do you have to check a prop in even if its not a pseudo-weapon?
my Saturday costume combination of an old pirate costume and some SP stuff
a teaser of my mundo Jaw and phone. gonna be wearing facepaint as well and have the rest of the costume complete. gonna probably be wearing that around friday till it becomes too uncomfortable.
This... is just awesome. I look forward to seeing the finished product!
Friday: Red (female Soldier) - TF2
Saturday: Lilith the Siren - Borderlands
Sunday: Imperial Commissar - Warhammer 40k (tentative)
Currently finishing up the first two. Sadly I did not plan ahead enough to make a bolt pistol for my Commissar (the previous con I wore it to had stricter prop rules than PAX)... so I will just have to threaten my troops with my sword instead.
Can I bring my metal shield and empty scabbard that goes with my link costume? If so then do I have go somewhere special to check it? Also does anyone have any advice on how to lug these on a bus cause it'll get annoying really quick.
Don't have any pictures, but my cosplay involves Desmond Miles from the Assassin's Creed series across all three days, while my sister will go as Jade of Beyond Good and Evil.
Pretty much have everything; all that is left for me is the makeup including the scar over the mouth, and the tattoo on my left forearm. Not doing the hidden blade, as it's pretty late in the game and, if game history serves correctly, next month is supposedly when Desmond is abducted by Abstergo and forced to go under the Animus.
For the moment, let's see how long I can stay hidden in plain sight...
EDIT: Found out the arm tattoo isn't going to be possible, but I've got the scar to boot.
Can I bring my metal shield and empty scabbard that goes with my link costume? If so then do I have go somewhere special to check it? Also does anyone have any advice on how to lug these on a bus cause it'll get annoying really quick.
There is no need to check in a shield and empty scabbard.
It's not as straight as I would like, but what can you do with EL wire? Oh well. Now I just have to make the skirt and the gun. Woooo! Not bad for my first time working with EL wire.
Hey everyone so it looks like I will be bringing one of my costumes along. I'll be Adeleine from Kirby 64 for the Kirby even that happens Saturday. It might not happen since my sister has to pick it up from my room and I have a 12 hour flight tomorrow from Paris to Seattle but if you see me feel free to say hi! Can't wait to see your costumes in person! Really lovely turnout this year.
Does anyone want to join me? It'll be more fun to go as a group!
It's at Volume Seattle Nightclub in Pioneer Square the winner gets $500!
here's a link to their fb page
Does anyone want to join me? It'll be more fun to go as a group!
It's at Volume Seattle Nightclub in Pioneer Square the winner gets $500!
here's a link to their fb page
OMG Katx i wanna go! I'll be in costume anyway after PAX! Do you know if we need to pay anything?
Does anyone want to join me? It'll be more fun to go as a group!
It's at Volume Seattle Nightclub in Pioneer Square the winner gets $500!
here's a link to their fb page
I really wanna join.. but I am still debating of wearing my old costume or not (Coz I dun have time to prepare a new one.. sad...) .. =\
Ya... if lots of ppl r going, that would be fun!!! even without dressing up!! =D
I am debating if I want to wear my dress again. I really love it, but it got a bit crinkled today!
Here is what the dress looked like from the front this morning.
what do you call a pile of kittens? A meoooowntain! itweet
So, I realize the likelihood of anyone reading this before... well the few hours until Saturday of PAX starts up might just be slim to none, but I figured it was worth a shot...
I am going to be dressed up as Elizabeth Greene from Prototype and I was hoping to know if anyone is planning on coming as Alex Mercer or any other Prototype characters, seeing as I would LOVE to get photos together. Well, if no one responds, I'll keep my eyes peeled for any other viral life forms out and about the con. Happy hunting.
As a heads up we do have a cosplay thread and you can skim through that. Best of luck with PAX!
PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
So, feeling kind of foolish in hindsight, but my group and I didn't get very many pictures of ourselves in costume today. However, there were -tons- of people taking pictures of us. If anyone has photos of Batman's Rogues Gallery, please send them to me in a private message. Thanks muchly ^.^
Fidchel on
PAX Prime 2012 (Pin-Up Gardener Poison Ivy)
PAX Prime 2013 (Bollywood Black Mage)
PAX Prime 2014 (Renaissance Lady Link)
There were a couple people wandering around Friday that DTJAAAAM doesn't have pictures of and I'm curious if anyone did; there was one girl who had a naga costume complete with someone holding up her snake tail, and there was another who had tiny little dragon wings on her back but decided to put on slitted-eye contacts. There was also a pretty rockin' Daenerys from GoT hanging around; I am KEEPING AN EYE on various streams to see, but does anyone here know who that was /was anyone here one of those people?
Was that naga wearing cowboy themed clothing? Because I believe you're referring to Cassiopeia from the game League of Legends, check out post-PAX coverage from their facebook and they should post pictures.
PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
I sadly was unable to find any 11th Doctors while I was cosplaying as the 10th, except for one who walked in while I was doing the paint and take from Reaper Minis. I really wanted to get a picture WITH an 11th Doctor.
This was my first real time cosplaying (I don't count my time at SDCC because that was more a test run of a Halloween costume) and it was a real blast. I loved how people were just SO excited to ask "Is it okay if I take a picture with you?" Next time I will have red shoes, but I am going to work on a 9th Doctor costume because I kept getting told "you have the hair and the face". What I would really need is OTHER Doctors or a TARDIS or a Rose to be with me so people will actually KNOW I'm being the 9th Doctor and not just some guy in a leather coat!
Next PAX though, I'm going as Arthur Dent. Oh yes, me in a bathrobe with a towel, iPad, and a very confused expression.
here is a good gallery shot of all the League of Legends cos-players from the first day. I was the taller Mundo with the big jaw. i missed the stage photos because i was stuck in the swag line :oops: . but luckily right as i got out of that they where doing the other photos. it was fun talking to the other cosplayers everyone was really nice and did amazing jobs on their costumes. i wish the other mundo had posted here otherwise i might have gone as something else ;-) i got a couple shots with people in my second day costume but i haven't found any online. i had a point where a guy asked me for a picture and i turned and said "over here" and moved to get to a better spot than the center of the busy aisle and when i turned around he had ran off i hope he didn't think i was trying to ignore him . anyway fun times! cant wait for next year
There were a couple people wandering around Friday that DTJAAAAM doesn't have pictures of and I'm curious if anyone did; there was one girl who had a naga costume complete with someone holding up her snake tail, and there was another who had tiny little dragon wings on her back but decided to put on slitted-eye contacts. There was also a pretty rockin' Daenerys from GoT hanging around; I am KEEPING AN EYE on various streams to see, but does anyone here know who that was /was anyone here one of those people?
I ran into the naga (Cassiopeia) and Daenerys today, but don't recall anyone with dragon wings. Makes me curious as to who the character was!
There were a couple people wandering around Friday that DTJAAAAM doesn't have pictures of and I'm curious if anyone did; there was one girl who had a naga costume complete with someone holding up her snake tail, and there was another who had tiny little dragon wings on her back but decided to put on slitted-eye contacts. There was also a pretty rockin' Daenerys from GoT hanging around; I am KEEPING AN EYE on various streams to see, but does anyone here know who that was /was anyone here one of those people?
I ran into the naga (Cassiopeia) and Daenerys today, but don't recall anyone with dragon wings. Makes me curious as to who the character was!
Oh hey David! That was me! I was supposed to be Rhaegal, the baby green dragon from the Song of Ice and Fire series, but I really can be any generic green dragon. Sad I didn't run into you at all this weekend!
Oh hey David! That was me! I was supposed to be Rhaegal, the baby green dragon from the Song of Ice and Fire series, but I really can be any generic green dragon. Sad I didn't run into you at all this weekend!
Agreed, I remember you saying you were going but you were one of the few friends I didn't run into during the show. Might have just been me being distracted by all the free stuff, as all those goodies really weakens my costume scouting skills. XD
This... is just awesome. I look forward to seeing the finished product!
Mundo goes where he pleases!
Friday: Red (female Soldier) - TF2
Saturday: Lilith the Siren - Borderlands
Sunday: Imperial Commissar - Warhammer 40k (tentative)
Currently finishing up the first two. Sadly I did not plan ahead enough to make a bolt pistol for my Commissar (the previous con I wore it to had stricter prop rules than PAX)... so I will just have to threaten my troops with my sword instead.
Crunch time. I'll finish attaching the limbs to the body tonight.
Edit: Limbs attached!
Silica - Sword Art Online -Infinity Moment-
Teddie - Persona 4
Finally retiring Recette. It's been a good run.
The zora armor is mostly complete. I ran out of time to build the helmet for it.
Do you want that ball back? I still have it.
that would be wonderful cliff
Pretty much have everything; all that is left for me is the makeup including the scar over the mouth, and the tattoo on my left forearm. Not doing the hidden blade, as it's pretty late in the game and, if game history serves correctly, next month is supposedly when Desmond is abducted by Abstergo and forced to go under the Animus.
For the moment, let's see how long I can stay hidden in plain sight...
EDIT: Found out the arm tattoo isn't going to be possible, but I've got the scar to boot.
There is no need to check in a shield and empty scabbard.
Now just waiting on my bow to get finished.
(left the cat in because holy lol)
And the back:
It's not as straight as I would like, but what can you do with EL wire? Oh well. Now I just have to make the skirt and the gun. Woooo! Not bad for my first time working with EL wire.
Does anyone want to join me? It'll be more fun to go as a group!
It's at Volume Seattle Nightclub in Pioneer Square the winner gets $500!
here's a link to their fb page
This is my first time trying cosplay. My costume is pretty simply compare to many of yours, but it should still be fun. See you there!
It's my first time also, and my two are also super simple. Glad to see that I won't be the only one without an elaborate costume!
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
OMG Katx i wanna go! I'll be in costume anyway after PAX! Do you know if we need to pay anything?
I really wanna join.. but I am still debating of wearing my old costume or not (Coz I dun have time to prepare a new one.. sad...) .. =\
Ya... if lots of ppl r going, that would be fun!!! even without dressing up!! =D
tanyihe, We should go together!! I know it is free if we show up in costume, and I can always give them my PAX ticket for free entry!
Wowww free entry!! Sure!! I'll be there!!!i=2058246824&k=K7P4N9w
I'm excited to see the rest of their team and every other costume at PAX!
Here is what the dress looked like from the front this morning.
So, I realize the likelihood of anyone reading this before... well the few hours until Saturday of PAX starts up might just be slim to none, but I figured it was worth a shot...
I am going to be dressed up as Elizabeth Greene from Prototype and I was hoping to know if anyone is planning on coming as Alex Mercer or any other Prototype characters, seeing as I would LOVE to get photos together. Well, if no one responds, I'll keep my eyes peeled for any other viral life forms out and about the con. Happy hunting.
PAX Prime 2013 (Bollywood Black Mage)
PAX Prime 2014 (Renaissance Lady Link)
PAX Prime 2012
Sunday's photos are up!
This was my first real time cosplaying (I don't count my time at SDCC because that was more a test run of a Halloween costume) and it was a real blast. I loved how people were just SO excited to ask "Is it okay if I take a picture with you?" Next time I will have red shoes, but I am going to work on a 9th Doctor costume because I kept getting told "you have the hair and the face". What I would really need is OTHER Doctors or a TARDIS or a Rose to be with me so people will actually KNOW I'm being the 9th Doctor and not just some guy in a leather coat!
Next PAX though, I'm going as Arthur Dent. Oh yes, me in a bathrobe with a towel, iPad, and a very confused expression.
here is a good gallery shot of all the League of Legends cos-players from the first day. I was the taller Mundo with the big jaw. i missed the stage photos because i was stuck in the swag line :oops: . but luckily right as i got out of that they where doing the other photos. it was fun talking to the other cosplayers everyone was really nice and did amazing jobs on their costumes. i wish the other mundo had posted here otherwise i might have gone as something else ;-) i got a couple shots with people in my second day costume but i haven't found any online. i had a point where a guy asked me for a picture and i turned and said "over here" and moved to get to a better spot than the center of the busy aisle and when i turned around he had ran off i hope he didn't think i was trying to ignore him . anyway fun times! cant wait for next year
I ran into the naga (Cassiopeia) and Daenerys today, but don't recall anyone with dragon wings. Makes me curious as to who the character was!
Oh hey David! That was me! I was supposed to be Rhaegal, the baby green dragon from the Song of Ice and Fire series, but I really can be any generic green dragon. Sad I didn't run into you at all this weekend!
Agreed, I remember you saying you were going but you were one of the few friends I didn't run into during the show. Might have just been me being distracted by all the free stuff, as all those goodies really weakens my costume scouting skills. XD