I'm spearheading a survey for a terrible study regarding video game achievements and leaderboard behavior, and I could honestly use as much data as possible, so I made a questionnaire specifically for PA forumers. If you're interested, I doubt it'll take more than 10 minutes - it's pretty short and basic. I do, however, need sincere participants, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't fill up my form with dickbutts fighting to the death over a pit of bubbling semen.
It's intended for people who
play video games for at least 10 hours a week. I'm assuming that's basically all of you and didn't really need to be said, but just in case, there you go.
If you're interested, here's the link: [poof]
If you have any questions, ask them in here or via PM. Any final results will be reported anonymously, even if you enter your username at the end. If you're wondering about potential compensation, there's a 0% chance for you to win one of five $1000 Best Buy gift cards.
Thank you, SE++.
Oh man, that'll buy lots of individual bottles of soda and M&Ms!
I'm in the process of building an entirely separate questionnaire for that.
Also up the prize. i want a 0% chance to win a pony.
Edit: So I stopped. Do you still want my input? I can do it again, maybe.
Like sports, but on TV. And the players aren't paid as well.
My opinion is better than your opinion.
I think the point is to see if people who play games actually care about achieves
So probably
Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind...
Well, I done went and did it again.
Commission me at http://tinyurl.com/cv3h2pl
Yes, this.
Sorry, only one 0% chance per participant.
Only if Bogey is there.
Eventually, yes!
My questionnaire is wearing both a shirt and shoes. You have no grounds to deny it service.
Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about your mother.