So anyone here living with the opposite sex? Guy living with girl, or girl living with guy? Not related, but roommates, girlfriends, or wife?
I am living with a female roommate who I got matched up with because I was looking for a new roommate and this girl is the daughter of my dad's business friend. Never met her in my life and we grew up in totally different settings. So whatever, I needed a new roommate and I met with the girl to talk and see how she's like. She was cute and nice to talk to, but I thought she was not going to move in with me being a guy thinking I could be a possible rapist/creeper. But she gave me a chance, and decided to move in with me. And this is a girl who gets hit on by multiple guys and even been stalked before. so I find it crazy she trusted me and decided to live with me as guy she has never met before, except my dad being her dad's business partner. It's the only we kind of know each other, but other than that, we are almost like perfect strangers living together and starting from scratch.
It's nice living with a female roommate and it has its perks. The apt is much cleaner, she bakes awesome food and shares with me, and I have a roommate with boobs. But then, it is alot of maintenance to make her feel comfortable and happy so we can actually be friends than just roommates. Because when girls get angry for whatever reason, it's a pain in the ass to fix it and make up to her. One day, I looked at her hallmark cards one day that had nothing written in them and she got very angry at me and slammed the door on me and would not talk to me for 2 days. Because I invaded her privacy and looked through her stuff. Just compete silence, ignored me, and came out just to get something from the kitchen and walk back to her room. I couldn't apologize right away or she may think I'm not sincere, but I can't wait so long to the point where she keeps playing the ignoring game making it harder to accept my apology. But yeah, when a girl ignores you after being angry at you, it's the worst feeling in the world. But I finally apologized and now she talks to me more and we are finally on good terms, but who knows how long that will last for. It's much easier to stay friends with girls who don't live with you since you don't have to live with them and have less opportunity to piss them off. Well, I think this experience will make me ready when I have a serious relationship because I will not have unrealistic expectations of living with a girl and know the BS that will come up in the future.
So yeah, anyone other guys or girls living with the opposite sex have interesting stories? Whether its roommates, girlfriend, or wife? Dating and seeing each other doesn't count, you have to live together. And mom's and sisters don't count. And aunts and grandmas. I won't say it's fun to live with the opposite sex because it is alot more work and BS to deal with, but it's rewarding when you can make it work out in the end.
Talk about your crazy stories!!!
this is the family/roomates crazy stories thread now
it is the zeitgeist of the forums
no way
it's p sweet
also speaking quite frankly I wish you wouldn't oscillate between the first and second person
I feel like you're projecting some stuff that I don't really want to be the recipient of
You might try smoothing things over by telling people on the internet about her boobs.
No, I forgot to mention. She left them in the common room where the big TV is. Her room is always locked, so I can't get in her room anyways.
There was more than one occasion where he expressed concern over the fate of my soul.
your gay life
Or is this silent treatment maybe a blessing in disguise.
once you frot you just cant stop
the frot
can't stop the frot you can't stop
Jet Falcon you are the real deal.
I had to tell my brother the bidness when he tried to pull me back into church over the phone
"Okay, seriously, bro. I was a Mormon for how many years? Don't try that conversion bs on me."
and then I hung up on him
felt good
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
mormons man what is even the deal
you are rong
Sure, they do a lot of good for the community and are generally nice people
but that dogma surrounding it is balls
I was around for the whole California Prop 22 ordeal (state ban on gay marriage- the one that the supreme court struck down before Prop 8)
you wanna hear about a religion flaunting its tax exempt status
look no farther
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
She's okay.
a thread this guy made
about an admin of another forum he posted on contacting the police about him
every night i crawl out and shave his eyebrows
I think I should get a discount on rent because I'll be providing you with sex
she's pregnant, now
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Yeah, for the record, this has nothing to do with gender and is generally bad etiquette when living with other people.