With Tube's permission I proudly present to you
FTL: Faster Than Light - A spaceship simulation roguelike-like. My close friend of many years has been working his butt off with another fine gentleman to bring this idea to life. They currently work and live in Shanghai, China and although the game has just begun it's Alpha stage has received some real positive buzz. I can say from what I've played it's very addicting.
Tom Francis of Gunpoint described it as “Firefly by way of Spelunky.” It has also been compared to Weird Worlds and Battlestations.
I like to think of it as Oregon Trail in outer space, with much greater focus on your wagon. Head over to the site and see for yourself and if you want to know more feel free to let me know.
If you're having trouble waiting and want to know more about the game, check out some of the various "let's plays" on YouTube or these articles:
An overview with lots of screenshots at
Space Game Junkie.
Impressions at
Game Arena.
Thoughts from a fellow board game lover at
Maximum Pixelation.
A detailed overview at
RPG Codex.
An interview and overview from around the launch at
Big news: We've finally set a release date. We plan to launch the completed game on September 14th. That's only a little over 2 weeks away!
Second, FTL will also be available on GOG.com! They will be selling a DRM free version that will include some bonus materials (music tracks / development art). Also, they have kindly offered to give keys to everyone who backed the game at the $10 level and up! That means everyone who gets the game through the Kickstarter will also get the bonus content offered through GOG.com.
In other news, FTL has been nominated as one of the finalists for
IndieCade! Head over to LA Oct 4th-7th for lots of game related fun. We will also be showcased in the
Fantastic Fest's Arcade Sept 20th-23rd in Austin where FTL will be featured with its own arcade cabinet.
And finally, our official trailer is now live! Watch it! Send it to your friends! Watch it again! Check it out below, or at:
(Just finished watching Event Horizon)
Eventually, the pirate explodes. Just in time for power to completely cut out. Everyone except the pilot has burned to death or asphyxiated, and all the rooms are dark. In one last half-assed attempt, I send the pilot running to the back of the ship to try and finish the repair work that others had started. He makes it halfway before succumbing to the icy grip of space.
This is fantastic.
I shall return with impressions.
This neat!
I merrily rampaged from star to star, knocking out the weapons systems of my foes and cackling with glee as their frantic crew attempted to put out fires and fix holes in their hull as I shot them to pieces. I also got to see what happens when a missile puts a hole in my own weapon control and sparks fires from there into the engines, forcing me to vent them to space and send my crew in to asphyxiate while trying to repair the damage.
Oh I like.
My own experience with solar flares was less traumatic than BloodySloths, as during my skirmish my shields came up just in time to take the brunt. I only had one fire start, but the rebel ship was absolutely overcome by flame and their whole crew burned to death in short order.
'Course, a little skirmishing and upgrading is all that's really on offer at the moment, but these fellows have a rock solid idea.
I merrily destroyed a pirate ship, but then got solar flared to death.
and yes, this looks fantastic. Im a sucker for roguelikes and this looks like a logical step of Space Alert becoming a computer game. if we could download the demo without onlive it'd be perfect.
... ... has your friend talked with Steam?
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
This is reaaaaally smart:
$100 is (well) above my impulse threshold, but still. Who wouldn't want a chance to be this game's Patrick Stewart?
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Edit - I've cancelled the purchase of a Michael Whelan reproduction in order to donate to this. I can't stress how much I am looking forward to this game
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Having the camera locked on a ship looking stationary like that, and just having incoming fire from seemingly random directions feels slightly... I don't know, fish in a barrel? But perhaps that's the point?
As far as I can tell there isn't anything outside the ship. Enemy ships show up in a little box and you just choose where you'd like to shoot them.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
[Edit] Also I'm really digging the music.
It was done by Ben Prunty - let him know
End of game spoilers:
Tell your friends that Dongs Galore is monitoring their videogame.
Wake me up when it's on anything besides OnLive.
Does OnLive install some malware on the computer or something? I don't understand the hesitation to install Onlive on one's computer. Or is it that people don't want to register or give away their email account to another third party?
As soon as there's a downloadable demo though, I'll be all over this.
I lost two of my starter crew pretty quick in. I did okay with the other two, but I only was offered a chance to replace them once, for cash, and I had no monies =(
If I am reading this right, they ave $34,234 dollars and their goal was 10k with 32 days left.
I will still buy it.
On steam.
On a sale.