Or maybe just some borax.
Anyway, I've recently moved into a new apartment, and I've also recently started noticing some tiny reddish-brown bugs in my bathroom.
They've got segmented bodies and are about 0.5mm x 2mm. They don't have wings and they don't even seem to be able to walk particularly well, so I'm not even sure how they've managed to get this far. I'm also more than 50 feet above the closest lawn (and my bathroom has no windows), so I don't think they've miraculously ingressed through a window.
At first I thought they were ants, but in the last 2 days I have found about 6 of them and they're only in my bathroom (usually on the sink or the floor). The bathroom is just about as far as you can get from my kitchen without being outside.
So first of all: do I need to panic and start burning everything in my apartment. And then: how do I kill them (my plan is to borax up the place unless there's something more effective, but I may need to expedite that plan if they're true parasites.
No free rides. Unless you're a puppy or kitten or something, in which case: socialism for all the cute fluffy animals!
The most important information gleaned is probably that potental colonies can scatter and create new colonies if sprayed with overtly noticeable pesticides. So the recommended method is baiting on paths the ants travel.
But the problem (if it can be called a problem) is that I only ever see one ant at a time (albeit usually at the floor of the sink cabinet or on the sink itself). So how can I know what constitute's an ant's path if it's effectively one ant at a time? I figure I can throw a bunch of boric acid in the pipe access behind the sink and then around some wall/floor edges, but I'm not sure how much more strategic I could go.
Also, don't leave anything out that they would consider food. If they're just scouts that means they haven't found anything they like yet. If they find something they can eat then there will be hundreds of them in no time.
Those bait traps you buy at the store worked pretty well for us, but a lot of times there will be a nest somewhere outside that you'll need to get. We just put them where we'd see them (kitchen, by the cat food, in the bathroom) and started seeing them less.
[e] Unless they turn out to be tiny puppies, of course. That blow-up is a little blurry.
"Wall crevice, alright!"
"Wall crevice, great!"
"...white bathroom? White bathroom!? Nobody ever comes back from there!"
Since I mercilessly crush the lone invaders.Maybe that means I should just put a pinch of borax on every ant/bug-thing I see and send a message back home for them.
Also I took 5 pictures and that was the most in focus I could get. My camera does not do well with super close-ups of bugs.
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This. A thousand times. Terro totally destroyed an ant problem I had in my apartment a couple of years back. I'm on the 4th (and top!) floor and the little SOBs climbed all the way up here to get into my business. Normal ant death traps did not work. As soon as those little assholes started to suck down that Terro, I never saw them again. You also get the added satisfaction of seeing a literal field of ant death around each Terro deposit. Suck on that, invaders!
Terro's ant cowboy spokesman there really should've just not shaven for a couple of days before they did that spot.
And they should've gotten Sam Elliot to dub his voice.
You know what, fuck it. They should've just gotten Sam Elliot.
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