Won't say were I saw them because I don't want to get hit with an infraction, but someone is selling PAX East 3 day badges for $300.00 per badge! Kind of makes me sick that someone would take the opportunity away from someone who really wants to go just to make a cheap buck.
PAX South Status: [x] Room @ The Marriot - [x] 3 day pass - [x] Vacation scheduled
A week before the convention, those $250-$300 3 day badges will be all bought up..
It's also awesome that business licenses are now required for Media badges. It should definitely weed out the fakes! All my Media stuff has been submitted, just waiting for approval!
They usually announce when they're down around 1000 badges or so left. This year they announced 10% (which is probably more than 1000). PAX is popular. It's going to sell out faster and faster every year. They DO care about people getting to go, but they can't exactly help that the convention is popular and that the popularity is increasing.
True, but 10% left which is about 5k-6k lasted 2 days. Where as last year that last 10% lasted a couple weeks and Pax didn't sell out until about 3 weeks beforeish.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
They usually announce when they're down around 1000 badges or so left. This year they announced 10% (which is probably more than 1000). PAX is popular. It's going to sell out faster and faster every year. They DO care about people getting to go, but they can't exactly help that the convention is popular and that the popularity is increasing.
True, but 10% left which is about 5k-6k lasted 2 days. Where as last year that last 10% lasted a couple weeks and Pax didn't sell out until about 3 weeks beforeish.
I believe it was stated back when badges went on sale that they added capacity for this year. I *think* it was 20% additional capacity, but I don't have a source to quote off hand to validate that number. I think that zepherin likely didn't know that the "attendance" numbers that are quoted are turnstile and not badge count.
A week before the convention, those $250-$300 3 day badges will be all bought up..
It's also awesome that business licenses are now required for Media badges. It should definitely weed out the fakes! All my Media stuff has been submitted, just waiting for approval!
I'm not going this year, but I would like to say this is a great change. I got bumped in lines for demos several times last year by media members that I would say were dubious at best - twice in the same line to play Gunstringer actually. They clog the aisle with cameras and tend to hog the time of the exhibitors.
Frankly, I'd like to see the media badges go away entirely and have everyone just have a regular badge because it tempts exhibitors to let people line jump or take up all their time.
I generally always pre-pay because the rates can be very good that way. Bad thing is alot of pre-pay rates also come with no cancellations allowed 0.o.
zepherinRussian warship, go fuck yourselfRegistered Userregular
I generally always pre-pay because the rates can be very good that way. Bad thing is alot of pre-pay rates also come with no cancellations allowed 0.o.
And sometimes they still walk you if they overbook, now you have some options, but if your at Seaport and you get walked, there is no place they are going to put you that makes it ok.
That_GuyI don't wanna be that guyRegistered Userregular
They usually announce when they're down around 1000 badges or so left. This year they announced 10% (which is probably more than 1000). PAX is popular. It's going to sell out faster and faster every year. They DO care about people getting to go, but they can't exactly help that the convention is popular and that the popularity is increasing.
True, but 10% left which is about 5k-6k lasted 2 days. Where as last year that last 10% lasted a couple weeks and Pax didn't sell out until about 3 weeks beforeish.
That brings back some awesome memories. PAX 07 was the best PAX to date and will probably remain the best PAX of all time. It wad the first year in the Down Town Seattle Convention center, more than doubling the available space. Lines were almost non-existant for anything you wanted to see. It was also the year where Will Wheaten did the keynote. I wish evey PAX could be as awesome as 07.
Yeah I tended to wonder how many people with media badges were legit cause I would think anyone with the simple means of having a youtube page that featured unboxing videos and their own reviews/opinions could have got in. I thought they were supposed to wait in line like everyone else but that was probably a myth since the exhibitor wants the publicity. I was fortunate enough to meet one of the guys from bitmob and his bro at the subway and hitched a ride with them back to the same hotel, one of the things that made PAX East memorable. Although G4TV will definitely return maybe I'll finally meet Sessler spotted him at the brink party along with a few others noticeable faces but he was surrounded...
[x] Hotel booked
[x] Ride Booked
[x] 3-day Pass
Will be more prepared than ever for the show than the previous year. XP!!!!!
They would never get rid of Media badges, that would just be a stupid idea. Media have schedules. Which explains the line cutting.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
Exhibitor booths are different than the rest of PAX and typically run things their own way. Unfortunately, this means that some exhibitors will bump people off of machines for media appointments. Some booths, however, keep demo stations for media separate from others, which prevent them from having to bump people from machines, but also give the appearance of empty demo stations when there is no media present.
It's a delicate balance.
jaberwockynmtPAX Info Booth ManagerRenton, WARegistered Userregular
Yeah I tended to wonder how many people with media badges were legit...
The requirements have gotten stricter over the years (see this year's requirements: http://east.paxsite.com/registration.php), but there has always been a "legit" bar that any Media badge holder needed to meet before getting their badge.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
This will be my first year going, I bought 3-day passes as soon as they were available. Just curious, do we receive these in the mail sometime before the event, or we pick them up at the event?
This will be my first year going, I bought 3-day passes as soon as they were available. Just curious, do we receive these in the mail sometime before the event, or we pick them up at the event?
If you are in the USA, you will receive it in the mail a couple of weeks prior to PAX.
If you are not in the USA but selected and paid for fedex shipping, you will receive it along the same sort of schedule.
If you are not in the USA and did not pay for fedex shipping, you pick it up with proper ID and barcodes at the event.
I snag the passes as soon as I see them go up. This is only my second Pax, but I learn fast. I watch the site everyday until the passes go up then follow up. I buy two just in case a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time.
Hotel and flight only happen once I'm fully committed. Passes come first.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I snag the passes as soon as I see them go up. This is only my second Pax, but I learn fast. I watch the site everyday until the passes go up then follow up. I buy two just in case a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time.
Hotel and flight only happen once I'm fully committed. Passes come first.
The way everyone should do this.
Make sure you can get into an event first before booking travel/lodgings for said event.
"The way everyone should do this" . . . Yes every one buy one more pass then you need. That way they sell out even faster next year necessitating ebay, and the need ticket threat that is no longer allowed.
"Edamame?! You know, Soy BEANS?! Well if you dont have it why is it ON THE BOARD?! TAKE IT OFF THE BOARD!!" -Edamame Enforcer
"The way everyone should do this" . . . Yes every one buy one more pass then you need. That way they sell out even faster next year necessitating ebay, and the need ticket threat that is no longer allowed.
I bought 127 of them to hand out as party favors for my wedding.
Better not call anyone on the forum anymore. Expecially not the BYOC manager.
Assuming you did such a gesture, would all 127 of these people be going to PAX? Theres not the off chance that someone wont go and that's another pass out of the hands of someone who would otherwise?
"Edamame?! You know, Soy BEANS?! Well if you dont have it why is it ON THE BOARD?! TAKE IT OFF THE BOARD!!" -Edamame Enforcer
Better not call anyone on the forum anymore. Expecially not the BYOC manager.
Assuming you did such a gesture, would all 127 of these people be going to PAX? Theres not the off chance that someone wont go and that's another pass out of the hands of someone who would otherwise?
Nobody is advocating buying more than you need. People are advocating getting a pass before paying for hotel/travel. I'm not sure what's so hard about this.
I snag the passes as soon as I see them go up. This is only my second Pax, but I learn fast. I watch the site everyday until the passes go up then follow up. I buy two just in case a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time.
Hotel and flight only happen once I'm fully committed. Passes come first.
"I buy two just in case.
Thats what I was getting at.
"Edamame?! You know, Soy BEANS?! Well if you dont have it why is it ON THE BOARD?! TAKE IT OFF THE BOARD!!" -Edamame Enforcer
I always find myself with friends in need of passes, so I see nothing wrong with doing this. I still think that zerzhul is right, though. Everyone is referring to what BigRed was saying about buying passes first and thinking about the details afterward.
Better not call anyone on the forum anymore. Expecially not the BYOC manager.
Assuming you did such a gesture, would all 127 of these people be going to PAX? Theres not the off chance that someone wont go and that's another pass out of the hands of someone who would otherwise?
It was in jest. If I did do this, I'm sure almost nobody would go.
I'm in Canada, ordered my PAX East 3-day pass but forgot to select FEDEX option. I'm aware I can pick it up at will-call, but is there any way to pay to have it shipped after the fact?
I snag the passes as soon as I see them go up. This is only my second Pax, but I learn fast. I watch the site everyday until the passes go up then follow up. I buy two just in case a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time.
Hotel and flight only happen once I'm fully committed. Passes come first.
"I buy two just in case.
Thats what I was getting at.
If you had read a bit further you would have seen the rest of the sentence stating " a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time."
For your information I bought a pass for one friend last year, she couldn't make it, and that pass I gave to another friend in need.
I don't go around hogging passes for sh*ts, grins, and giggles sake. :P
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I snag the passes as soon as I see them go up. This is only my second Pax, but I learn fast. I watch the site everyday until the passes go up then follow up. I buy two just in case a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time.
Hotel and flight only happen once I'm fully committed. Passes come first.
"I buy two just in case.
Thats what I was getting at.
If you had read a bit further you would have seen the rest of the sentence stating " a friend of mine needs one and can't buy in time."
For your information I bought a pass for one friend last year, she couldn't make it, and that pass I gave to another friend in need.
I don't go around hogging passes for sh*ts, grins, and giggles sake. :P
I do, I horde all the passes and then I have a nice plastic bonfire before pax and laugh at all the people who missed out.
jaberwockynmtPAX Info Booth ManagerRenton, WARegistered Userregular
I'm in Canada, ordered my PAX East 3-day pass but forgot to select FEDEX option. I'm aware I can pick it up at will-call, but is there any way to pay to have it shipped after the fact?
I don't think you can change this after the fact, but pax_questions@paxsite.com would know. Please let us know what they say so we can have clarity here.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
I may not be able to attend PAX this year, so I'd like to get a refund on my ticket if that's the case. I see we aren't allowed to sell tickets on this site, so hopefully a refund will be granted.
How do I go about getting a refund? I emailed pax_questions, but haven't had a response. Thanks!
jaberwockynmtPAX Info Booth ManagerRenton, WARegistered Userregular
I may not be able to attend PAX this year, so I'd like to get a refund on my ticket if that's the case. I see we aren't allowed to sell tickets on this site, so hopefully a refund will be granted.
How do I go about getting a refund? I emailed pax_questions, but haven't had a response. Thanks!
If you can get a refund (I'm not sure, but I think not), you've already emailed the only people that can help you.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
3 single days is also going to be cheaper than a scalped pass or anything of the sort, and you know you it's legit!
It's also awesome that business licenses are now required for Media badges. It should definitely weed out the fakes! All my Media stuff has been submitted, just waiting for approval!
I'd feel bad, but you've apparently been to PAX East twice already ...
Best get on 3 One-Days in a hurry
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
I believe it was stated back when badges went on sale that they added capacity for this year. I *think* it was 20% additional capacity, but I don't have a source to quote off hand to validate that number. I think that zepherin likely didn't know that the "attendance" numbers that are quoted are turnstile and not badge count.
Edit: ah, here's the tweet I was referencing
I guess that doesn't necessarily mean a badge count increase, but I think that's what he was referring to.
I'm not going this year, but I would like to say this is a great change. I got bumped in lines for demos several times last year by media members that I would say were dubious at best - twice in the same line to play Gunstringer actually. They clog the aisle with cameras and tend to hog the time of the exhibitors.
Frankly, I'd like to see the media badges go away entirely and have everyone just have a regular badge because it tempts exhibitors to let people line jump or take up all their time.
I'm not sure why you would have had to pay for a hotel before checking in...
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Sometimes hotels offer better/special rates if you pre pay for your hotel. They might not have booked via OnPeak
That brings back some awesome memories. PAX 07 was the best PAX to date and will probably remain the best PAX of all time. It wad the first year in the Down Town Seattle Convention center, more than doubling the available space. Lines were almost non-existant for anything you wanted to see. It was also the year where Will Wheaten did the keynote. I wish evey PAX could be as awesome as 07.
[x] Ride Booked
[x] 3-day Pass
Will be more prepared than ever for the show than the previous year. XP!!!!!
It's a delicate balance.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
Hotel and flight only happen once I'm fully committed. Passes come first.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
The way everyone should do this.
Make sure you can get into an event first before booking travel/lodgings for said event.
I bought 127 of them to hand out as party favors for my wedding.
Better not call anyone on the forum anymore. Expecially not the BYOC manager.
Assuming you did such a gesture, would all 127 of these people be going to PAX? Theres not the off chance that someone wont go and that's another pass out of the hands of someone who would otherwise?
Nobody is advocating buying more than you need. People are advocating getting a pass before paying for hotel/travel. I'm not sure what's so hard about this.
"I buy two just in case.
Thats what I was getting at.
I always find myself with friends in need of passes, so I see nothing wrong with doing this. I still think that zerzhul is right, though. Everyone is referring to what BigRed was saying about buying passes first and thinking about the details afterward.
It was in jest. If I did do this, I'm sure almost nobody would go.
. . . im so lonely . . .
haha it already happened awhile ago. Hey, maybe the next one!
Nope, you only get proposed to one time.
For your information I bought a pass for one friend last year, she couldn't make it, and that pass I gave to another friend in need.
I don't go around hogging passes for sh*ts, grins, and giggles sake. :P
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I do, I horde all the passes and then I have a nice plastic bonfire before pax and laugh at all the people who missed out.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
How do I go about getting a refund? I emailed pax_questions, but haven't had a response. Thanks!
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.