I'll probably eventually make a better OP than this, but for now:
The game ID # is 80267. It can be accessed
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This thread is intended for both players in the game as well as bystanders. The intention is to trade ideas, strategies and such. If there is something that you don't want other players to see, put it in spoilers. Honor system and all that.
Same thing applies to advice from the more experienced players, Darian and myself. From my viewpoint, I promise to give honest advice for all questions. If my advice sucks, it will at least suck honestly.
How do we want to handle screenshots? Darian had a good idea, posting your previous opponent's board at the start of your turn, which will effectively hide the military cards and future events deck. Do we need screenshots for every turn, or only situations where there's a question?
Good luck, all, and may the devil take the hindmost!
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Here's what we have available for our opening round, so we can use this to refer to when making our initial decisions.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
So what exactly do you want me to screenshot? I am far from a PC pro, but I do have GIMP to crop and resize stuff.
poshniallo made a less obvious choice, taking Hammurabi and a Rich Land to accelerate his civil development. (I think GoodOmens and I were both expecting you to go Pyramids, there. They are considered the best early wonder, since they continue to be beneficial throughout the game.)
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
At any rate, I can't pass up the Pyramids (and I'm sure Darian would take it if I don't). Frugality will help, because I tend not to upgrade my farms to Irrigation, and having a little extra food around is useful for handling the wait to Age 2.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
I don't feel like spending two actions for one science from Revolutionary Idea, so I'm going to go with the first option. Decide to keep flexibility and leave Alexander for now, taking the actions from the middle area.
On to round 2, and the rest of the ancient cards show up:
I decided I'll get some infrastructure sorted first, so I'm going to go with building a bronze mine first, then philosophy.
Once I built the mine, I figured I should pop another worker. I'll need it for the philosophy next turn and apparently there's some events that give you free stuff if you have spare workers, so seemed a good plan.
So left with two civil actions and all resources spent, I turn to the cards available.
I was thinking a leader, first. Alexander doesn't look too good to me. I've tried Homer before and I wasn't massively impressed. I have no idea how to use Moses well. So, no leader for now.
So I went with the Ideal Building Site and Frugality. Seemed to sync well with the plan to build philosophy and keep a free worker up.
Moses is a good leader (my third favourite age A leader after Caesar and Aristoteles), but will sometimes make it hard using your food, causing corruption. Bit of a luxury problem though. Other than that, he's best when you can combine him with the Hanging Gardens.
Niall has an interesting choice here, as the Library of Alexandria isn't a great Wonder, but being able to hold an extra military card will help to alleviate Hammurabi's downside.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Here's the tableau coming into GoodOmens' turn.
Now I have an interesting choice. The usual turn 2 moves are, of course, Bronze and increase population. Lots of leaders available. I'd like to grab Aristotle, which will leave Darian able to get Caesar for 1 action. Moses and Homer have never been favorites of mine. Alternately, I can take Alchemy for 2 actions.
I think that taking Aristotle will allow me to not miss the loss of Alchemy for a while, and Patriotism will help me get a minor boost to military, hopefully enough to counter Julius for a bit.
I decided it was best to put Aristotle directly into play. Likely I'll burn all 3 resources next turn on the Pyramids, and the 1 extra that Patriotism would give isn't useful. Hopefully it'll be better to grab a few techs and snatch some early science as a result.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
My choices for the last action were Bronze (+1 resource), elect Caesar (+1 card and take the military lead), or use my Ideal Building Site for Philosophy (+1 science). The science still wouldn't get me to Alchemy next turn without an event, so I decided to go for resources over military.
I'm keeping it spoilered incase any of the other players wants to play without knowing what I'm thinking. I don't mind who reads it.
I can start the Pyramid and still use my actions semi-usefully.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Tayrun's start of turn:
Sorry, no screenshot because I'm on a work computer. Darian's got some really good choices available here.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Iron it is.
Looking at opponents, Dan is set to explode militarily, with 8 science, Warfare, and Swordsmen in hand. He's also set to already switch governments, essentially, via the Pyramids, Code of Laws, and Warfare giving +2 civil and +1 military actions.
Here's Tayrun's setup coming into his turn:
Grabbed Alchemy (Aristotle is great for a science boost, but he'll be dead soon), researched it and built one with my slave-rocks, grabbed an Efficient Upgrade for next turn, and grew pop in order to avoid corruption (and because I've forgotten whether both the "build a free thing" events have taken place...playing too many games at once). I wanted to also put Warfare into play, but that will have to wait, which hurts because Enslave ate both my military actions, so no new cards for me. Even with the 'Mids there's never enough actions. I resisted getting Cartography; usually I grab that almost instinctively because it was key to me winning the first game I ever played.
When is the rest of the frakking Iron going to appear?
I suspect Darian is going to have a boring but productive infrastructure turn.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
I get some time to think about it while the rest of you are picking your food/resources from the event. (I decided to go for food, since that lets me grow pop each of this round and the next.)
Once again, here's Tayrun's setup and the available cards:
Simple turn. Upgraded to Alchemy, got Warfare for another military action (I generally don't go for the higher level military techs). I'm not confident that Knights was a great choice, when I already had Swordsmen, but having cavalry opens up more Tactics options.
Darian's got:
I'm assuming a Breakthrough into Iron, upgrading a mine, and then grabbing Swordsmen, or else SPB and an Efficient Upgrade.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Thoughts? I don't feel too happy with this one.
I can't pass up Iron for 2. Nothing interesting to the turn after that. I considered gambling on Columbus this close to the end of the age; grab him, grab a territory, then replace him quickly with a nice Age 2 Leader. But that would have left me with corruption, and my luck with Columbus is really bad; if he's sitting in my hand, I'll go 4 turns without drawing a territory.
I'll need a source of happiness soon, something to prioritize on my next turn. Still hoping for a better Tactic.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
My last few turns have felt quite forced - I had lots of resources but no population, so I got iron and irrigation, used my resources to upgrade to iron, will get the irrigation out next turn.
I need a better leader so that I can get back into the military side of things. I have only played 2p up until now, so I am still learning about Agreements etc.
Tayrun seems to be doing very well at this point, but perhaps I am missing something.