Hey guys, I need to figure out if a hard drive has died on me or not.
A couple of days ago, I was on my gaming machine. I transferred a bunch of stuff from another machine (mostly video, audio, and saved game files) to it to clear up some space on my media machine. Then I turned it off, as I was done using it and I'm trying to keep the power bill low.
Later that day, I got to turn on the machine and I get an error in post telling me to insert the system disc. Ok, I figured that some windows file got corrupted. I ran to Best Buy to pick up a drive. My plan was to install windows on this new drive, transfer the files, then format and reinstall windows on the old drive. The problem is I can't get the old drive recognized.
The old drive is a SATA drive and the new drive is a IDE drive. The SATA drive wasn't an option when I was installing windows and it's not showing up in My Computer now. It's powered up and connected to the motherboard. I switched it from the SATA 1 to the SATA 2 connector, and still I'm having no luck.
What I'm trying to figure out is whether or not my hard drive is just totally dead or if it could be something else. I don't have another comp that takes SATA drives, so I can't test it that way. I can't imagine that it's hooked up wrong, as it's been working for around two years and I need the stuff off of it.
So, what do you all think?
Check your BIOS to see if the drive is listed there. Also, make sure that your IDE hard drive and optical drives are set to cable select; I've seen some BIOS' that use SATA devices on the IDE bus and knock them out of the configuration entirely when two other IDE devices are connected.
If the SATA hard drive is showing up in the BIOS see if you've got SMART disabled; or see if there's a selft-test (I dunno if this appears in non-OEM computers)
It's possible something totally clobbered the partition tables, but the hard drive should still appear in Disk Management. If it doesn't appear there, and doesn't appear in the BIOS and the BIOS isn't causing a conflict between the IDE and SATA drives then you've got a dead hard drive. Hopefully it's under warranty. If it isn't then here's a side project: disassemble the hard drive and make a set of wind chimes from the platters.
Oh, hey I'm making a game! Check it out: Dr. Weirdo!