Hey guys,
I have a Saitek P480 controller which rarely works properly, when I try and use it on a game like Really Big Sky or Geometry Wars, the right stick constantly reads that I'm pointing it diagonally upper-right, and won't let me move it anywhere else, even when I physically move it to the opposite of what it is, it just stays there. Games also sometimes misread the buttons, so it thinks Button 1 is Button 3 or whatever. I've tried using an emulator that changes the input of my pad into that of a 360 controller, but that doesn't work.
Also, I fixed it a couple of days ago, by plugging it into a different USB port and letting Windows download the drivers again, it worked for a while, then went back to what it used to be. However, the games I set up to use the 360 emulator while it was working, such as Beat Hazard are working fine. But even if I use the 360 pad emulator, it doesn't work properly.
What could this be? I'm going to be buying a 360 controller for Windows soon, but why is it doing this?
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
I'm happily using a 360 controller for games and the ps2 controller with a usb converter when the game allows (for the d-pad if needed). It's nice to see the onza's d-pad has some extra attention - is it noticeable? Also does it use razer drivers or sort of stealth 360, otherwise I would worry about compatibility with some games and having to use a 360 emulator once again. Or if that is not the case then I'd be quite interested myself - although need to hunt for a decent price in the UK.
Also, I recently looked up how to use a 360 controller to control the pc at a distance while watching shows and came across a guide that uses Joy2key with a config for a 360 controller. No keyboard but mouse control and some other buttons:
Has a nice alt+tab switch with the LB and RB.
Also speed up mouse with X.
Right stick to scroll.
Left trigger minimises and right trigger closes (alt+f4).
A - left click, B - right click
This is the guide with the full info:
Here's an archive of the few files already put together: