When my mom married my dad, it insured forever dealing with nerdom. One of the first Perks of the character class is getting to "borrow" really nice cameras from work. So they had tons of pictures of their wedding and honeymoon and a metric shit-ton of pics of me and my brother until the early 90's when I accidentally broke the camera. So they had tons of albums of us and we all kind of grew to enjoy looking at ourselves. I think I remember some of the pictures better than I do actually being there when the picture was taken.
Well my mom was having a bit of a sentimental day today, and she went rummaging in the basement looking for the photo albums.
The plastic container might as well have been a 4th grade science project. The inside and outside were covered in thick black mold. The albums, were pulp.
The good news is that it was only five books that were in that container, my sister and my brothers books had been upstairs for awhile. But these, being mine, were the oldest and were the ones where my mom put in the most effort. What was worse, imo, was that the top most books had survived as books. You could open the pages and see that they were photos once. Now they were nothing more than weirdly colored pieces of paper, or only had the faintest outline of faces creating literal Fuzzy Memories.
I took a shit-ton of pictures of them, I'm not sure why. I guess as a weird form of punishment for not having thrown these into a scanner years ago. More because even with 90% of the picture gone, I still remember the pages. Maybe I'll be able to show these to mom at some point without having her bawl her eyes out at what was lost.
frame them, get a gallery showing, get famous
but I think vann is onto something there!