[CYOA] Space Australia: GAME. SET. MATCH.

Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourseRegistered User regular
edited February 2012 in Critical Failures

I. Introduction
It was the year 2111 when The Disaster happened. What remained of humanity had no choice but to leave Earth behind and travel out into the depths of space to find a new home. Deep-space telescopes had long since pin-pointed several worlds orbiting distant stars that were likely to be able to support life. The first wave of automated vessels left five months before The Arks. They were designed to break up into collections of satellites equipped with communication and sensor arrays, when the colonists arrived they would be given detailed maps of their homes and enough information to rapidly set about establishing a foothold.

Faster than light travel is impossible and so each Ark would take hundreds of years to reach its destination. To this end, they were outfitted with thousands of suspended animation pods. At fixed intervals of a few years, a revolving skeleton crew would be awoken to complete basic maintenance.

No two Arks were the same, being literally thrown together as quickly as possible. The President Palin was a very simple design, a long spine with the Orion engine at one end and the Command centre at the other. The Orion engine spat countless nuclear devices out behind it and used the force of their explosion to accelerate the ship outwards into the deepest reaches of space. Around the spine were six discrete colony pods, each was detachable and filled with a thousand able bodied survivors, along with a food and other basic supplies.

Each pod also contained something unique:
Pod 1 contained genetic samples of as many plants and animals are could be gathered at short notice, along with a few live specimens kept in suspended animation.

Pod 2 contained a mass of industrial equipment beyond that which the other pods carried.

Pod 3 contained an array of specialist science and medical equipment.

Pod 4 contained extra supplies. Beyond the water and foodstuffs however, these extra supplies largely took the form of arms. A fact which only a select few of the ship’s crew were aware.

Pod 5 contained a library of cultural materials. Historical artifacts, texts, art objects, as much as could be gathered to preserve the history and culture of Earth.

Pod 6 contained a penal colony. The entire population of Strangeways Detention Centre, 1500 inmates of all genders and backgrounds, were saved from their own extinction.

Suspended animation terminated six hours before planetfall was to be made. The plan had been for the Loki Satellite Network (LSN) to relay its planet survey to the whole ship population. Following this the Captain and his crew would select the best colony site and each pod would be deployed in turn, detaching from the President Palin and being guided to its destination by the LSN. When members of your pod awoke though, they found the pod to have been sealed off from the rest of the ship and there was no word from the LSN, or the ship’s crew. All communication attempts with the other pods, the satellites or the crew failed. A team set about forcing the bulkhead doors and airlocks connecting to the ship’s spine, but either this triggered this deployment or it was an automated process.

The colony pod detached and plunged down toward the planet with no guidance system and no idea what was waiting for it on the alien world below.

II. What is this?

This is a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) game. It’s sort of like a Play By Post but more freeform and with no defined player list. Every turn I’ll post an update, with a few options and then you lot get to decide what you would like to happen. With your choices determining the fate of our luckless colonists. Anybody can jump in and have their say on the direction taken by the colony in a given turn. I'll go for whatever gets a majority.

I also encourage you guys to post little side stories, or drawings or whatever. I’m just arbitrating. it’s your colony to run (as a valiant and terrible democracy). Also, it helps me to know what you guys want so I can swing my options to fit that better.

This idea is something certain forums used to do quite a bit, but most recently you can look over at what hoodie13 did in SE++ recently, where the forum guided a group of tree people in their conquest of the world.

III. The Rules

Here's a brief explanation of the skeletal system I've knocked up. It's not hugely important, but there will be some method to the madness. Beyond this there will be various events as you explore and interact with things (again driven by what you guys want - for an example, whether or not you care about finding out what exactly happened on the President Palin).
Sometimes, we’ll want chance to play a part in what happens. In such cases, I’ll roll dice (3d6). That gives us a nice shaped curve between 3 and 18, where the extremes are pretty unlikely but you’ve got a solid chance of beating a 10. Situations will make that target number higher or lower, and you may get bonuses to those dice.

Supplies are split into Food, and Resources. One man needs one food per turn. Building things will take generic resources (you may also need specific types of resources to do certain things, I’ll just list these after the number “Resources 1000 [Uranium] [Oil]”, and these won’t be exhausted).

Population is sort of a resource, in general it slowly increases each turn (I’ll roll 2d6 and take the first from the second, and you gain that many hundred people, with negatives just being zero growth). There’s a max population too, which is the number of people you can house.

We also have energy. Generally new buildings and projects will need an amount of energy units to support them. Power plants and technology will increase this number.

Beyond this there’s also Morale. This goes Riots-Unhappy-Fine-Happy-Bliss. Riot gives you a -4 on most rolls, Unhappy a -2, Fine is no modifier, Happy is +2, Bliss is +4. Events will move you up and down the morale track. If you have positive morale, you have to pass a difficulty 8 check to avoid slipping down a level.

I have a map with a hex grid overlayed on it, so we can keep track of various things.

IV. Can I play?

Yes, just look at my latest post and tell me which option you want. Even better, do it in bold and red so I can see it.

For instance, if the last post ended with:
A - Explore [see the map, give a direction]
B - Build Housing [+0.5k population cap, needs 1 energy, costs 500 resources]
C - Build Expanded Hydroponics [+0.5k food per turn, needs 2 energy, costs 1000 resources]
D - Build Communication Array [needs 3 energy, 2000 resources]
E - Train military [needs 500 resources, produces 100 militia[level 1 soldiers]
F - Research Planetology [Xenoalgae]
G - Research Industry [Autonomous refineries]
H - Research Fundamental Science [Ion storm prediction]
J - Research Military [Heat ray]

You could say something like:
A[North]: We need to explore those hills! At best they'll be full of diamonds or uranium, and at worst we could spot enemies before they get near the city

V. How do we start?

Well, you need to decide which of those pods survived. The default package for each pod is 1k Population [with housing], 5k Resources, 5k Food, a nuclear microreactor [Produces 5 energy] and arms for 100 militia [level 1 soldiers]. You also get a special ability based on which you choose. It may also have some other effects as things develop.

A: Pod 1 - Biological Archive [Start with a small hydroponic farm (+750food per turn), all food production is at +50%]
B: Pod 2 - Industrial [Start with 10k Resources, all resource production is at +50%]
C: Pod 3 - Science and Medical [Chance of a breakthrough each turn, I’ll roll 3d6 and if I get an 18 I’ll give you a free tech! Roll an extra 1d4 on any medical challenges]
D: Pod 4 - Supplies [Start with 10k Food Supplies, and enough guns and equipment to arm a total of 200 troops [level 2 soldiers]]
E: Pod 5 - Culture [Start with a Happy population, and you gain an extra 1d4 to avoid slipping down the morale track]
F: Pod 6 - Prison [Start with 2.5k Population and enough housing for them]

And then we'll need to name this planet and your group too. We may even need a flag.

Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
Mojo_Jojo on


  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    F - Pod 6, Prison

    Simply because a society run by prisoners is gonna be the most fun.

    Abdhyius on
  • GreeperGreeper Registered User regular

    I agree! F: The prisoners shall settle on Space Australia!

  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    D - Pod 4 - SUPPLIES!

    Bedlam on
  • StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular

    Prison planet

  • hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    Man this is way more involved than mine, and that means you've thought waaay more than I did about it. WHICH IS AWESOME

    Seriously this is a great setting. I'm 150% for this, oh man.

    Uh... Ok, my head says go with B. Pod 2, but my butt wants to go with F: Pod 6 because RIDDICK

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    Pod six is jerks

  • CelebrimCelebrim Registered User regular
    edited October 2011

    If I've learned anything from Vin Diesel, prisoners always survive these situations.

    EDIT: Riddick ref beat'n

    Celebrim on
  • GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    Pod Six just means that we starve to death faster. Pod 1 means delicious plant-chops for everybody.

  • CelebrimCelebrim Registered User regular
    GrimmyTOA wrote:
    Pod Six just means that we starve to death faster. Pod 1 means delicious plant-chops for everybody.

    Bah. Donner, party of four, your table is ready.

  • MalkorMalkor Registered User regular
    I as the deposed dictator Lord Malkor Chamberlain I decleare that we should free the poor gentle folk of Pod 6 and either eat them or put them to work.

    It's just sensible people.

  • GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    Celebrim wrote:
    GrimmyTOA wrote:
    Pod Six just means that we starve to death faster. Pod 1 means delicious plant-chops for everybody.

    Bah. Donner, party of four, your table is ready.

    Everyone always assumes that they're going to be the ones eating, not the ones eaten.

    Come on guys, there's tofu!

  • DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    Am I the only one interested in building up our Industry? Pod 2

  • TmoiyTmoiy Registered User regular
    Vote POD 3 for SCIENCE!

  • CayrusCayrus Consul Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!Registered User regular
    D - Pod 4 - SUPPLIES!

    Former Secret Service Agent Nathaniel Ford in Call of Cthulhu: Whispers in the Darkness

    Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before

    Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Yay, new CYOA!

    I'd vote D for Pod 4 Supplies, but looks like we're going to go all Riddick now. Which is also cool, he will protect the plucky girls-pretending-to-be-boys*, angsty pilots, and religious mans*.

    But when we find out there's perpetual night or come upon a derelict freighter full of mysterious eggs, not having those extra guns is going to be regretful. :P

    *at least until we get to the inevitable sequel, Chronicles of CYOA

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    It has to be Pod 6

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular

    Pod 3.

  • Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Seven votes for Pod 6! Pods 4, 2 and 1 trail behind with a vote each. And there I was, worrying that Pod C overshadowed the rest with its glory.

    Edit: Oh, people voted while I was writing. Err. Two votes for 3, another for 6 (up to 8), and two more for Pod 4 (for 3). So it's still six! Hurray.

    Turn 1

    Decision: F The brave men (convicts) of Space Australia

    Population: 2.2k [2.5k cap]
    Food: 5k [-2.2k/turn]
    Resources: 5k [+0/turn]
    Energy: 5/5
    Morale: Fine

    Pod Six Colony
    Crashed Pod [2.5k Housing, no energy requirement]
    Nuclear microreactor [+5 Energy]

    100 prisoners with guns [Level 1 Soldiers]

    The alarms sounded as Pod Six began its descent, the disembodied voice of the President Palin demanded that all strap themselves into the descent seats. The sirens failed to stop as the vaguely feminine voice complained of being unable to contact the Loki Satellite Network. Repeating its message three more times, the red strobing light and klaxxon abruptly terminated. The pod itself was equipped with a few thrusters and several parachutes to guide its descent, but without guidance systems they were all but useless. The ship's voice calmly announced that Pod Six would be performing an "unassisted landing" and the squat cylinder began to shake violently as it entered the atmosphere.

    The realisation of their impending death spread across the thousand colonists within seconds. Cries of horror, sobs and prayers filled with vacuum of sound. Somewhere, sealed behind security bulkheads, the inmates reacted in a similar, but more violent way. It was one young engineer who decided to act, tearing herself free of the thick straps and cushioning, she left her descent seat and staggered toward one of the pod's computer terminals.

    [Roll to see if our brave hero manages to land the ship without any guidance. Difficulty 10. And I rolled a... 9. Oh dear]

    A sudden jerk announced that the thrusters had spluttered to life, pushing against deadly gravity. The shaking lessened slightly, but was replaced with a gradual spinning that began to accelerate. The pod had pushed itself into a spin. Several alarms started, much louder and more piercing than those which announced the pod's descent. Red and orange lights spinning around the narrow aisles of descent seats. Dragging herself across the floor, and looping an arm through a metal restraint, the engineer slammed another control.

    Outside the pod, panels were blasted free and parachutes shot out. Several were torn to shreds instantly, but most survived and even managed to inflate in the alien atmosphere. Inside the pod, the shock was severe but the carefully designed descent seats had absorbed the brunt of the sudden change in acceleration. The engineer had not been so lucky, the force had shattered her arm instantly and unconscious she could no longer hang on. A few colonists tried to reach her, but with their own restraints there was nothing they could do except watch her get battered around like a rag doll.

    The actual impact as the pod hit the ground was far worse than any of that. Several of the seats failed, colonists and prisoners tore through their restraints and collided against one another and bulkhead walls.

    [Failure leads to 1d4k deaths. Roll is a 3.]

    The sudden jolt of the landing also served to override the security protocols. The prisoners were out of their secure areas of the pod before most of the colonists had managed to extricate themselves from their seats. Whatever hierarchy the group of inmates had established back on Earth in Strangeways was now in effect for the survivors of Pod Six's crash.

    Standing before one of the viewports, the new administration look out on their home. A rocky expanse of red and brown. A plume of smoke hangs in the muddy brownish sky to the east, vanishing behind distant hills. One of the other pods perhaps? Or a piece of one. Studying the vista there's a sudden yelp of excitement. A series of long purple fronds jutting out of the sand, each the length of a man's forearm. It was clearly not a geological formation; it was alien life. A plant of some kind. Or maybe the animals here are just very different? Looking closer there are similar growths here and there across the whole region around the crashed pod.

    Another man taps on the one of the computer panels. For some reason, the communication systems weren't working. At all. There seemed to be something blocking all signals. The environmental sensors were work, however. Only trace level of oxygen, mostly carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ammonia and methane. It was around half as thick of the Earth's. The air outside was not breathable

    Still, first priorities were food. Pod Six had too many people and not enough food. The pod contained a few prefab structures, they could be deployed outside and maybe used to establish hydroponic farms. Still, it would take time. The administration can see three options: Starving slowly as they failed to establish sufficient hydroponic bays to feed the whole colony, forcing everybody onto half rations while they tried to establish infrastructure and finally, cannibalism.

    (Not so useful now, you can't see much)


    Decision Time
    (Choose a letter and a number)

    A - Explore a hex [see the map, give a direction]
    B - Build More Housing [+0.5k population cap, needs 1 energy, costs 500 resources]
    C - Build Hydroponics Bay [+0.5k food per turn, needs 2 energy, costs 1000 resources]
    D - Research Planetology [Alien plants - Maybe they're edible?]
    E - Research Industry [Transport - Rovers for better exploration]
    G - Research Fundamental Science [Communication problems]
    J - Research Military [Improvised Weapons]

    1 - Take no action on the food crisis [No change]
    2 - Begin rationing [Food requirements halved, morale takes a step down]
    3 - Cannibalism [Kill 0.4k population to provide 2k food, morale takes a step down]

    I was trying to find some nice alien vistas without lots of water, alien cities and other stuff. Hard to find.

    Mojo_Jojo on
    Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    D - 2

    Gloriously sink all battleships.

  • DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    D2 - We'll need to ration our food until we can find another source. We've got too many people for Hydroponics to save us by itself.

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Let's go to our flow chart for Civ-type games.

    Explore -> Expand -> Exploit -> Exterminate

    Obviously, Choice A is the best.

    2. And let's ration our food.

    Capfalcon on
  • CayrusCayrus Consul Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!Registered User regular
    Food is our main concern right now.


    Former Secret Service Agent Nathaniel Ford in Call of Cthulhu: Whispers in the Darkness

    Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before

    Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    Hey cap, exploring does nothing if we starve to death.

  • TmoiyTmoiy Registered User regular
    Maybe the other pod has food or energy that we can use.

    A [east]

    3 - Cannibalism time!

  • DirtmuncherDirtmuncher Registered User regular
    D 2.

    I want to ride worms.

  • DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    Suggestion for directions: use even numbers from an analog clock. (There is no true east on a hex grid.)

  • GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    I don't think that research is going to be pod 6's thing. Unless we get the "Applied Shivology" option.

    C - 2

  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    C2, I'm with Cayrus on this one. Better that we start growing our own food first, in case the alien flora is inedible. Or causes us to grow extra livers or something.

    With our spectacular starting luck, we'll probably find out that the alien plants find us edible, instead of the other way around.

  • CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Bedlam wrote:
    Hey cap, exploring does nothing if we starve to death.

    Yeah, but rationing gives us a good bit of time. And the hydroponics doesn't exactly fix our problem either, it just puts the clock on a slower count down. If we need to later, we can build the hydroponics to buy us more time to find a permanent fix.

  • jakobaggerjakobagger LO THY DREAD EMPIRE CHAOS IS RESTORED Registered User regular
    edited October 2011

    jakobagger on
  • CelebrimCelebrim Registered User regular


    We may want to preserve the 300 corpses from the crash, in case have to resort to cannibalism anyway.

  • GreeperGreeper Registered User regular
    C - 3

    Come on guys, be reasonable. Half rations? That's nuts. Cannibalism's the answer until we get those hydroponics. What we can't eat we can use as fertilizer!

  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Hydroponics, while only providing some relief to the food shortage, will also take some time before the crops are at any sort of harvest-ready stage. Unless we do find some large, permanent food supply, trying to kick start hydroponics late in the game probably wouldn't help much.

    Unless we've got some kind of super seeds that are just-add-water and poof, instant food.

  • GreeperGreeper Registered User regular
    I imagine we do? I think we're meant to take from his post that we start getting 500 rations a turn immediately after we build them.

  • Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse Registered User regular
    It looks like we've got a general consensus, but I need to stop sitting at my computer and go be a person. I'll post in the morning, so you've got twelve hours or so to try and overthrow the rationing planetology block.
    Hydroponics, while only providing some relief to the food shortage, will also take some time before the crops are at any sort of harvest-ready stage. Unless we do find some large, permanent food supply, trying to kick start hydroponics late in the game probably wouldn't help much.

    Unless we've got some kind of super seeds that are just-add-water and poof, instant food.

    I'm not running an actual alien planet simulation here! A hydroponics bay is just a building that gives you 0.5k food a turn so long as it has energy. A turn is an arbitrary period of time that represents how long any given activity takes.
    Celebrim wrote:
    We may want to preserve the 300 corpses from the crash, in case have to resort to cannibalism anyway.

    This is an excellent point. I'll include something about this next turn

    Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Mojo_Jojo wrote:
    I'm not running an actual alien planet simulation here!

    Bedlam on
  • ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Bah, this is totally immersion breaking for a fictional sci-fi choose-your-own-adventure game! NERDRAAGGGEEEEE!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


    Heh, no really that's cool then, I think I still like C2 though, at least it's a sure thing. Next turn we should totally start eating some alien crabgrass.

  • GreeperGreeper Registered User regular
    Guys, cannibalism. We'll eat the rapists and email spammers...

  • MalkorMalkor Registered User regular
    edited October 2011


    Malkor on
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited October 2011

    The strong gangs get to eat. The weak gangs get to be eaten.

    Set some of them to start tasting alien things, see if they live.

    Abdhyius on
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