I have been going through some of my old toys that have been living in the attic of my parents' house for 10+ years and I found this little guy:
A little history, this figure is from a line that came out around the time of the initial Phantom Menace release. The idea is that the card included in the box is supposed to match the figure. When the tab is pulled/pushed on the card, it reveals a picture of the the figure's original/prequel trilogy counterpart. So in this case, the box is labeled correctly, however, the card does not show Chewbacca; it shows R2-D2.
I am by no means a collector but, I remember buying him and thinking "Huh...that's weird."
My question is, does this sort of mistake happen often? I am not interested in selling the figure, sentimental attachment and all that. I am just hoping to learn more about it.
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Also we find out Han is Anakin's cousin.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
Republic credits are no good out here! I need something more real.
I posted about it on a collector's forum once and I basically got flamed off the board instantly for being a liar and a thief. But it's legit, I have the proof of purchase and it was from Best Buy and there is even some research you can find on the Internets about the accidental batch of misprinted DVDs.
The correct flashback card shows a "Wookie Senator" pretty lame...
I'm not gonna call you a liar at all, but if you were to video that and post a clip, I would give you 1 million internets.
Yeah, everyone knows Chewie's prequel counterpart is Jar-Jar.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+