Hi there. Trying to name and find photos of two toys from my childhood. Can anyone help a gal out?
1. Green Dinosaur Rabbit Rider Thing
Basics: Green, plastic, not more than 6" in height.
More Info:
This may be a Dino Rider's knockoff.
This toy was green and I believe that it was triceratops shaped. Not too accurate of a dinosaur mind you, more of a green mech triceratops.
The toy could be opened to reveal a pilot. The pilot was removable. The pilot was a badass rabbit.
The pilot was a green rabbit. A mint green rabbit with darker green battle armor.
The mech triceratops may have had orange carrots on the side of it. Not sure if they had firing action or if they were for flair.
The mech triceratops had pull back action. You pull it back and it zooms off in a straight line. The lower jaw of the mech triceratops would open and close quickly during this action. (chomp chomp chomp)
Despite remembering all of this I cannot find a photo or name for this item.
2. Cool airplane toy: you fly it, pop up book style things are in your path, don't run them over
Basics: Flat bottom for table top or floor play. Predominately white airplane toy. Had a blue or yellow propeller (possibly stationary) and wings. Very truncated looking. The main feature was the window which the player would face. Motorized.
More Info:
Player would sit down and take the controller. Plane would begin to "fly" The scenery below would begin to scroll and player would control a paper plane on a wire. As scenery scrolled player would try to avoid trees and tall buildings. There was no score keeping, only flying.
I believe it played music or at least vroooom sound effects
Player could possibly control speed of the scrolling as well as the plane on a wire.
May have been made by Playskool.
This one kills me because I found it once in a thrift shop in such disrepair that I did not pick it up. I should have noted its name and maker.
@Ga1Friday is the twitter account I use to talk about everyday things. Sometimes work things. Lots of work things.
xbl - HowYouGetAnts
steam - WeAreAllGeth
The Dinosaur was def. more mech. Like a Power Rangers toy... but this predates American Power Rangers.....
1) If you do a search that contains "rabbit" and "toy" and safesearch is off, you are going to get a lot of porn.
2) It seems like a possibility to me that the rabbit and the dinosaur did not necessarily come together, but you played with them together often enough that you closely associate them.
I found rabbits and dinosaurs of varying makes that seemed to match your description, but none together. Try searching for them separately?
Deer Stalker:
Hare Razing Rabbit
Hey Satan!
@ Decomposey OMG that is it.
You have no idea how thrilled I am to see that. Now I can track it down!!
Okay maybe not very Triceratops-ish but I described from memory.
If anyone can help with the less exciting but still mysterious plane I would be stoked.
At the very least, you're not crazy.
I'm fairly certain there was an animated show or movie as well
edit: http://www.action-figures.ca/super_naturals.htm
Thanks! (to everyone that is helping to solve my mysteries)