Legend of Korra is the sequel show to Avatar: The Last Airbender. Taking place 70 years later it follows the new Avatar Korra as she learns airbending from Aang's son Tenzin. It's going to premiere on TV at
April 14th 2012 at 11 AM. It will be shown online
March 24th.
Don't know what Avatar: The Last Airbender was? Well let me give you the quick version, Avatar takes place in a world where there are four nations, all of them represented by one of the four elements (air, water, earth and fire). In each nation there are people who can control these elements called benders. There is always one person who can control every element, they are called the Avatar and it is their job to keep balance between all four nations.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmsT63BgFPwThe Avatar is foundThe Fire FerretsRelease Date TrailerWall Street Journal TrailerNick AdRules of Pro-BendingCharacters:
Voiced by Janet Varney
Korra is the new Avatar, born in the southern water tribe, she learned how to control water, fire and earth at a very young age and as the show starts she is going to Republic City to learn from Tenzin about how to control air. She's brash and doesn't really like to think things through preferring to just hit it with brute force. She is rarely seen without her faithful polar bear dog
Voiced by J.K. Simmons
Avatar Aang's youngest son, he teaches the art of Airbending. Always trying to remain calm, his patience is constantly tested by not only Avatar Korra but by his children, all of which are Airbenders.
Voiced by P.J. Byrne
An Earthbender who grew up on the streets of Republic City with his older brother Mako. Despite his hard life growing up he always has a grin on his face and a lady on his arm. He also founded his own pro bending team "The Fire Ferrets" named after his
Voiced by David Faustino
Mako is the older brother of Bolin, more hardened by life on the street then his brother, he is willing to do anything to get them a better life, joining in the pro bending tournaments for the prize money.
Chief Lin Bei Fong
Voiced by Mindy Sterling
Daughter of Toph Bei Fong, Lin has risen through the ranks of the Republic City Police to become the chief. Even though she and Korra are on the same side she views Korra as Republic City's biggest threat and seeks to push her out.
Voiced by Steve Blum
Not much is know about Amon other the fact that he hates benders, seeking to wipe them out with the help of his group, the Equalists.
If you want Korra news direct from the source and have a Tumblr you can follow
KorraNation (an official blog) or Bryan Konietzko's
Tumblr (co-creator of the show).
Also do not speak of the movie as we wish to keep it's evil far from here.
Where's that gif of the one guy foaming at the mouth and passing out?
Commission me at http://tinyurl.com/cv3h2pl
You shut your mouth.
Geek, your link doesn't work.
Also, here's one that actually fits the forum filesize limit.
...except i'll be at college and won't have a TV to watch it ;_;
Then air another 3. The DVDs will come out with the whole thing a year later.
Then the rest of the episodes are going to come out
"Mizuumi's Avatar Watching Party or BOOZEBENDING! This Friday, 8:00 PM, The Local Pub. Guys only, no chicks."
Thanks Goatmon.
Way to screw that one up Geek.
Oh well.
Edit: CORRECTION! I will be able to watch the debut. I thought the show would be on primetime but it's on at 11 am. Should have paid more attention to the top post.
E: what a weird autocorrect
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
andrea_art: .....no
andrea_art: okay, okay!!
Japong: GO
Japong: GO
Japong: GO
andrea_art: OMG OMG
andrea_art: APRIL 14
andrea_art: OMG OMG
andrea_art: OMG
Japong: OMG
andrea_art: aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!1
andrea_art: skjfd
Japong: http://i.imgur.com/fuiO0.gif
andrea_tart: EXACTLY
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
Cut content from episode 1:
Removed all references to the word "avatar"
Removed all bending
Removed all fighting