Game 2Welcome to the maze.The Game has started. Get your counter-spell orders in now.READ. THE. RULES.And the FAQ.Some changes to the above to make it playable over a forumCounter-Spells - Because no one wants to have to wait for everyone to say whether or not they will counter any given spell by another player, all players will instead queue up their counter/reaction spells with conditions. For example, if I had a Full Shield (Counter any spell targeting me) in my hand I could queue it up by saying "Cast only if someone targets me with an attack that does damage" or "Cast if someone targets me with any spell" or "Cast if someone targets me with [specific spell]". These conditions can be as specific, multi-tiered, and creative as you want them to be. These should be PM'd to me once you get your starting hand/draw new cards and can be changed whenever and as often as you like. If you don't set anything up for your counter-spells, they just simply won't get played when its not your turn.
Turns - Turns will also be PM'd to me. You will have 24 hours after the previous player turn is posted for you to PM me your turn (this may change based on various factors or majority player demand). Your PM will contain the exact movement and timing of all the castings of your spells. Because there are counter-spells, however, if something gets countered in the middle of your turn, then it gets countered and your turn will continue on. In order to account for this, you can put conditionals in your turn order. For example, "Move down, Cast Lightning Bolt targeting Red Wizard. If lightning bolt is countered, then transform into Gnome and move Up, Up. If lightning bolt is not countered, then cast Fire Wall on right side of A-4 and move Up, Up." These can be as complicated or as simple as you want/need them to be.
Communication - All communication should be done in this thread. No PMs. Absolutely no sharing direct information about your cards.
If you need clarification on any rules or cards, send me a PM.
The Current Maze Status:
Tayrun (Stunned 1 turn)
VP - 1
Life - 13
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Blue Treasure
WizardBlade - While carrying this item you may use this sword to channel energy into a magical attack that targets an object or wizard. You may discard 1 magic card to deal magical damage equal to the discarded magic card's energy value. Wizardblade deals 1 crack per point of damage you inflict (rather than 1 crack per 3 points)
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
stever777 WINS
VP - 2
Life - 8
Cards in Hand- 4
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Create Door
Null Powder | Item | Any | Permanent | While carrying this item you may discard this item as a counter spell to cancel a LOS spell targeting you. OR While carrying this item, you may discard this item during your turn to end a non-instant spell.
Brainstone | Item | Self | Permanent | Magic Stone : While carrying this item your maximum hand size is increased by 2. First time you cast or acquire Brainstone, immediately draw two cards. If you lose the Brainstone, immediately discard two cards. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed
VP - 0
Life - 6
Cards in Hand - 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Blue Treasure
Speedstone | Item | Self | Permanent | Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase your base move by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
VP - 1
Life - 13
Cards in Hand- 3
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Good Luck!
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Finally, Tayrun makes a move. Tayrun summons a Powerstone in one hand, to give more energy for future spells, and the mighty Wizardblade in the other hand. Time to do some damage. Tayrun boosts and heads towards the nearest non-red area seen. With an enemy treasure conveniently around the corner, Tayrun doesn't hesitate and picks up the green treasure.
actual orders:
then use Glue(3) for 4 energy (3+powerstone) to speedily run to green's nearest treasure chest and pick it up.
Then draw 2 cards please.
updated map and players:
Player Status and Turn Order:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 4
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
Green Treasure (doesnt count against hand size)
stever777 <- Current Turn
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
stever777 feels an immense surge of creation energy. That originator of that much creation energy either needs to be avoided or stopped before they get too powerful. But which one to do...
Dropped items and map changing spells are listed in that box next to the map.
*ring ring* The answer is yes.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
actual orders:
Energy (5) speed boost.
Move to J4.
Pass Through Wall to enter J5.
Pick up treasure.
Draw 3 cards.
updated map and players:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 4
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
Green Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Red Treasure
jdarksun <- Current Turn
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
jdarksun senses danger right outside the nearby green door. Fight or flight...
actual orders:
2) Move and Cast
* Discard Energy (4) for Speed Boost (3 + 4 = 7).
* Move south one square to D7 (6 moves remain).
* Play Seal Door on the door that separates D6 from D7.
* Move north five squares to I2 (1 move remains).
* Move west one square to I1 (0 moves remain).
3) Discard and Draw
* Draw two cards.
updated map and players:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 4
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
Green Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Red Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand - 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Blue Treasure
Bedlam <- Current Turn
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Bedlam has now heard three separate shouts for joy as other entities have discovered something awesome. He feels a little left out and goes searching for the awesome...
Spellstone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you may draw 1 extra card each turn, although you still may not exceed your maximum hand size. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
After looking at your cards, you have some pretty good ones. They just will have to be used creatively.
And the game is far from over.
Oh yeah. That portal-thingy kinda connects us, doesn't it? :zzz:
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
actual orders:
Draw two cards
End turn twiddling fingers, and being slightly depressed
updated map and players:
Tayrun <- Current Turn
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 4
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
Green Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Red Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand - 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Blue Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 7
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Tayrun is amazed that no one has reacted to his giant burst of magical energy. I guess its time to return this treasure...
actual orders:
Heading to G8.
drop the Handful of Tacks.
Head back to my home square.
Then let out a raging battlecry.
updated map and players:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 4
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
Green Treasure
stever777 <- Current Turn
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Red Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand - 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Blue Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 7
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
stever777 wonders how he is going to get this treasure back to his zone...
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
actual orders:
Move to I3.
Create Door on I3's western wall
Create and throw Large Rock thru the door at jdarksun.
Draw 3 cards.
updated map and players:
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 4
PowerStone - Magic Stone : While carrying this item, you increase the energy value of all Magic cards you play to boost your speed or spells by 1. If you suffer any fire damage, all magic stones you are carrying are destroyed.
Green Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Create Door
Red Treasure
jdarksun <- Current Turn
Life - 13
Cards in Hand - 5
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
Blue Treasure
Life - 15
Cards in Hand- 7
Sustained Spells/Held Items:
jdarksun jaw is clearly broken. "BGHAS ASAHEF ASHADF", he screams at the wizard behind the door