"An e-mail confirmation will be sent after your order is complete. Your e-mail confirmation provides support options and additional information about the show." ....anyone get that email yet? I got an email titled Your Email Confirmation but it doesn't provide any new information.
Looks like a misprint. I'm guessing that there's only one confirmation email, not two.
I just purchased 2 badges for myself and my man! Between booking the Westin and buying the PAX badges today, it's almost real (even if it's 150+ days away still)!
FYI: apparently the registration system does not like it if you live in Washington, DC. I tried to register with two different credit cards like 20 times before i realized thats what was messing up the system. You have to switch to "Other" for your State/Country and then fill it in yourself. Annnoooying.
Plane Tickets: Bought, Hotel: Booked, 3 Day Pass: Bought, Achievement Unlocked: PAX Booked
If anyone has a time machine I would be really happy if you let me use it to go to April 5.
Invalid account number. Please check the card number entered.
Denied interactive ticketing hates my shazam debit mastercard
I'm an idiot, i got the date wrong, under bad lighting the 5 looked like a 3 FUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
rileyper on
Pax Prime 2014 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [x] BYOC [not attending ]
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
Do you get any sort of discount for buying your pass way ahead of time? It doesn't seem like it ($65) I guess I'm just used to other cons where the earlier you buy the cheaper your pass is
3 day pass $65 (limited supply) <<<<BEST VALUE and its a discount
3 day individual day passes $105 ($35e)
after april 4th $120($40 each)
Pax Prime 2014 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [x] BYOC [not attending ]
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
Do you get any sort of discount for buying your pass way ahead of time? It doesn't seem like it ($65) I guess I'm just used to other cons where the earlier you buy the cheaper your pass is
A long while ago there was a discount for purchasing online pre-con as opposed to at the door. This no longer matters because the con always sells out via online purchases and has zero "at the door" badges available.
Do you get any sort of discount for buying your pass way ahead of time? It doesn't seem like it ($65) I guess I'm just used to other cons where the earlier you buy the cheaper your pass is
It does seem more expensive this year, doesn't it.
Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
Do you get any sort of discount for buying your pass way ahead of time? It doesn't seem like it ($65) I guess I'm just used to other cons where the earlier you buy the cheaper your pass is
It does seem more expensive this year, doesn't it.
For 3 day badges East 2011 was $55, Prime 2011 was $60, East 2012 is $65.
Blizzcon for 2 days was $175. It's all relative (and value is 100% subjective)... but I think PAX is still a pretty good deal
zerzhul on
KailKeeper of AwesomenessWMASSRegistered Userregular
3 day badge bought! First time going. Super Excited!!!
PAXEast 2013 Status - [] 3-day badge [] Hotel [] Challenge Coin
VP of 5x5Servers.com
Also note that where price is concerned, some amount of that is going toward new anti-counterfeiting measures, which will cut down on the excessive crowding that some experienced at Prime due to the surge of fakes; many would argue that's money well spent!
I've already booked my hotel but frankly I wasn't ready for this to hit - hopefully in a few weeks I'll have the $$ to pick up my tickets. They generally last until the end of the year don't they?
I've already booked my hotel but frankly I wasn't ready for this to hit - hopefully in a few weeks I'll have the $$ to pick up my tickets. They generally last until the end of the year don't they?
It's going to be a sell out for sure, but I don't recall when they start running short. There's also the fact that the event seems to get more popular with each year, so you have to be careful about holding out.
They do tend to give a warning on the PAX site before they run out.
Time off confirmed, Westin hotel booked, one three day pass purchased. My life is complete!!!! Now I just need to get these next 150 days out of the way.
FYI: apparently the registration system does not like it if you live in Washington, DC. I tried to register with two different credit cards like 20 times before i realized thats what was messing up the system. You have to switch to "Other" for your State/Country and then fill it in yourself. Annnoooying.
This was the exact same problem I had. I thought there was something wrong with my card the first 10 times
I've already booked my hotel but frankly I wasn't ready for this to hit - hopefully in a few weeks I'll have the $$ to pick up my tickets. They generally last until the end of the year don't they?
It's going to be a sell out for sure, but I don't recall when they start running short. There's also the fact that the event seems to get more popular with each year, so you have to be careful about holding out.
They do tend to give a warning on the PAX site before they run out.
Last year, badges lasted until February. I suppose due to them making it larger that could still happen, but PAX Prime 3 day badges sold out in 22 days. I am guessing somewhere between those two times is where we will lie
The key is, if you don't *have* to wait, don't wait.
Looks like a misprint. I'm guessing that there's only one confirmation email, not two.
Can't wait to see everyone again!
For those in the know about hotel situations (while I'm stuck at work) what is the pricing and availability at the Seaport Hotel?
Go to the hotel registration website, it will tell you when you do a search.
Anime Boston Pass - Check
Hotel - Check (since July)
Ready to go! Now i have to wait... *sigh*
Now I just have to endure the next 6 month....
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Badges [ ] Hotel [ ] Complete Pixelist.net [x] Excitement [x]
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
If anyone has a time machine I would be really happy if you let me use it to go to April 5.
Invalid account number. Please check the card number entered.
Denied interactive ticketing hates my shazam debit mastercard
I'm an idiot, i got the date wrong, under bad lighting the 5 looked like a 3 FUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
3 day individual day passes $105 ($35e)
after april 4th $120($40 each)
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
A long while ago there was a discount for purchasing online pre-con as opposed to at the door. This no longer matters because the con always sells out via online purchases and has zero "at the door" badges available.
It does seem more expensive this year, doesn't it.
For 3 day badges East 2011 was $55, Prime 2011 was $60, East 2012 is $65.
Blizzcon for 2 days was $175. It's all relative (and value is 100% subjective)... but I think PAX is still a pretty good deal
VP of 5x5Servers.com
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
That is worth a cheevo as well.
It's going to be a sell out for sure, but I don't recall when they start running short. There's also the fact that the event seems to get more popular with each year, so you have to be careful about holding out.
They do tend to give a warning on the PAX site before they run out.
This was the exact same problem I had. I thought there was something wrong with my card the first 10 times
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
Google+ | Twitter
Last year, badges lasted until February. I suppose due to them making it larger that could still happen, but PAX Prime 3 day badges sold out in 22 days. I am guessing somewhere between those two times is where we will lie
The key is, if you don't *have* to wait, don't wait.
2009 Omeganaut