So Ive had my 360 connected to my LCD monitor via the VGA cables for a while now, but since I also have my computer hooked up to said monitor, I have to share the speakers that I use for my computer and xbox360.
Herein lies the problem.
I have a Asus A8N5X motherboard that uses a Realtek onboard audio(updated to newest drivers etc), which happens to have the digital input plug which I have the 360 plugged into. I have the speakers hooked up to the audio card through the digital output plug.
The problem I am having with this setup is that when I do play on the 360, the sound is good until there are very low(bass) sounds. When there is a deep sound that is relatively loud, I get loud crackles and loss of sound in stutters if that makes any sense. (ie for those who have played Crackdown, when you jump from a high place and it makes the "thud" noise)
Im almost 100% positive that it isnt my speakers since im having the same problem with headphones plugged in as well. I also don't experiance this when im using my PC audio stuffs.
I have an old Creative Labs Sound Blaster "Live!" Platinum (model CT4760) sound card in a dead pc that I could try and use, but I would rather not have to go through the trouble of digging it all out to test it out and find that it doesnt work since its so out of date driver wise.
So if anyone has experienced any similar problems with their setup or have potential fixes let me know!
XBL: Ryke Kardine SteamID: