This is Sherlock Holmes, he is as cool as Batman and Iron Man combined
Plus he has all the classiness of a 19th Century London Bohemian
This is Watson
He runs into every fight he sees, is a crack shot and is nearly as intelligent as Sherlock Holmes
This is Noomi Rapace
She is the Gypsy with the Dragon Tattoo
She is a better girl foil than Stella Adler because unlike Rachel McAdams she actually looks like she could kick an ass or two
Finally there is Moriarty, the aforementioned Napoleon of Crime
He is very dangerous, malicious and diabolically clever
Much of the thrill of the movie comes from watching he and Holmes continually try to outwit each other
As well as him putting Holmes and Watson is situations that appear impossible to escape from
This movie is everything I could have wanted
I was initially worried by the hurried nature of the opening, there is absolutely no exposition and the movie takes it for granted you remember the previous movie
Or at least are familiar enough with the characters not to be lost
But as it went on I realized with a character like Moriarty there was no time to relax
All his moves have been thought out so far in advance that there is no time to reflect on them before they come to fruition
He is a villain who gives no quarter
So be warned it is much faster and bigger and louder than the first movie
There is not even enough time for many demonstrations of Baritsu which was sorely missed
However, it more than makes up for in thrilling action sequences and brainy tension trying to outmatch Sherlock Holmes greatest adversary
Also Stephen Fry shows up and then gets naked so that's nice
Also it's not in 3D so that's also nice
Also, oh dang, Noomi Rapace is in this? That's pretty cool.
who's this other guy? he kind of looks like an american
Get. Out.
they are "Sherlock Holmes as an action hero" which is something I would happily watch
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
It is as if the raw file was run through several photoshop filters, everyone looks slightly plastic and the fabric looks like cg or painted on textures.
The film I saw last however sported a very nice aesthetic. And I enjoyed it otherwise so I am seeing the sequel tomorrow.
Like really loved it
I was not that impressed with most of the Summer blockbusters and this just blew them all away for me
I'm hoping MI:3 and TinTin do the same
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
For whom "get into a fight"
Yes, I do put plot points of hundred year old books in spoilers.
All of those things apply to RDJ Sherlock as well
All of them
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
Like, that's the funniest comment you could have made.
I watched the first episode figured out the killer's identity halfway through and found the ending scene tortuously dumb
I prefer the Jeremy Brett series
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
Even in the books, he was a straight up badass.
Mixed martial arts, bending steel pokers with his bare hands, all that.
BBC Sherlock hits the same notes, even. Remember the opening to the second episode with the swordfighting dude?
Just the American films focus on it more.
Why I fear the ocean.
xbl - HowYouGetAnts
steam - WeAreAllGeth
the only flaw with the new series was that moffat seems to think no-one has seen the princess bride
also i tend to be of the opinion that the action baritsu parts of sherlock holmes are the least interesting parts of sherlock holmes
Anyway I'm sure everyone knows this about me already, but I am a completely insane Sherlock Holmes afficionado, and that didn't stop me from loving the first movie. If it's not Doyle it's bound to be not-entirely-in-sync, obviously. Even adaptations of the actual Doyle stories can be weirdly nonsensically unfaithful, but hell, I think that's one of the fun aspects to the Holmes-verse... pastiche is so popular that you're able to take the well-loved characters and examine them in all sorts of new ways. Sometimes those ways suck, of course.
Point is, I will be seeing the poo out of this on Friday in the United Amurrica States. Possibly alone. But I don't care.
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
dammit sal
quite being rad
you're breaking my radometer constantly
How's you doing, anyway?
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
Honestly I had the same complaint, but I felt like the second one pulled it together better and then the third one just knocked it out of the park.
He totally doesn't
it is kind of funny
Yeah, I was kinda bummed that
Other than that minor complaint, this movie is rad as fuck. Love the RDJ movies. Love the BBC series.
Also love the radio dramatizations with Clive Merrison from a while back.
Holmes is the bee's knees.
hubba hubba
am I right
It does!
(but yes you are right)
I was pissed that the trailer for the first one had a half-second shot of her strutting around in Victorian lingerie that didn't end up being in the movie at all.
I guess I saw this
She is a better girl foil than Stella Adler because unlike Rachel McAdams she actually looks like she could kick an ass or two
and just sort of skimmed over it and figured she'd been replaced as an actress
But I did really like the first one.
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
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Wait what.
Okay I'm seeing this.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
Of course, that might be a selling point to some people.
I liked Sim. She's capable, and has her own motivations for helping the hero, besides being a love interest and self-interest. Not that I didn't like Irene. Of course, a watcher paying any amount of attention could figure out she meant a lot to Holmes, from the puppy eyes when she doesn't show up to dinner as much as anything else. Someone give that socially inept detective a hug.
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I really did love him in that scene
Way too many actors play Sherlock Holmes as aloof and unemotional when the correct way to play him is trying to be aloof and unemotional while a torrent of feeling rages underneath the surface
Like Spock
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
The new BBC Sherlock is better than the first sherlock movie anyway.
I have not seen the new one.
I mean they are both good in different ways.
I just like the show more