Because I like organization and this sounds fun and it'd be cool to get it off the ground not long after release, let's formalize multiplayer talks. The manual says that 32 person max is actually not really true for internet games (they recommend LAN only for 32 people) and you should probably cut it down to 12 or so.
Current save:
I think we could probably get five more from the people talking about it in the thread. I would host, but I don't have the best computer/connection (they're fine... but not great, I'm sure one of y'all have a better one). It recommends we all know the host's IP.
Obvious next question: time. We'd have to schedule.
And according to the manual, there are two 1066 start dates. In the first, the three way battle for England is ongoing, in the second William has conquered has England and is now "the Conqueror" instead of "the Bastard." There's also the Third Crusade and the Hundred Years' War. I'd prefer one of the two 1066s, but if there's support for one of the others that's fine too.
I think Phyphor's smallish, widely separated duchies idea is a good one, though determining what is a smallish Duchy is an interesting question (I feel like Bohemia and Normandy should be banned). The masochistic among us could take Counts (bonus if it's Vermandois, though I should probably change my avatar/sig at this point) as well. And I think either Aragon or Navarre could be taken, but other Kingdoms I'm sketchier on. If no one minds, I kind of want to unite Ireland and see what I can do from there?
Isn't Brandenberg the heir of the Empire if the Kaiser doesn't have any children? I saw the HRE flag moved up there in my last game.
Aragon is technically a King, so you'll have a prestige edge on the rest of us. I personally don't care, but if anyone objects, speak up.
No, the Empire is chosen via election. Or should be anyway, that's the succession type
There's always a duchy, yeah, but he holds that title as well
Try not to win the first election then. :P
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Time may be an issue since I am Swedish (currently GMT+2, I think). Due to having a half-day off on Wednesday I could probably play until 2AM GMT, but the earlier the better.
Ah, I checked after and Brandenburg is the favoured successor, I guess because the Kaiser's wife is his heir and the empire is male-only. I guess I can take a different north german one
Navarra is hard mode, I think. But at least we'll have reasonable allied Christians down there.
How will the multiplayer work with this? Is there no pausing or does the host control the time? I'm a fan of the paradox games, but I never played one til completion. I really enjoyed CK, although it didn't feel like I was doing too much. Just making choices and watching things unfold. The combat was never too interesting - but that could be said about most of their games.
I'm interested in how this MP game will pan out. I've been having some PC troubles, otherwise I'd like to join in.
Yeah, I think I might be screwed for weekdays. That tends to be the case.
I would suggest planning without me and if it turns out I can show up then that is a bonus.
I'm not sure how they're going to do the save stuff, but I can post it to a server and someone else can host if I'm not there
Hmm. Typing and playing at the same time is rather difficult, particularly since (presumably) we can't pause. 12 people talking, however, could get messy.
I'm already Ireland, GTFO unless you want me to crush you.
Also it seems like weekday evenings are the best bet. Is there anyone who can't do 8-12 weekdays besides Vic?
Try some test games with the demo.
And I think we need some northern France/south Germany/Italy players, if possible.
I'm interested in playing in the Italian Peninsula. The further south the better.
No idea, still haven't played the demo to get an idea of which exactly. I have most of tomorrow off work and i'll be trying it out then.
There are two independent Duchies down there, one which is all by itself, and Apulia, which is fairly strong and if you can get the money/piety can form the Kingdom of Sicily from the beginning, but you have the Pope/HRE to your north and quite a few strong Muslims to your south. I actually lost a war to the Sultan of Africa in a test game with them this afternoon. I should have saved money to hire some mercs.
I expect regular progress updates in this thread!