If I buy two separate day passes does this mean I have to wait in line both days? Or can I just pick both up on Friday?
[edit] Whoops. Just realized that the tickets are mailed to you. Last year I had to buy my tickets much later so I didn't know.
this is still a good question for those who do wind up buying later, or international folks who don't do fedex. i'm curious to know the answer, if anyone had this situation last year.
Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed.
MagnifiedX[E] PC SecurityBoston, MARegistered Userregular
If I buy two separate day passes does this mean I have to wait in line both days? Or can I just pick both up on Friday?
[edit] Whoops. Just realized that the tickets are mailed to you. Last year I had to buy my tickets much later so I didn't know.
this is still a good question for those who do wind up buying later, or international folks who don't do fedex. i'm curious to know the answer, if anyone had this situation last year.
Any passes purchased after the mailing deadline, or passes purchased for international folks who don't opt for FedEx, can be picked up Thursday afternoon (provided we do this again this year) or during the show proper.
That brings back some awesome memories. PAX 07 was the best PAX to date and will probably remain the best PAX of all time. It wad the first year in the Down Town Seattle Convention center, more than doubling the available space. Lines were almost non-existant for anything you wanted to see. It was also the year where Will Wheaten did the keynote. I wish evey PAX could be as awesome as 07.
Wait, what? If you look at jaberwockynmt's link, you can see that PAX 07 had 0.66 people per square meter, and was actually MORE crowded than any PAX which has followed. PAX East 2011 was essentially the lowest density PAX ever at 0.27 people per square meter (essentially tying the pre-historic 2004). If PAX 2007 really was the "best ever," it wasn't because they had more space.
This year, if there really were 20% more passes sold, we should have a density of 0.32 people per square meter. Who made that graphic, anyway? It's awesome, but I'd love to see it updated with PAX Prime 2011 attendance figures.
Based on daily sales, Sat badges for PAX East will be gone in ~10 days.
More like based on all the awesome PAX East details they will be dropping in ~10 days. (I hope.)
SERIOUSLY. i have been checking the site obsessively, impatiently awaiting a schedule. the only thing more exciting than the schedule release is actually arriving at pax. i can't wait!
Question: A friend on another forum/game clan I am a part of can no longer attend. I forwarded her the money she needed, and she forwarded me her confirmation email which I used to change the name and address on the pass, is that ok? This will be a second pass, for a friend who were are helping fund to get to PAX. I changed the address yesterday, just want to be sure it gets out in time.
Question: A friend on another forum/game clan I am a part of can no longer attend. I forwarded her the money she needed, and she forwarded me her confirmation email which I used to change the name and address on the pass, is that ok? This will be a second pass, for a friend who were are helping fund to get to PAX. I changed the address yesterday, just want to be sure it gets out in time.
Are you saying you physically have a badge? That would make you the first person claiming to have one around here I think... and that would make that whole transaction seem a bit suspect?
Question: A friend on another forum/game clan I am a part of can no longer attend. I forwarded her the money she needed, and she forwarded me her confirmation email which I used to change the name and address on the pass, is that ok? This will be a second pass, for a friend who were are helping fund to get to PAX. I changed the address yesterday, just want to be sure it gets out in time.
Are you saying you physically have a badge? That would make you the first person claiming to have one around here I think... and that would make that whole transaction seem a bit suspect?
No, badges have not been mailed yet. I think he means that he already has one of his own on order.
Question: A friend on another forum/game clan I am a part of can no longer attend. I forwarded her the money she needed, and she forwarded me her confirmation email which I used to change the name and address on the pass, is that ok? This will be a second pass, for a friend who were are helping fund to get to PAX. I changed the address yesterday, just want to be sure it gets out in time.
That's.... likely an ok transaction. However there may not be anything to stop her from just changing it back to herself. Mutual trust is a key component to making something like this work. You could email pax_questions@paxsite.com for an official answer.
Didn't they have an exchange program last year?
I could have sworn that there was a way to transfer passes between people before they were mailed out (and securely, through legitimate, official, channels). Did this get nixed with the increased counterfeiting issues?
Didn't they have an exchange program last year?
I could have sworn that there was a way to transfer passes between people before they were mailed out (and securely, through legitimate, official, channels). Did this get nixed with the increased counterfeiting issues?
Didn't they have an exchange program last year?
I could have sworn that there was a way to transfer passes between people before they were mailed out (and securely, through legitimate, official, channels). Did this get nixed with the increased counterfeiting issues?
Yes it did
Well, phooey.
Carmen SDQueen of the Poultry MinionConnecticutRegistered Usernew member
Is it possible to post a link for people to get refunds if they don't plan on using their tickets? I screwed up and didn't get Saturday tickets before they sold out and now stupid craigslist is flooded with them. Of course I am not getting them there, but it is frustrating that people do that.
Is it possible to post a link for people to get refunds if they don't plan on using their tickets? I screwed up and didn't get Saturday tickets before they sold out and now stupid craigslist is flooded with them. Of course I am not getting them there, but it is frustrating that people do that.
There isn't a link to get refunds. The best anyone can do is email pax_questions@paxsite.com and plead their case for a refund. It says right on the registration page: "no refunds".
I'm really hoping that "pleading my case" will work, since I'm soon to be homeless and the money from the PAX badge I can't use any more would really do well going toward food/finding a place to live. Anyone have luck with talking to PAX about a refund?
And I sent the email before the end of yesterday. If they can check the emails for last-minute address changes, they should be checking the email that people are being directed to for emergency refunds. Believe me, if there was any way I could go I wouldn't ask for a refund. And I would rather not take it to Craigslist with the new rules about reselling badges.
And I sent the email before the end of yesterday. If they can check the emails for last-minute address changes, they should be checking the email that people are being directed to for emergency refunds. Believe me, if there was any way I could go I wouldn't ask for a refund. And I would rather not take it to Craigslist with the new rules about reselling badges.
yeah, the last minute address changes aren't through email, they're through the registration website :-/
Great. Well I'm still hoping. And if it doesn't go through I really wouldn't have a choice but to try selling them. I understand "no refunds" but at the same time I don't think of PAX as a store and I'm not a customer without a receipt, you know? I'm really broken up about not being able to go, and still having to spend $130 on badges for something I can't go to will really hurt (in the wallet).
I have already purchased my badge for Saturday, as has my co-pilot. However, we have some friends that wish to go as well and with Saturday Badges sold out we were wondering if access is sold at door or whether you HAVE to have a badge to get in.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
You have to have a badge to get in. Sold out means sold out. Passes are not held back for door sales.
Aw crap. So there's literally no recourse at this point? That pass can never be picked up, and will forever be wasted?
I can even have the current pass owner record an embarassing video of himself with photo ID and the guy who's supposed to be picking it up. We're pretty desperate over here.
Aw crap. So there's literally no recourse at this point? That pass can never be picked up, and will forever be wasted?
I can even have the current pass owner record an embarassing video of himself with photo ID and the guy who's supposed to be picking it up. We're pretty desperate over here.
I believe the only available course of action is to have the person that can't attend make time to pick up the pass at will-call on Thursday/Friday and physically hand it off to the other person.
I'm pretty sure we're solid. We double-checked with Reed Expo, and they said they can help us if we bring a copy of the emails we sent, a copy of the photo ID, etc. They really are swell people there - Mz. Glickstein helped me change my address three times for my first year at PAX Prime because I kept moving.
Honestly, I'm just super-impressed at how well they've managed to handle their end of PAX all the time.
[edit] Whoops. Just realized that the tickets are mailed to you. Last year I had to buy my tickets much later so I didn't know.
probably about when they reach 90%, unless they sell out from under them before they can give people a heads up.
Which really means, buy your passes ASAP because you can never really know WHEN they will all be gone.
this is still a good question for those who do wind up buying later, or international folks who don't do fedex. i'm curious to know the answer, if anyone had this situation last year.
Any passes purchased after the mailing deadline, or passes purchased for international folks who don't opt for FedEx, can be picked up Thursday afternoon (provided we do this again this year) or during the show proper.
Wait, what? If you look at jaberwockynmt's link, you can see that PAX 07 had 0.66 people per square meter, and was actually MORE crowded than any PAX which has followed. PAX East 2011 was essentially the lowest density PAX ever at 0.27 people per square meter (essentially tying the pre-historic 2004). If PAX 2007 really was the "best ever," it wasn't because they had more space.
This year, if there really were 20% more passes sold, we should have a density of 0.32 people per square meter. Who made that graphic, anyway? It's awesome, but I'd love to see it updated with PAX Prime 2011 attendance figures.
SERIOUSLY. i have been checking the site obsessively, impatiently awaiting a schedule. the only thing more exciting than the schedule release is actually arriving at pax. i can't wait!
Question: A friend on another forum/game clan I am a part of can no longer attend. I forwarded her the money she needed, and she forwarded me her confirmation email which I used to change the name and address on the pass, is that ok? This will be a second pass, for a friend who were are helping fund to get to PAX. I changed the address yesterday, just want to be sure it gets out in time.
Are you saying you physically have a badge? That would make you the first person claiming to have one around here I think... and that would make that whole transaction seem a bit suspect?
No, badges have not been mailed yet. I think he means that he already has one of his own on order.
That's.... likely an ok transaction. However there may not be anything to stop her from just changing it back to herself. Mutual trust is a key component to making something like this work. You could email pax_questions@paxsite.com for an official answer.
I could have sworn that there was a way to transfer passes between people before they were mailed out (and securely, through legitimate, official, channels). Did this get nixed with the increased counterfeiting issues?
Yes it did
Well, phooey.
There isn't a link to get refunds. The best anyone can do is email pax_questions@paxsite.com and plead their case for a refund. It says right on the registration page: "no refunds".
yeah, the last minute address changes aren't through email, they're through the registration website :-/
Thankfully, we have another friend who CAN attend in his stead. But does anyone know how he can successfully claim that pass?
Can our original friend, like, copy his passport or something, and explain that This Other Specifically-Named Dude Will Be Claiming instead?
Unfortunately not. It's too late to change the name on the pass registration.
I can even have the current pass owner record an embarassing video of himself with photo ID and the guy who's supposed to be picking it up. We're pretty desperate over here.
I will make said friend record the embarassing video anyway.
Honestly, I'm just super-impressed at how well they've managed to handle their end of PAX all the time.