care of that. Also I figure that for the cardboard tube something along the lines of a paper towel tube should work unless it needs to be bigger, I figure that tube should not violate any of the weapon policy rules
The one question I have is does anyone know the type of hat that he wears in some of the comics and when you look at the figure they have in the shop. In addition does anyone have any idea where I could get something like that.
I have definitely seen CTS cosplays at PAX before. I would even go so far as to say it's a thing you could take to other, non-PAX conventions.
There are several CTS cosplays per PAX, even - one of the very first people in line for the first PAX East was a really awesomely done female CTS. People tend to obtain hats from places like BaconSandwich linked to, and use a slim poster tube or etc. for the cardboard tube. This obviously has the advantage that you can store any posters you buy inside the tube, too.
First day I will be doing Big Sister from Bioshock 2 with my group consisting of a Delta, and multiple splicers.
Second day I will be doing Sae from Fatal Frame 2
Last day I will be Kokiri Link again.
I'm planning on doing Alice from American McGee's Alice: Return to madness
And depending on if I have the work space I want for it a set of Halo Mark VI armor, can't wait!
Pax East 2012 Omeganaut!
Pax East '12 checklist: [x] 3 day pass, [x] hotel booked, [x] byoc seat registered, [ ] cookies baked, [ ] omegathon won.
Working on a massive, massive update of the Protoman costume. Fiberglass body armor, redone armcannon, EL wiring, the works. Same for my friend's Mega Man. We'll have a Dr. Light this year, and likely a Sniper Joe as well. There will likely be alternative cosplays as well, tbd.
I love everyone that cosplays for these events, and no offense to anyone, but I hope to see these the most! lol Wish I had more craftsman skill cause I would so do something... Maybe I'll go as Cole from Infamous... I got the sweet bag from the hero edition, and already have tattoos and a shaved head, so it would be pretty easy...
edit: after looking through some dress patterns, i may actually attempt -steampunk daisy-
- Deactivated Nerf is generally okay, but please don't be surprised or offended if it gets checked!
- Deactivated airsoft is NOT okay, because it generally still resembles a real firearm even if painted etc.
- As for home-built props that resemble game weapons - use your common sense and refer to the guidelines above.
- The bit of that policy that refers to costume weapons is for cosplay and costume weapons only; this is not the place to have a discussion about carry rights, please take that elsewhere!
And last but not least:
- Don't be freaked out if an Enforcer asks to look at your prop, because most of the time it's just to see how cool it is. (That Black Templar's bolt pistol this Prime just gone! )
Saturday: Nothing but a rumour.
Sunday: Whatever my PAX Pokemon League character turns out to be.
Playing through Chrono Trigger for the first time on my DS (I know, I know!) I can't wait to see your cosplay.
I played through it for the first time myself on the DS. I'd seen the whole thing played when I was younger, but never actually played it myself. There is no shame.
Fortunately, Chrono Trigger costumes are ridiculously easy if you know how to sew and make simple props, so they're going to be Friday cosplay. Hunt me down on Friday! I love taking pictures with people.
I love your idea, hopefully you can find enough people to make a troop. Also, happy to see I am not the only one doing a costume related to a PA property and not a specific game.
In light of the weapons rules...I'd love ideas for a Borderlands-style weapon for posing with that would be allowed. I haven't started work on anything and had intended on a deactivated air soft gun since I had one lying around making it free and easy...but obviously that isn't going to work! So ideas for a beginner would be great! Suggestions...websites....anything!
oooh, i'll have to track you down! my bf is working on rounding up a group to go as various claptraps and i know he'd love to do pictures with you! he went as claptrap by himself last year and got a lot of attention.
Ok, so this begs the question, what classifies as a "deactivated nerf gun" - I love the one TOGSolid posted, how would I go about deactivating it?
Just Don't Bring any Dart's i am pretty sure they will still let you in.
Last year they were pretty strict about the no-weapons policy. It seemed like even if it looked like it had the potential to fire, they wouldn't allow it. I'm not 100% sure though - I didn't have a weapon personally.
Note: deactivating airsoft works the same way, but is NOT okay for PAX because airsoft weapons resemble real firearms too closely!
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Feel free to ask me any questions about Nerf Gun modding here or in PM! I got a decent bit of experience with it after tinkering with the internals of a couple and building my Buster Cannon for PAX Prime.
The fruits of my labors for those curious:
I will be building a more involved Mark 2 version (LED lights and spinning chambers anyone?) so my Nerf Gun adventures are far from over!
If I do end up going with it I'm trying to figure out parts of the CTS costume. I have the general idea of what I want to do, the yellow robe with the black on the sleeves, and bottom of the robe along with the pac-man symbols and think I can take care of that. Also I figure that for the cardboard tube something along the lines of a paper towel tube should work unless it needs to be bigger, I figure that tube should not violate any of the weapon policy rules
The one question I have is does anyone know the type of hat that he wears in some of the comics and when you look at the figure they have in the shop. In addition does anyone have any idea where I could get something like that.
I have definitely seen CTS cosplays at PAX before. I would even go so far as to say it's a thing you could take to other, non-PAX conventions.
As for the hat, maybe something like this?
Swag Tube Samurai?
Dare I say...Swagurai?
Second day I will be doing Sae from Fatal Frame 2
Last day I will be Kokiri Link again.
And depending on if I have the work space I want for it a set of Halo Mark VI armor, can't wait!
Pax East '12 checklist: [x] 3 day pass, [x] hotel booked, [x] byoc seat registered, [ ] cookies baked, [ ] omegathon won.
I love everyone that cosplays for these events, and no offense to anyone, but I hope to see these the most! lol Wish I had more craftsman skill cause I would so do something... Maybe I'll go as Cole from Infamous... I got the sweet bag from the hero edition, and already have tattoos and a shaved head, so it would be pretty easy...
What do you guys think?