My friend and I had gotten to thinking that we would love to sport a PAX East patch on a particular garment of clothing (we've been thinking a cape, but I'm not sure how that would work out exactly), so we got to wondering if this could be done through a website or something?
If anybody has any suggestions or would want to get in on this, let us know. Websites, designs, etc. would all be appreciated.
Anyhow, I guess my point with that is that you probably shouldn't try to compete with the merch booth for an item they produce :-/
Somebody should probably dispose of this thread then.
Doesn't mean you couldn't come up with something cool on your own that represents your love for PAX east.
Seeing as the point of creating the Forum Community crest was so that we could make special items without having to worry about infringing on PAX/drawing the ire of the Khoo, this is probably your best bet.
My friend or myself will probably get into contact with him shortly. If anything I'm at least getting one for my pea coat which I gallivant in everywhere.
My mistake and I apologize hence forth.