[SW:TOR]: PvP Thread. Ilum, you are terrible.

SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGamingRegistered User regular
edited January 2012 in MMO Extravaganza
So! Lets discuss PvP here. I'll fill this with useful resources if someone knows of them. Because I am woefully ignorant. Warzones! Illium! Camping Imperial scum on a frozen ball at the edge of the galaxy!

To kick off, Expertise is the PvP stat. It doesn't seem to appear on gear before 50, but gives a nice boost for PvP in pretty much everything. There are also valor levels, commendations, gear upgrades, the works.

SanderJK wrote:

The #1 PvP tip that I'd put in the OP is:
Go into preferences, find the 'maximum zoom distance' slider. Turn that to 100%. Suddenly you have a lot better view of and oversight of what's going on.

(I don't understand why this is even an option, let alone the default being 15%)

edit: How to PvP!

Basil wrote:
Do not jump down to your goal line when the enemy carrier is ahead and has a charge.

Do root ball carriers on fire.

Do not stand in fire yourself.

Do pass to tanks who seem competent.

Do not jump into the pit when you could be open for a pass.

Do look for a pass when you are in the pit.

Do not flirt with the Hutt.

Do flirt with Rigorous Scholarship.

Do not make a futile attempt to score if the match is a tie and you have the ball in the last thirty seconds. Keep the ball. You will win if you survive.

Do hit your group buff when you respawn.

Do not leave the Void Star doors unattended on defense, even if it seems like a great idea to chase someone ten feet to the right around a corner. It isn't. Really.

Do stare longingly at the doors even in combat. They are tricky and have many suitors. They will find love behind your back if you aren't careful.

Do not stand between a warrior or inquisitor and the yawning gulf of instant death unless you like dying.

Do leave people crippled and slowed in the hallways rather than killing them on a good push to the core.

Do not delude yourself into believing that you might have killed Fexhie if only you hadn't been horribly murdered by his entire team that one time. Fexhie can not die.

Further tips for PvP: http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/o2inc/warzone_guide_strategies_and_tips/


Strategy: Start out with 2 people going left and the rest hitting the middle. The 2 to the left base (west for Republic players, East for Imperials, i believe) are to have a bit of defense to control the base if the other team has a wanderer that feels like trying to solo a base.
The middle is important. A lot of people say to control sides because it's easier, but the middle gives you the advantage of being able to stack more defense and get it to your second base quickly and easily.
If people start attacking the middle, there should be 5-6 people there that should be able to easily defend from a cap, while your second base should be able to call incoming players and you should be able to get defensive forces there quickly from the middle. There is no way that the other team can effectively attack both bases. Stack the middle heavier, and get defense back when you can after a side base attack, always leaving at least 2 people at the side base. A healer and dps/tank is great to have time to get more defense there if needed.
If you are overwhelmed at either base, most likely middle, and it becomes well defended, continue to send 1 or 2 people into the middle to die and try. A tank with CDs is great, because all you're doing is keeping them distracted. While this is going on, group up and hit their other base. Do not go alone. Just wait for a second for other people to respond, and go in a group of 3 or more. Once you control their other side base (if they control the middle), they will send a surge to get it back, which is your opportunity to retake the middle with a surge yourself using the same method that you used to take the base.
ALTERNATE STRATEGY: Thanks to numerous people for bringing this up: holding the sides can be worthwhile as opposed to the middle and a side. As long as defense is split and you use the side speeders to quickly return to the side base to defend it if you die, and quickly focus on interrupting captures asap when you get back, they can be defended almost indefinitely. Just be on top of cc and interrupting caps. And again, DO NOT let yourself get kited into the field away from the turret.
Never try and solo a base. It's never a good idea. It's so rare that you need a base and there's no one there to defend, that all you're really doing is either weakening your team's defense or weakening an offensive surge group.
When you control side bases, you get an extra speeder from the respawn point that drops you off directly there. It's a great way to get back to a base to defend, or to move to the side base quickly to bolster defenses.
NEVER leave a base you're defending to chase a kill. You are getting kited. Plain and simple. Defending a base is more important than getting that one kill that's going to probably result in your base getting ninja'd.
If you're fighting in one of the fields, or anywhere away from a base, for that matter, you're most likely doing it wrong. I know stopping to kill someone is tempting, but all it's doing is stopping an offensive surge or weakening your defenses. It's never worth it. Unless you are working to kite people away from their base to get someone to cap behind them.
If you control 2 bases, and you aren't guaranteed a win based on the score, there is zero reason to try and e a hero and capture a third.
As PvP is right now, we have a whole range of levels. A fun strategy is to send a low level out into a field and run around in front of a defended base while someone ninjas it. Defenders seem to not be able to resist running out to kill a low level player.
Always fight on turrets when defending!!! I can't stress this enough. The most common time for a base to be capped is when it is defended, but people chase kills away from anywhere near where they can stop a capper. Always keep an eye on the turret you're defending.
You can use the turrets that you're capping as line of sight points. Always cap on the opposite side attackers will be coming from.
Don't try to cap when there are people swarming the base. It's fine when they've been kited away and you're trying to ninja, but I see people all the time trying to cap when the entire base is overrun. It rarely, if ever, works. Just kill more until there's a real chance.
And lastly, for now, if someone is already capping a base, the best thing you can do is defend them, not try and overcap them. Most classes, that I can tell, have some sort of stun, slow, etc. If one of your teammates is capping something, look around, find an attacker coming to interrupt, and stop them while the base can be capped. Don't try and kill them, just slow them down.
Thanks to VodkaMonster: "when you run halfway up the left ramp (from the starting area perspective) on the inner circle of the middle, you can easily see where enemy attacks are headed. That makes it easy to call out incoming to middle AND side, as well as jump off the ledge to run toward the side base and reinforce it."
Strategy: Huttball strategy is pretty basic, but a lot of people still don't get it. PASSING! Passing the ball wins matches. Getting yourself set up to receive passes and immediately looking for someone to pass to when you get the ball will win matches.
NEVER expect to score yourself when you get the ball. Instead, first look to see if there is someone in a safe position that you can pass to, and do it. If there is no one around, then start moving towards the goal, always keeping an eye out for someone to pass to.
If you get knocked into the pit close to the goal, look up for someone to pass to, or, if you have a charge/leap, look for an enemy player to leap to to get back in position.
Even when looking for players to pass to, it's still a good idea to run with a pack who can defend you, heal you, and who you can quickly pass the ball to if you're dropping health.
Keep a cc breaker and defensive CD's available for running across flames and making it the last bit of distance to the goal.
If you kill the ball carrier close to your goal, immediately jump into the pit. It makes it much more difficult for them to get back across to your goal. Watch for people they can pass to, though.
Lead the ball carrier when your team is running it. Being across flame traps and on different platforms ahead of the carrier to be ope for passes is a great way to put points on the board. You may not be killing or defending, but you are being strategic.
Some people forget to pass, like I've been saying, communication is key, so remind them if you're in position to receive. Don't yell, don't name call, just tell them to pass, and maybe where you are.
If your team is beating on a ball carrier and you see a healer, cc them, stun them, interrupt them. They don't necessarily need to be burned, even though it's a good idea. If they're close to your goal line, though, focusing all on the healer gives the carrier a chance to break away. Stay on your toes.
Much like Alderaan, don't be tempted to stop and kill someone near no objective. It's tempting, but pointless. I've seen someone fighting a random DPS as the ball carrier ran past them.
Thanks to troglodyte: Set your max camera distance to as far out as you can, and zoom all the way out when you have the ball to see all of you options.
Thanks naskin: "In Huttball, if you get the ball deep in your own territory, rather than jumping in the pit, just throw the ball on the ground in an empty space. Incomplete pass, the ball is now instantly in the middle and away from your goal." I generally meant that it's a good first move to jump down if you get it, but if you're definitely going to die, throwing it to the ground is definitely worth it. BE WARNED! I have noticed very intelligent people on top of their game noticing this and intercepting.
Thanks Orsenfelt: "Stop trying to ride the air elevator/blaster things to get to the top tier, It's the shitty route. Go around the poison pit and use the bottom tier, it is faster." To add to this, I would only say this is the faster route to take AFTER you have already checked to see if someone is around to pass to.
Thanks to Incurus: "'vanish' abilities that pop you into stealth make you instantly reset the ball, this allows you to make the ball respawn in middle without worrying about a pass."
Strategy: On defense, you should always, ALWAYS, fight on top of the doors. Like Alderaan, don't let yourself be kited, and don't chase kills without keeping an eye on people capping. When doors are blown, fall back ASAP! Even when the bridges are extended, everyone fall back and defend both doors, even the one the bridge wasn't extended next to.
On offense, it's a good idea to start with a zerg on one side and send the stealth to the other side. If you're stealthed, don't immediately try and cap, give it a second, if there is a defender, and see if they abandon their post to see some action. When a bomb is put up, everyone get on the door and defend it. Everyone. Again, don't get kited, don't chase kills. When the doors are blown, don't kill a few more people, immediately advance into the next room, slowing people down if you can. Most of the time, you can get the next point captured before they can stop you if your teammates slow and cc people instead of trying to overcap.
ALWAYS FIGHT ON OBJECTIVES unless you're kiting a defender away/around a corner.
Don't stop to kill someone next to nothing. If you are just killing someone and you aren't near an objective, you're not helping anyone.
In the second room (the one with the bridge controls), if there is a lot of defense, focus on burning people down first. The defenders respawn across the bridge, so the more you kill, the quicker you can get across.
Don't try and overcap people. If someone is working on placing a bomb or removing one, etc, don't try and do it yourself. Instead, turn around and stop attackers. It take 1 aoe attack to interrupt everyone capping, so having multiple people capping doesn't do much the majority of the time.
Thanks to jaggeh: Between the first and second room, it's better to use slows and cc rather than going for kills in order to give your team a better chance at a quick cap.
Thanks to dejarnjc: "In my opinion, the single best attacking tactic in Voidstar is for EVERYONE in the attacking team to zerg rush one side (stealth included). Since defenders usually split 50/50 at the beginning, you can usually crush half their team in one fell swoop. THEN the stealth should go over to the other side as peeps from the other door start running over to help."
In conclusion:
Keep an eye on objective and remember you're on a team. If you want to just kill, remember, if you're winning and following objectives, they're going to be coming to you. You'l get your kills.
Watch for healers and deal with them. Pretty simple and applies to all WZs. Interrupts, CC, knockbacks, all of it.
Don't try and solo anything... pretty much ever. The only time you should be doing something by yourself is if you can stealth and are trying to ninja something if you're told to/have a plan. Controlling 2 bases in Alderaan doesn't mean you should go try and solo ninja the third, unless you're just stomping people. Which generally, you're not.
Communicate the whole time and be willing to change your strategy. If you have a strategy, know why you have that strategy. I have had people tell me that their strategy was better just because, when they didn't really know why.
Don't yell or berate people. The teams I see lose are the ones who have people constantly telling their own team they suck and telling people trying to have a strat that they should shut up. You're just being a dick. Your $15 per month doesn't mean you get to do what you want and ignore that everyone else who do do want to win pay their money too. You're just being an asshole. You will get kills, you will have fun, just follow Wheaton's Law: "Don't be a dick."
Thanks for reading, guys. If you have any criticisms or extra tips, feel free to leave them and I'll try and update this. I just have heard so many people saying they get stomped in PvP and it seems to be groups who don't communicate and work as a team.
Chaucer, Jedi Sentinel of <Jeddit>
EDIT: On MVP votes:
Use them. It feels good to have someone recognize if you've been doing something well, so why not? I can't tell you how many times I see 1 or 2 votes thrown out in a full wz. I know some people forget, but try and take notice. It improves player morale when they do well.
Just because someone has the most marks, damage, healing, or is at the top of a list, DOES NOT mean they were being helpful to the overall group. If someone is running around doing no objectives just racking up damage and heals, they should not get encouraged for it. Keep that in mind when voting. If you notice someone talking and communicating strats, maybe vote for them. If you notice someone defending really well, vote for them. If you see someone abandon fights to make sure to get an interrupt on a cap or a healer, vote for them.

SniperGuy on


  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I don't have any resources, but I can tell you I have a LOT to say about how much of a beast I am as a defense specced Guardian in PvP. I dominate all three warzones as long as I am queued with one of my guild healers. We routinely hold Alderaan points and doors in Void Star in 2v4 or 2v5 fights and still can't be killed. It pretty much takes perfect coordination to kill us, which nobody has unless they're a 4 man premade that are all highly skilled.

    Oh, and Huttball. Let me tell you about Huttball. Yeah, if I get the ball, I'm pretty much going to score. And to hurt your feelings even worse i'm going to make sure i do it by force leaping to the dumbass on your team who just respawned from death and is on the goal line. When we're 50 and my sage healers have the life grip thing they get and I have Guardian leap to use to jump to my ally who is chilling by your goal line, yeah, I predict at least one match where we skunk Empire 6-0 within less than 5 minutes. We almost get them that fast in most of my games now and I'm only 38.

  • BradicusMaximusBradicusMaximus Pssssssssyyyyyyyy duckRegistered User regular
    edited December 2011
    One little tidbit of info I can give to people who are still somewhat new to pvp, spend your commendations before you get 1k of them. They cap at 1k so theres a chance you could be missing out on the currency if you don't pay attention to your currency tab. Start spending them on mercenary token which is basically the 2nd tier of currency for pvp. After saving up a bit you can start buying those (purple?) bags which will drop some items and I think its 3 of the 3rd tier currency. I'm at work right now but I can give definite info when I get home.

    E: Also, the airlifts in huttball can kiss my ass

    BradicusMaximus on
  • AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    As a BH Merc, Huttball can DIAF. I don't have a sprint to quickly run the ball, can't stop knockbacks, and if I get to the firetrap and have to stop, I'm hosed.

    I so prefer the other two it's not funny. And yet, all I seem to get is Huttball.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    One little tidbit of info I can give to people who are still somewhat new to pvp, spend your commendations before you get 1k of them. They cap at 1k so theres a chance you could be missing out on the currency if you don't pay attention to your currency tab. Start spending them on mercenary token which is basically the 2nd tier of currency for pvp. After saving up a bit you can start buying those (purple?) bags which will drop some items and I think its 3 of the 3rd tier currency. I'm at work right now but I can give definite info when I get home.

    E: Also, the airlifts in huttball can kiss my ass

    FYI, good info on not capping warzone, but merc commendations are not tier 2 currency. They're merely currency that comes from open world pvp and Ilum and such. You can trade from merc to warzone at 30 to 10 as well. They just want to encourage doing both, which is why the bags cost 200 of each. The bags drop the token things that trade in for the actual gear though at 50, you're right about that.

  • BradicusMaximusBradicusMaximus Pssssssssyyyyyyyy duckRegistered User regular
    I actually enjoy huttball as my merc. I usually try and avoid being a ball carrier unless I'm passed to though. I'll either dps my balls off on defense or just try and heal as best I can on offense (I'm running with a bit of a hybrid build. Something like 12/16/0) Its made for mostly really awesome games. My friends and I pubstomp with a guild called Casually Addicted so that might make the experience a little less infuriating.

  • BradicusMaximusBradicusMaximus Pssssssssyyyyyyyy duckRegistered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote:
    One little tidbit of info I can give to people who are still somewhat new to pvp, spend your commendations before you get 1k of them. They cap at 1k so theres a chance you could be missing out on the currency if you don't pay attention to your currency tab. Start spending them on mercenary token which is basically the 2nd tier of currency for pvp. After saving up a bit you can start buying those (purple?) bags which will drop some items and I think its 3 of the 3rd tier currency. I'm at work right now but I can give definite info when I get home.

    E: Also, the airlifts in huttball can kiss my ass

    FYI, good info on not capping warzone, but merc commendations are not tier 2 currency. They're merely currency that comes from open world pvp and Ilum and such. You can trade from merc to warzone at 30 to 10 as well. They just want to encourage doing both, which is why the bags cost 200 of each. The bags drop the token things that trade in for the actual gear though at 50, you're right about that.

    Thanks for the correction! I felt like I was talking out my ass since I was just reciting from memory.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Assuran wrote:
    As a BH Merc, Huttball can DIAF. I don't have a sprint to quickly run the ball, can't stop knockbacks, and if I get to the firetrap and have to stop, I'm hosed.

    I so prefer the other two it's not funny. And yet, all I seem to get is Huttball.

    You should've picked Powertech so you could use the chain. =) That is almost as awesome in Huttball as my force leap. Or you could just be a healer and win easy by pairing up with a tank. Honestly, anybody makes a good ball carrier if they have a tank guarding them. I keep my guard on my healer, but I swap it to whomever is carrying for my team. Also, if you have a sage/sorc specced into the movement speed when they bubble you, that's awesome for a ball carrier too, but they only take that if they're pvp specced.

  • hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    I'm finding it difficult to switch back and forth between PVP and PVE, while still being as effective as I could in both. Can't wait for dual specs, whenever they show up.

    Otherwise, anyone have a good Commando spec for being an effective teammate while levelling, without being dependent on companions to do my DPS for me?

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I dunno about commando dps, but there are only about 4 or 5 talent points I'd switch around if I was actually creating a defense Guardian spec for pvp, and they're really not that big of a deal.

    Thing about all the warzones in the game right now though, is everybody is effective if they know what they're doing and help the team. In Huttball, just about everybody gets something useful. Kill ball carriers and use stuns/ccs/knockbacks on people who are trying to knock your carrier down. Alderaan, kill people, take points, and once you have them don't freaking try to get KBs, just make sure you control the other side's healers and at least do 1 damage to anybody who's trying to cap your point. Void star attack, do as much as you can to harass people so one or a couple of your teammates can get the other door before they notice, void star defense freaking AoE the doors and never let them attack.

    Warzones are so much more about people understanding what to do to win and not who is on your team. I'm coordinating on ops chat in warzones usually to help out, and it's not uncommon for my teams to win matches when we have 3 or 4 of our teammates between levels 10 and 15, having hardly any of their good abilities, if the other team doesn't coordinate.

  • SpenzkriegSpenzkrieg eh's a pretty cool guy Registered User regular
    hoodie13 wrote:
    I'm finding it difficult to switch back and forth between PVP and PVE, while still being as effective as I could in both. Can't wait for dual specs, whenever they show up.

    Otherwise, anyone have a good Commando spec for being an effective teammate while levelling, without being dependent on companions to do my DPS for me?

    What's your level?

    Regardless, hop over to the DPS thread. There's a pretty good convo about Commandos going on over there.

    RS: Eide
    RC: Ais
  • TurambarTurambar Independent Registered User regular
    One little tidbit of info I can give to people who are still somewhat new to pvp, spend your commendations before you get 1k of them.

    Thanks for the heads up
    I was going to save 1400 points and buy the entire level 40 set once I dinged, but I guess I'll buy a few items early

    Steam: turamb | Origin: Turamb | 3DS: 3411-1109-4537 | NNID: Turambar | Warframe(PC): Turamb
  • DecomposeyDecomposey Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote:
    Warzones are so much more about people understanding what to do to win and not who is on your team. I'm coordinating on ops chat in warzones usually to help out, and it's not uncommon for my teams to win matches when we have 3 or 4 of our teammates between levels 10 and 15, having hardly any of their good abilities, if the other team doesn't coordinate.

    Consider this limed.

    On my level 15 Sniper alt, I was in Alderaan with an assassin guildmate. The two of us, just the two of us, managed to keep the other side and their five man zerg from taking the center turret for a good three minutes, until the match ended. I'd run in, pop off shots at anyone trying to take the node, and get killed, then the assassin would run in and smack anyone trying to take the node. By the time they'd killed him, I was back, popping shots at anyone touching the node. Rinse repeat, until the match was over.

    The matches can and are often won by people who keep their eyes on the prize, and are even more fotne loss by people ignoring the objectives in favor of trying to farm kills.

    Before following any advice, opinions, or thoughts I may have expressed in the above post, be warned: I found Keven Costners "Waterworld" to be a very entertaining film.
  • SpenzkriegSpenzkrieg eh's a pretty cool guy Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    Decomposey wrote:
    Joshmvii wrote:
    Warzones are so much more about people understanding what to do to win and not who is on your team. I'm coordinating on ops chat in warzones usually to help out, and it's not uncommon for my teams to win matches when we have 3 or 4 of our teammates between levels 10 and 15, having hardly any of their good abilities, if the other team doesn't coordinate.

    Consider this limed.

    On my level 15 Sniper alt, I was in Alderaan with an assassin guildmate. The two of us, just the two of us, managed to keep the other side and their five man zerg from taking the center turret for a good three minutes, until the match ended. I'd run in, pop off shots at anyone trying to take the node, and get killed, then the assassin would run in and smack anyone trying to take the node. By the time they'd killed him, I was back, popping shots at anyone touching the node. Rinse repeat, until the match was over.

    The matches can and are often won by people who keep their eyes on the prize, and are even more fotne loss by people ignoring the objectives in favor of trying to farm kills.

    That and it seems that most Republic players are PvE folks who PvP casually or just to get commendations to buy a new set of gear.

    I don't know why, exactly, and it was this way in Beta too. I guess the lollipop goodguy mentality doesn't carry over to FROGDOG FROGDOG FROGDOG. Every match it seems like the same. Huttball? 2/3 of the Republic team is clusterfucking in the middle. With no point. Alderaan? 2/3 of the Republic team is clusterfucking in the middle while the Empire controls the peripheral turrets and the remaining 1/3 of the team go in one at a time and get destroyed.

    Spenzkrieg on
    RS: Eide
    RC: Ais
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    That's just anecdotal though. My PvE server(Shii-Cho) sometimes I run through 10 warzones in a row where we 6-0 Empire in Huttball, 3 cap them on Alderaan, don't even let them get past the first set of doors in Void Star, etc. Then sometimes it's the opposite.

    My point is there are good and bad players on both sides, but on my server, Republic is definitely not worse at PvP in general. Of course it was the same in WoW. Everybody acted like alliance had the dumb kids if they played horde, and vice versa. Instead, there are just good and shitty players on both sides and whatever you have seen most recently and most often is what shapes your perception.

  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    I know we have about 30 billion Sorcerers around here, so let me confirm what you already know: The Madness tree is fantastic for PVP. I often roll into Warzones with Beneb, a marauder around my level (~32 & 34 last night when we queued), and previously when I was specced for lightning he'd dominate the damage & kill totals in the match and I'd be struggling to stay alive. Last night, after swapping to madness, it turned into an actual competition. One Void Star match I topped damage for both sides with 200k, he had 198k, and the next guy was 150k. Instant cast CC? No cooldown Force Lightning which frequently procs instant casts for other spells? Yeah, go Madness if you want to melt faces in PVP.

    Bobble on
  • ShadaXoraNShadaXoraN Registered User regular
    In Huttball, Do NOT stand at the top of the middle first ramp above your goalline and try to rain death upon your opponents, a JK/SW will forceleap into your ass and you just gave it an open door to said goal.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    ShadaXoraN wrote:
    In Huttball, Do NOT stand at the top of the middle first ramp above your goalline and try to rain death upon your opponents, a JK/SW will forceleap into your ass and you just gave it an open door to said goal.

    My favorite is when I'm getting ~40m from scoring, and an imperial who just died actually thinks it's in his best interest to come out of the respawn zone instead of just fucking chilling there and giving his team a chance to stop me. I leap him as soon as he is on the goal line and do a high five emote.

    Joshmvii on
  • UnknownSaintUnknownSaint Kasyn Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote:
    ShadaXoraN wrote:
    In Huttball, Do NOT stand at the top of the middle first ramp above your goalline and try to rain death upon your opponents, a JK/SW will forceleap into your ass and you just gave it an open door to said goal.

    My favorite is when I'm getting ~40m from scoring, and an imperial who just died actually thinks it's in his best interest to come out of the respawn zone instead of just fucking chilling there and giving his team a chance to stop me. I leap him as soon as he is on the goal line and do a high five emote.

    This, all day long.

    I don't even rely on the stupid air vents or the ramp on the other side of those initial platforms to get up to the main paths in Huttball anymore, there is almost always some dumbass to Force Charge to. If he's the only one up there I'll knock him off for good measure, or else I'll save my push for anyone with a lightsaber. Best thing that happens though? It's when you're waiting for the last flame vent before the goal line to stop, and there are people waiting on the other side. (Usually requires an Inquisitor/Consular) Force charge somebody near their goal line, use your AoE slow (free with talents!) and run past them before their knockdown wears off. They'll likely be spamming their knockback, but if you can get behind them before they use it you get a nice push to the goal.

    @Joshmvii - I'm playing the mirror of your spec and class on Empire, and have a pretty good pocket healer I usually queue up with. (Unless he's reading this, then he's terrible and need to heal me more.) We do very well most of the time, but I'm not sure I can share your positive experiences with low-level players. So far on my server (an Empire side west coast PVP server) the correlation between level and ignorant awfulness is very strong - if we have more than 3-4 players in the 10-20 range it is almost always a guaranteed loss. No amount of explanation helps when you have people that think every battleground is team deathmatch.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    Oh no doubt, most of the people who are level 10 to 15 clearly don't know what the fuck is going on and will just fight in the middle. I just mean I have had matches where we had 3 or 4 of them, they listened in ops chat, and we still won against a team with everybody 25+, which I didn't think would even be mechanically possible. It's just a testament to how well designed the war zones are, because just the abilities alone are not enough to make you win without coordination and doing the right stuff.

    I had a funny ass match yesterday where a Jedi Guardian on my team(level 50 and in some of the purple PvP gear) was just being a complete dumb shit. For of all, his name was Tidus, and as soon as we're prepping he starts typing in ops condescending arrogant shit like "1 go left and all else go mid, do this we win, and if you don't we'll lose because you all fucking suck" and i'm face palming so hard, because usually I put in there like "I'm tank and me and my healer are going to hold left, you guys take either mid/right and we'll let you know if we need help or whatever." More bees with honey and all that.

    Anyway, he was just doing terribly, and at one point he starts talking shit to me in ops chat, saying I'm terrible and this and that and how me and my healer are assholes for holding left(we had 2/3 at this point btw) At this point I've done about 70k damage and he had done 90ish, but I also had about 40k in protection. He was like "You're so shit look at your damage," to which I say "I'm a tank, and I'm holding my objective, but thanks anyway." He just keeps going, so I decide it's time I must troll him a bit. The following is what happened next in ops chat:

    Ashmadai(me): It's crazy man, me and Eld win like 80% of our matches when we're not grouped with dudes named after FFX characters. We probably need Auron in here too.
    Tidus: Yeah whatever u suck.
    Me: Dude, I'm going to force push you into the farplane.
    Tidus: Dude you can't hit allies
    Me: Oh crap, I just figured out why you're so bad. You're specced for blitzball!
    Tidus: No i'm not. god u nub, do ur research and read a website.
    Me: No way can we win with only 7 people and then a memory on our team.

    I'm not sure he even actually understood any of it, and maybe his name was just a coincidence, but either way, we won in spite of him. =P

    Joshmvii on
  • hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    that angers me, because now i want to make a character named Tidus and have him be awesome at huttball

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    If you make him and you're willing to make your legacy on that server "Jecht-Shot" and take a screenshot of you dancing while holding the huttball, I will send you a money order IRL just for the entertainment.

  • hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote:
    If you make him and you're willing to make your legacy on that server "Jecht-Shot" and take a screenshot of you dancing while holding the huttball, I will send you a money order IRL just for the entertainment.

    I just got my legacy last night, otherwise...

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
  • SpenzkriegSpenzkrieg eh's a pretty cool guy Registered User regular
    To the RC folk I hounded in Alderaan:

    I'm sorry. Kind of.
    Okay, not really.

    Captain Eide
    <The Magnes Legacy>
    Rigorous Scholarship

    RS: Eide
    RC: Ais
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    We are plotting your death at this very moment, sir.

  • SonorkSonork CanadaRegistered User regular
    I just got Life grip equivilant on my SI. Shit is great in Huttball. You can pull allies out of fire, up ontop a walkway or into the end zone.

  • BradicusMaximusBradicusMaximus Pssssssssyyyyyyyy duckRegistered User regular
    Played a game of huttball today. I'm standing on the 2nd tier of platforms trying to take down a couple healers. As I'm standing there I get pushed by someone into a fire pit. Coincidentally a jedi leaps on me at the time I start to fall and lands in the fire with. We burned together holding hands.

  • AvynteAvynte Registered User regular
    Standing on the goal line, shouting for a pass.

    Mr. Jugg decides to force leap over my head from the catwalks into the enemy spawn.


  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Wait, are you a Sorc or Assassin?

    Because I just got Force Pull, and I don't think it works on allies...

  • override367override367 ALL minions Registered User regular
    I like huttball

    so many ways to make people die in fire

  • SonorkSonork CanadaRegistered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote:
    Wait, are you a Sorc or Assassin?

    Because I just got Force Pull, and I don't think it works on allies...

    Sorc's works on allies. I guess assassin's don't. Makes sense honestly.

  • RialeRiale I'm a little slow Registered User regular
    I have to say, I'm getting kinda tired of huttball. It has gotten so bad that I'm considering defecting to the Republic just so I can have a more balanced selection of warzones when I queue.

    Steam | XBL: Elazual | Last.fm
  • BradicusMaximusBradicusMaximus Pssssssssyyyyyyyy duckRegistered User regular
    You guys be trippin. Even when I'm getting stomped I enjoy huttball.

  • RialeRiale I'm a little slow Registered User regular
    Huttball just reminds me of WSG from WoW. They both have a lot of the same problems, too. Namely, the design of the match values certain classes wayyyy over others. I prefer designs like the Alderaan warzone, because I feel like more classes have a role within it.

    Steam | XBL: Elazual | Last.fm
  • BradicusMaximusBradicusMaximus Pssssssssyyyyyyyy duckRegistered User regular
    Completely understandable. I think I enjoy it so much because its a break from the monotony of capture and control objectives.

    My suggestion for making huttball better? Add boobytrapped floors. Not really sure what should trigger it, maybe random squares are set to different timers, but seeing a ball carrier fall into a pit of spikes would be amazing.

  • hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    Heh, me and Fexhie (I think? I only really remember the Fex part) and a few others trashed the RC folks a bunch when we played. I enjoy constantly seeing RC in warzones, it's great.

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Every class is valuable in Huttball, in different ways. The least valuable are those with no knockback/pull, which I think are scoundrel/operatives, but those classes are also the ones who can either stealth up on the platforms and single handedly waste a sorc/sage who is playing defense in short order, or they can stealth to the goal line undetected to prepare for the tanklips ball carrying Guardian/Jugg to guardian leap/intercede to them for a score.

  • SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    So I'm fairly certain that level 50 people should be in their own warzone group. I played a game last night where we were simply dominated by a team of 5-6 level 50s, because we could do very little damage to them. This was because they all had PvP gear, whereas we did not, because it's not available before level 50.

  • RialeRiale I'm a little slow Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    I think the Huttball arena should be bigger all around. If there was a longer area between center and goal, it would be possible to actually raise a proper defense, rather than games boiling doing to 'which side's juggernaut/guardian gets the ball first'. Also, some kind of manually activated trap via lever or button would be nice. That way, someone could operate the trap as defense and still be useful, and players who aren't running the ball would have a job (eliminate the people operating the trap) they could help out with.
    Joshmvii wrote:
    Every class is valuable in Huttball, in different ways. The least valuable are those with no knockback/pull, which I think are scoundrel/operatives, but those classes are also the ones who can either stealth up on the platforms and single handedly waste a sorc/sage who is playing defense in short order, or they can stealth to the goal line undetected to prepare for the tanklips ball carrying Guardian/Jugg to guardian leap/intercede to them for a score.

    Except that Assassins/Shadows can do both of those things (heavy damage out of stealth/stealth to goal line) but they also have movement speed bonuses, one of the best AoE knockbacks and more utility abilities. In the current PvP game, Operatives/Scoundrels are simply Assassins/Shadows with no utility in exchange for poor healing. They are absolutely less of a help to their team than just about any other class at an equal level.

    Riale on
    Steam | XBL: Elazual | Last.fm
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    The game doesn't boil down to which team's guard/jugg gets it first. It boils down to which team is not going to have their players position themselves in the shittiest possible spot when the other team's guard/jugg gets it, and which team uses their control abilities better, and which team is smart enough to kill the guard/jugg's healers instead of focusing only on the tank and never being able to kill him.

    I didn't say assassin/shadow can't do things a scoundrel/op can do, I said they're capable of doing the things I mentioned. It's not unusual for an 8 man warzone to have no shadows/assassins on one team at all, in which case having a scoundrel/op means that's your stealth guy doing these jobs. I'm not saying those ACs don't need some buffs either, and maybe they'll get one, but they're not useless if played right. They just don't do the same things as well as everybody else in Huttball.

    Joshmvii on
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    Huttball seems to primarily reward two strategies

    One, an organized passing game where players are in position and quickly shuffle the ball to the goal line

    Two, a semi-organized ball of angry death where an entire team gets the ball and slowly inches towards the goal line in a wave of fury

    My complaint with Huttball is mostly that option 2 is easy to perform and difficult to stop, and option one is something that is only viable with certain classes who have enough mobility / escape / cc options to pull away from a small group of attackers.

    It is my least favorite warzone.

    Two goats enter, one car leaves
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