So apparently I have an arch enemy or some shit. I made a thread on thanksgiving about someone breaking into my families house and stealing just my laptop out of the whole place, leaving jewelry and all kinds of valuable shit where it sat out in the open. I figured it was just some crackhead taking the easiest thing to carry until today
so I wake up this morning to the doorbell ringing and peek out my window and i'm pretty sure i see a detective i know. he and i are on good terms, he detained me and lectured me a few times when i was a teenager, now he comes into the place i work pretty often and we talk. he's a decent dude and knows i'm not really a criminal or a miscreant anymore
anyway, i miss seeing him and he stops by again later and i open the door and he's all "hey man I have something to show you" and he pulls out a manila envelope full of glossy prints
someone spray painted my name all over the local park. like, my full name, first middle last, surrounded by horrible racial slurs, swastikas, and things like "i am ______ and i am a self hating jew" and "______ is my name and i horde all the gold i am a jew". they apparently ranged all over the huge park and spray painted almost everything, like dozens of things, with this foul-ass bullshit
with my goddamn full name plastered on it
about two years ago i had a friend who did this exact thing, and he's in prison for it now. they thought i was involved in the first one and i almost had to testify against him and shit, it was an ordeal, and the dude who was responsible for peppering the entire neighborhood/that park with slurs and shit is still in prison for doing it, so he's out
this whole goddamn affair has me feeling shitty, pissed off as hell, and sorta nervous. for one thing this makes me look incredibly bad, like i had something to do with it, and that pisses me off immensely, and for another thing, the spray painted sentences seem to implicate me in doing something to the sprayer. one of them said "y me" and other shit, like i robbed someone or killed their dog or something
i dont have any enemies, i ain't done nothin' wrong, i can' timagine who did this, and now i have to deal with the police a bunch. i got the detectives cell number and promised to help but god dammit this is a bunch of shit
do you guys have an arch nemesis
(that really fucking sucks, man)
Also, I am my own arch-nemesis.
Perhaps it was but the opening volley in a campaign to break you.
I have been infracted for advising people to become the Batman before.
So I'm not saying to become the Batman.
But just a heads up; you may have a Joker.
Doesn't he have to become batman to get the joker?
Are you sure he's still in prison?
Otherwise this is a hella shitty thing to happen, who the fuck even does something like that?
yeah i'm positive he's still in, the detective told me
also my mom just straight up accused me of being responsible for this and told me to "think about anything that could have placed me there" and was all "you were out until 3:00 the other night are you SURE YOU DIDN'T DO THIS"
holy shit i'm so mad
holy shit
i need to do some investigating so i can figure out who did this and turn them the fuck in
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
That's what the detective is for
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
That's a weird conclusion to jump to.
Lay low until it blows over okay? Don't go around letting people know you're looking for them, that wont lead to anywhere good
Not that this is remotely your fault, but how could someone hate you so much if you did nothing, you know?
no there are entirely too many people this dickish in america, and all over the world
Crazy ex?
that is the genuinely confusing part
because i have literally done nothing besides play videogames and go to work for months and months. the worst thing here is since i've had a spotty past nobody is inclined to give me the benefit of the doubt, i'm sure this will involve me having to deal with the police way more and all this stupid goddamn shit
i sorta feel like hiding in a hole for the next month
Are you a jew?
no really
given that you had a friend who did this years ago and is in jail for it
does that dude have any friends who are dumb and would pull the same thing on you?
the timing is random, but could be they just got themselves fucked up one night and decided they'd do something horrible
Call the Hebrew Hammer.
like this new person doesn't even know who you are but remembers the name from the last time
look 3 posts above yours, geez.
i can't really think of anyone he knows that also knows my middle name. only my long-time friends know my middle name, so my bet is this is someone i know well that i've been friends with for years
the nickname "jew" was mine for a few years in high school, so it more or less has to be one of a small group of people i've known well since then that remember calling me by that nickname and spend time in that park
i have a few ideas but none of them seem valid/have a reason to hate me, but it's highly likely they were intoxicated and thought it would be hilarious. i don't wanna go giving friends names to the cops without any evidence whatsoever, though
plus the detective stopped by my work and got my schedule or some shit so now when i go to work i bet my boss is gonna be all 'WHAT DID YOU DO'
yeah, i'm the only person with that name in the state of va