There was this old arcade game that I played on a ferry back in the mid 90s. It was a linear action platformer where you're short, stocky knight in blue or grey armour - it vaguely reminded me of the action segments of Keith Courage in Alpha Zone. I think you went left instead of right as well, but I'm not sure.
It had roughly SNES level graphics.
Another thing, which sets it apart from most arcade games; it was
long. Even though the machine was broken and permanently set to free play, and I had a full day to play it on and off (taking turns) we still never managed to beat it.
Does any of that sound familiar? I know it's pretty vague, but G&T does have a reputation, after all.
Yeah really sounds like GnG. Are you absolutely sure it was left scrolling?
I never asked for this!
I'm pretty sure you could take more than 2 hits and survive; either that or 1 hit killed you and I just jammed the start button. I'm almost positively sure that you didn't lose your armour when you were hit. The environments were decidedly un-graveyardish, too.
I'm not too sure about the left scrolling thing, so don't let it rule anything out.
Lots of Genesis games were arcade too, so I thought maybe it went from one to the other...
Dammit. I don't remember the name.
Nevermind, I was thinking of this NES game. Played it a lot at my friends' house. It's awesome.
But I'm very anxious to learn what this mystery game is...!
It was right-scrolling, I believe. Good sound fx too.
This sounds very familiar though.
Edit: I think you started in a cave and eventually moved outside, where the sun was setting and you walked on these Donkey Kongish girders - don't consider that last part law though.
Rocket Knight Adventures? No, that's short possum in armor with rockets...
Do you remember what his weapon was? Powerups? Style of enemies? Joystick with two buttons?
Maybe you're dyslexic, or your long-term memory is.
The game had a very dark pallete; you were always in a cave or a poorly lit room or outside at night or something. I think that should help.
Or, for the arcade version...
Note that in the screenshot, you can see he has a life bar. More than one hit. There's also a spot for a powerup. And he's facing left (though the screen might not be scrolling left).
Or maybe it's all a coincidence...
Is that is? I actually came to that second, after this one.
Dark, scrolls in lots of directions, really long. And I see a powerup that looks like a potion. Grey armor.
Actually, looks more like this version...!!
Well, any of those?
Now that I've thought about a while, I think the graphics might have actually been sub-Genesis level, but the darkness and other techniques were used to hide it well - sort of like Faxanadu. I know for sure that the sprites were reasonably large, so it wasn't like a NES game or anything like that.
I'm surprised nobody else is piping up. Like you said earlier, I thought G&T had a rep for figuring these things out in just a few minutes.
They do when such games exist.
There has got to be some flaw in your information, as it has been an entire day since this thread began and so far nothing has come close.
I doubt it is Wardner, but those screenshots are hilarious.
Random game I don't think is it, but with a very large character, dark background, armor, and fairly bad graphics.
There's a Nintendo game that sounds very familiar...I don't know if there's an arcade version of it, though. I do know that in the very first stage, you're underground in a castle with guys in grey armor with swords. You have to walk *LEFT* to get to the boss of that level, a dragon that spits fire.
Eh? EH?
It also could have been the arcade-only game Legend of Makai. Or possibly Castle of Dragon.
How about listening to some of the music. For some reason, this game's music has stuck with me as much as Contra or Castlevania.
Just scroll down.
And I think he already said no to Trojan. I'm going to go look for pics of those other two...I don't think I've heard of them.
Maybe it was one of those arcades hooked up to an NES? A video store I used to go to had one of those.
Edit : Both of those do seem to fit several of the requirements...
Uh, that fits Wizards and Warriors completely now. ;3
It was mainly a side scrolling platformer where you would jump on platforms, swing from ropes, and get a powerful axe that you could use for a short time.
I say that because im sure you could go leftwards at the very beginning of the game.
I think the first one was a platformer, but the sequels were all more exploration. Right?
I know this is an old thread, but still.
I used to pour all my moneys into that game. Sounds about right for the time frame too. I just can not remember the name of the game.