Just bough a Kinect, getting error. Anyone with experience on error c00000c2?

NerdtendoNerdtendo Registered User regular
edited November 2011 in Help / Advice Forum
I got a Kinect at a Goodwill for fifty bucks. It came with two games, one was a download code for Child of Eden that hadn't had the wax scratched off yet, and the other was Kinect Adventures, still in the plastic wrapper. The whole thing looked brand spanking new, but I wasn't too surprised when it didn't seem to work properly. However, I figured before cutting my losses, I'd check out around here to see if I'm missing something.

I get what seems to be the most common error associated with the Kinect, as it's the first one that pops up as I type in "kinect error" in google.


I've gone through the troubleshooting multiple times. And it keeps giving me the error right as it's done calibrating the sound, which is also when the light goes from green to red (which is why I'm hopeful). I'm wondering if it might be something simple that I'm missing? The lenses look clean, and I've tried clearing a nice area around the device. Is it very sensitive to balance? Too close to the TV or cable box and sensitive to interference? Or am I being too optimistic, and the thing's probably toast? I guess I can try other electrical outlets as well. Anyone been able to "fix" this error?

At the very worst, I got an overpriced copy of Child of Eden.

Nerdtendo on
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