So... yeah. A few months ago, my cat knocked my Samsung Vibrant(Galaxy S) into a cup of water... and it sat there overnight. It went in top first, and was about half submerged. Didn't reach the battery though(sticker's still white). So, I dropped it in a baggy with rice, rotated it occasionally, and let it sit for a few days. Tried to get it going afterward, and it worked fine, except the screen. When turned on, the brightness slowly rises and goes from a dark green to a bright, light green colour. Its not entirely solid(shade differences), but its all green or heavily green tinted(I can see part of the time in the top right corner, etc.
Tonight, I decided to take a crack at it and, well, crack it open. I opened it up, and was surprised to not see any corrosion on the motherboard. I took out the mobo, checked it out, nothing. I tried using some rubbing alcohol to clean out the ports for the lcd connecter, figuring that maybe the corrosion was inside or something, and made sure everything was plugged in properly. Put it back together, same as it was before.
I'm pretty much past the idea of saving the phone(got it pretty cheap off craigslist), but I figured something like this would be mobo damaged. I guess it means that the LCD itself somehow got damaged? I had an iphone take water damage, and the screen had light lcd damage, but it was nothing like this. Is there something I might not be thinking about? Its just bugging me now, not knowing why I have this odd issue I've never heard of anyone else having.
I cant url good so add me on steam anyways
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
It might be worth checking all the visible solder joints to see if there's a bad contact or a crack in one of them. One of those - especially in the LCD connectors - could cause the problem you're describing.
If it isn't that then yeah, it's probably water damage to the LCD module. It's also possible that some water seeped under one of the chips and didn't get dragged out by the rice. That would cause problems when you turned it back on.