check the
op of the previous thread for bugfixes and the like, i figure if you're reading this thread you probably know all about the game!
also, super spoilers
alan wake crossover dlc
How do I fix the crash to desktop?
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound
In the Playback tab, right click on Speakers (or whatever has a green tick next to it), then click Properties
In the advanced tab on this new window, select 24 bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality) in the drop down menu
How do I fix some sound issues, such as hearing static during NPC dialogue?
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound
In the Playback tab, right click on Speakers (or whatever has a green tick next to it), then click Properties
In the advanced tab on this new window, select 24 bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality) in the drop down menu
How do I disable the smooth mouse settings?
Go to your Steam Directory -> steamapps -> common -> skyrim -> Skyrim
Create a backup of the SkyrimPrefs.ini file
Open the file, then scroll down to where it says [Controls] and find bMouseAcceleration=1
Change to bMouseAcceleration=0
Save, exit, and play
How do I fix the vsync ("laggy mouse") problem?
Go to your Steam Directory -> steamapps -> common -> skyrim -> Skyrim
Create a backup of the SkyrimPrefs.ini file
Open the file, then scroll down to where it says [Display]
Add to the bottom of the section iPresentInterval=0
Save, exit, and play
How do I change the FOV?
Go to your My Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim -> skyrim
Create a backup of the skyrim.ini file
Open the file, then scroll down to where it says [General]
At the bottom of this section, add fdefaultfov=XX (where XX is the FOV value you want to change to)
Save, exit, and play
'light armor, eh? good for sneaking and getting away in a hurry. i like your style.'
'hey, you're like me! one-handed weapons are the way to go - greatswords are just too goddamn slow'
preach on, brother
and once, from a town guard, after i'd finished the dark brotherhood
hurry up, hometime
I had a dude look at me and say "From your outfit I'd guess you're an Imperial scout. Good, we could use more of you around here."
Orik rules, Krunk drools.
she's all like "hey there's a cave over there" and "heads up, there's trouble ahead"
Lydia was all like "wah wah i have to carry this awesome sword you're letting me use"
i'm glad she's dead
i just have to put the game in my xbox and it works perfect!
it's probably the thing that contributes most to me feeling like i'm in a living world - people actually audibly react to shit!
end of dark brotherhood
and i was like :coolguy:
and it started
nah it works fine
i'm waiting for tweakguides to post their ini tweaks so i can have it look even more awesome, since everything is maxed atm
then I pushed start
so I just read this thread and pretend
Yeah the guards say that to me too and I just got into the brotherhood.
Like I killed maybe 4 people and the fucking town guard is all aware of it and shit.
Another time a guard was like
which sent me into a panic and I wheeled around and he finished with
"good job, that guy was a waste of space."
The fuck
bugboy if you ain't got a pc buy it for xbox or ps3
talk to the guy in the meadery in riften and keep selecting his persuade option
The gods gave you two hands, and you use them both for your weapon. I can respect that.
shit yeah you better respect that
Yeah same.
Fucking hastle if you ask me,
Also, have not found a good one-handed weapon yet but then I've only played for like 3 hours so
here, i'll start
thieves' guild, started in: riften
main quest (surprisingly! i recant my earlier complaints)
hangover quest, started in: whiterun
Steam | XBL: Elazual |
the overall theme and quest lines are pretty top-notch. the leveling system seems less dumb
I've never played morrowind
was probably the best line I've heard from this game
Completely blows them both the fuck out of the water. It goes a long way towards improving the series' characteristic flaws.