So I had a normal day at work, just like everyone else I'm sure. Get home with my fresh new copy of Arkham City and 12 pack of beer...Gonna be a good night, right?
Hmm. The outside lights on, I never turn that light on. Strange.
Try the door, it's unlocked, WTF!
Peek my head in and yep, all my shit was ransacked. 42" tv, gone. tv in the bedroom, gone. Samsung Galaxy (which I just bought on fucking Saturday), gone. 360, gone. PS3, gone, strongbox with all my papers and 3k cash, gone.
Fuckers even took two longboxes full of comics. Who the hell burgles your damn house and steals comics!!!
So now I have a condo with shit on the floor everywhere. Cops just left and I'm waiting on a locksmith to replace my busted ass door.
Looking on the bright side my pc is still here so I'm gonna get real drunk and not sleep tonight.
How was your day SE++?
Neighbor was home all day too and she didn't hear jack.
Soooo Angry
Ain't going to guarantee nothing but it does act as a deterrent.
Something's fishy.
Maybe after I get all these beers in me I'll go play CSI.
Seriously though, that sucks dude
Man, if someone stole my 360...
It's not even the cash value. It's my goddam saves.
My cheevos.
I never thought of that. ARG!!!
Anyone new or strange been in there recently or have your neighbors had some folks hanging around recently?
Oh, did you get your tablet-related accounts sealed up?
can't microsoft track...
something? like of they try to log on as you or something
I'm not very good at computers
Nobody in the actual place no, not that I don't 100% trust.
Next door neighbor has some shady ass relatives though, in an out of jail but she swears they haven't been around in weeks. Maybe I need to use some sodium pentothal on her. Anyone know where to get some?
That doesn't mean deadbolts are useless. Part of the problem may be that the landlord didn't have the deadbolts in the building installed correctly, reducing their effectiveness. There is no perfect security. Deadbolts are by no means perfect, but they definitely increase security compared to just having a regular lock.
Only think I had on it was gmail and comixology which has my billing info. Cop duder said don't report or change anything like that for a few days in case the dumb bastards try to use it since I'll be refunded anything after the break in.
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
This is an awesome idea. :^:
Locksmiths here now. Not sure I'll even be able to sleep after he fixes this stupid door anyway.
Satans..... hints.....
So what then? Do I replace all of my things that I worked so hard to aquire only to have this happen again in six months?
Maybe I should get a pit bull, place is is small and I'm away all day so I'd feel bad keeping it cooped up but he'd eat any asshole that tried this shit.
That seems extra fishy to me. Especially if she is the neighbour with the jailbird relatives. Forcing a door open makes a shit-ton of noise. And it's not a noise that can be mistaken for something else like a car crash or thunder. It's a very specific THUMP-CRUNCH, and would be almost guaranteed to catch the ear of anyone currently conscious within 100 feet. Or wake someone sleeping in the apartment next door...
The first thing I would do is have a deadbolt installed properly, and then get a security system and make sure you have some shit visible that tells people you have one.
just god damn
People are fucking nuts. Alarms are so worth it.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Sadly it is a code that is only found on your xbox.
But yes, if you do happen to have this code lying around, you can tell the local PD that they can get Microsoft to track the 360 and where it's turned on and such.
what about home alone style booby traps?
Nazi vortex cannons.
Look all I can say is that kid is going to juvie for many many counts of attempted murder.
it's most often someone living near you that knows your schedule and wants the shit you have.
I'm the gullible type so I really don't want to suspect my neighbor but I have a really bad feeling about it.
Only other thing I can think of is UPS, I had the tv, tablet, my laptop, all that shit delivered through Amazon via UPS, those guys know what's in here.
woah! where is it? Gonna write this down right away
oh my god
oh god can't think, never leaving house again
No way I'm sleeping, thank god they left my pc. Insane that they didn't take this when they took damn near everything else that wasn't bolted down.
Also it was totally your neighbor's shifty ass relatives.