So, I was reading through the 'Favorite "Bad" Movies' thread ( ) over in D&D and realised the same logic works for many games. What games are so bad in just the right ways you can't help but love them?
Before I post anything, I may as well point out that I came across a website dedicated to this game ( ). Just check out 'The Mission' section of the site. Good lord. Anyway, I saw this game for a measly £1.99 at my local Gamestation and had no choice to pick it up and experience it first hand and to this day it sits proudly upon my shelf of Megadrive games as the only bad game in my collection, but in a 'so bad it's good' sort of way.
Now I'll admit I am a huge fan of the Evil Dead movies but this game captured the spirit of the movies perfectly. Low budget, bad acting, lousy script, cheesy one-liners and it looks terrible (The skeletons in Army of Darkness are simply puppets but look hilarious). I'v gone out and rented and finished this game on two seperate occasions, I know it has completley archaic gameplay mechahincs and brings nothing new or exciting to the world of gaming, but I'll be damned if I wasn't having fun playing it. The ending just puts the icing on the cake
Ash, once again screws up the ritual to bring himself back home and ends up in feudal japan. He is about to be executed until one of the warriors is possesed and kills his comerades, then turns to Ash and says "I'll swallow your soul" (or something similar) in Japanese. Ash replies with "Come get some" in Japanese (suddenly he can speak and understand Japanese perfectley) and blows the deadite away with a shotgun
Plus, you get a copy of Evil Dead 2, the greatest B-/movie of all time with it
Please share with me your most beloved 'bad' games.
Unresponsive controls, bland environments, a colour pallet of about 16, frustrating level design.
Yet somehow, somehow, one of the greatest games of the N64 era.
Perhaps it was the battle music, the alien hierarchy, or just the strangeness of it all. I love it.
Remake please.
One of the most infamous games ever from what's been regarded as the worst genre of all time(FMV), and I still play it frequently.
I never get tired of the comedy.
I could fill a small novel with the golden lines from that game.
(I was going to do a FAQ, but reason prevailed.)
M I RITE?!!?!
Actually, I liked Army Men RTS for the PC quite a bit. Harvesting energy from a PS2... oh man that was fun.
Yeah, I mentioned the Ghost in the Shell PS2 game in the Bullet Witch thread. Mediocre to bad reviews, but I liked it.
There was a lot of hate for this game, but I liked it a lot.
On the other hand, I found the sequel to be almost unplayable due to slowdown and only ever put in an hour or so.
Pokemon FC: 2749 7579 5931
Also Tekken, but probably it counts only on these boards as a "bad game you otherwise like" as people don't like it here.
I believe I shall open with the World Heroes series- everyone else calls it a half-broken Street Fighter clone, and when SNK is brought up, I'm the only one that ever mentions it- everyone else will give you Fatal Fury or King of Fighters or Samurai Showdown, but dammit, give me Erik the Red beating the snot out of a witch doctor from Papua New Guinea any day of the week.
Also, thunderbolt death matches. Always thunderbolt death matches.
I love that game. I always chose it over the terminator 2 game at the arcades.
I need to find this game
The whole time I was thinking, god, I'm having fun but deep down I know how terrible this fucking is. Someone should make a game like this except with zombies.
They used to have it wherever there were arcade games back in the day. (Its definately not one of my favourite bad games, though, its just bad)
I had the PC version. I wasted far too many fucking hours on that game.
Pokemon FC: 2749 7579 5931
They also have it for the SNES and the Genisis
The controls were poorly thought out and clumsy, the level design was the worst I've ever seen in a game and it had incredibly frustrating difficulty spikes, but somehow I enjoyed the hell out of it.
It's created with the State of Emergency engine and the deadites are sort of like zombies, they really are possesed humans, but the point is there are huge swarms of them and you get some rather good aiming controls and a chainsaw to have fun with. It's a really fun game.
Oh and a thumbs up to both the Evil Dead games.
How could I forget this. I've played it like 10 times now. Loved it to death.
I'm wondering because I'd almost like to pick it up used if I could get the movie with it.
Bangai-O: one of the greatest fucking shooters ever made.
Do I really need to spell that out? Or do you assclowns want to jump all over me some more?
You spelled "localization" wrong you dumb fuck.
Dragonball Z: Legendary Super Warriors for the Gameboy Color!!
It's a card-based RPG with very predictable A.I. but I love it. This was one of the first games I bought with my GBA and I became addicted to it for a little while. Look at how cute it is!
Well then you win.
It came bundled with the DVD, case and all. And this video on the Shaq-Fu site is fantastic
*Guy beats up mugger using moves from Shaq Fu*
"Thank you, mysterious stranger!"
"Thank you, He-Man!"
The indiana Jones music made the scene earlier fantastic.
EDIT: Although you can unlock a video of Bruce Campbell playing the game itself, looking mighty dis-interested, and if memory serves, wearing a cowboy hat.
"Oh, yeah, well, the blood looks pretty cool"
Well, mine didn't come bundled with the dvd, so you must have gotten some special pack.
I win however, as my cover slip for the box is signed by Bruce Campbell, he signed as "Ash."
*Urge to kill DHS and claim his signed copy of Fistfull of Boomstick.... rising*
EDIT: To add to the actual discussion, I loved the game Odium, as you can see by my name. Looking at gamerankings ( you can see it didn't get too bad an overall review, but when it came out all I had was PC Gamer to go by, which gave it a 34%, and that I could not understand. Then again, I'm a sucker for tactical games. Anything with grids gets me all hot.
I haven't played it in years, but I remember the game being pretty bad, gameplay-wise. It was funny though. And it had Kirk Cameron. That's a plus, I guess. Right?
And a semi-serious mention for Viewtiful Joe 2.
My favorite 'bad game.' It's also in the Budget Games thread, as this is indeed a budget game as well.
The reviews panned it. They said it was shallow, repetitive, and has Dreamcast-launch quality graphics.
I'll agree about the graphics; they're not very good:
But if you ask me, the gameplay is great; if you're looking for a mindless FPS blast-em-up that throws hordes of a hundred enemies at you in waves. It's pretty good Serious Sam gameplay, even if its older Croteam-developed predecessors are 'better.'
The great thing, though, is that it adds a 'multiplier' gameplay mechanic. If you slaughter enough enemies in a short amount of time, you get higher and higher multipliers, making your score go up. Getting higher scores gets you a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal. Figuring out cool ways to jack up your score and win Medals is a great gameplay mechanic in my book, and adds plenty of replay. It also unlocks new levels in the game to play through.
As an example of how 'creative' you have to be to gain some medals, I once started running around a large pool as hundreds of small green enemies started spawning. I let them chase me until they had spawned an enormous horde of these things, and they were chasing me. That's when I pulled out my trusty Chainsaw, and dove face-first into the horde. Talk about slaughter; my multiplier went through the roof. It was great fun.
The multiplayer is also good fun - it supports Cooperative and different types of competitive multiplayer. The PS2 plays online and the GCN supports 4 people simultaneously (the PS2 has only 2-player on one screen, but 8 people on the internet). Unfortunately, literally NOBODY played this game online; I never saw a single server with anyone in it, even when the game first came out. But Coop with my brother was good fun.
I like some other games that are considered to be 'bad games,' but this is probably my favorite example.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
The end of the game was pure gold.