This is probably not going to get much of a response, but i am tearing my hair out and google is no help.
I use citrix to access our accounting software (Microsoft GP 9.0), if i leave the window while a process is running that causes a dialog box to pop up when it's complete, the dialog box will "pop-under" the GP window. The GP window locks up, and i can't get to dialog box to free it up. left clicking on the window does nothing, right clicking sometimes brings up the GP window, but it's still locked up. Is there some keystroke or trick that i don't know to bring this dialog box to the front, so i can deal with it? It really only happens with citrix applications and it is frustrating as HELL. in the past i've just logged off the box through the citrix neighborhood, and gotten back in. I know that's not the correct solution, but it's all i got.
I assumed you tried Alt-Tabbing? Though that may not work if the hanging window and the pop-under are being generated by the same application. Not sure how this app is being presented by Citrix, but if it's a remote-desktop type deployment and Alt-Tab keystrokes cause you to switch between apps on the local machine Instead of the virtualizaed desktop) there may be a button press, or menu selection via Citrix console that lets you "Send" an "Alt-Tab" to the virtual desktop.
Essentially i'm exporting a budget file of about 500 accounts. It runs through the export process and at the end asks me where to save the file in a dialog box. Thats where the hangup is.
yes.. alt tab includes citrix windows that are open as well, so technically the pop under window should be in that list when you alt tab through active windows.
Beyond that, I have no experiences with what you're actually working with, and while I've experienced the exact same problem before in other programs, I haven't found any way to actually get to that sneaky window. For example, I've had it happen that somebody tries to send me a file in Skype while I have video chat open, which is "always on top" and happens, at that time, to be in the same area as the dialog wants to pop up if I hit Save. Welp, the other Skype windows immediately become inoperable, and I can't see to click the Save dialog because one of the Skype windows is in the way, so I end up just as stuck as you are (but on something much less important, I'm sure). I barely understand why programs, by default, force you to click only in the save/etc. dialogs and lock you out of everything else (and show you that they're doing so, but do absolutely nothing to the window they want you to use). I guess it's implemented so that you don't change anything while you're trying to save, fine, but at least have the dialog try to pull itself to the front when it whines at you, or SOMETHING, instead of just flashing the windows, dangit. So yeah, not sure what the solution would be, just wanted to you to know that I know what sort of behavior you're talking about and agree that it's totally frustrating!
I don't have any experience with GP, so I'm not sure if this might be a problem with its office integration (I assume it has some office integration, and that's why an Excel dialog is popping up in response to some action in GP). I think you may have to involve IT to troubleshoot this as it may've not been completely setup right with the streaming profiler (assuming the app is being streamed), or it could need to be updated (either excel or GP or office), or there may be a way to configure Excel on the hosting machine so as to autodismiss this message or not throw a dialog to report it.