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[EAST] PAX East 2013 Cosplay Thread



  • fynixfynix Registered User regular
    hatos wrote: »
    Also, lol specific, which day is the league of legends cosplay show? In the past it's been day 3 and I don't know if that ever changes?

    Last East, Riot ran a cosplay show each day. No idea about this year, but I'd go to them Friday and ask when they plan on running the show(s). They're generally super nice. :)

  • hatoshatos Registered User new member
    fynix wrote: »
    hatos wrote: »
    Also, lol specific, which day is the league of legends cosplay show? In the past it's been day 3 and I don't know if that ever changes?

    Last East, Riot ran a cosplay show each day. No idea about this year, but I'd go to them Friday and ask when they plan on running the show(s). They're generally super nice. :)
    Thanks for the info, I'll look into that :)

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    @hatos - also - to add to @fynix, they did things differently 2012 (fashion Show) compared to 2011 (costume contest). If you've got a few costumes in mind - you might even want to bring 2 or so and just shake things up during the weekend, esp if they do the same thing again.

    ishtra on
    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    First off, please forgive me it this has been done before. I am more familiar with anime type cons, and the 6 or 7 I have been to have always had an official cosplay, don't know how to explain this, block, i guess? Like an official panel block, preferably an hour sometime before the concert on saturday night, that would act as a kind of modeling event. You can walk the catwalk, showing your best costume, then the judges would pick the best at the end and you would win a prize. It seems that each year PAX goes on, cosplayers become more prominent. No, I don't have the guts to cosplay myself (nor the figure, for that matter), but I used to love to see the various anime characters, and I do love now seeing all the people dressed as game characters. It takes a lot of devotion to do that stuff!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    jdixon1972 wrote: »
    First off, please forgive me it this has been done before. I am more familiar with anime type cons, and the 6 or 7 I have been to have always had an official cosplay, don't know how to explain this, block, i guess? Like an official panel block, preferably an hour sometime before the concert on saturday night, that would act as a kind of modeling event. You can walk the catwalk, showing your best costume, then the judges would pick the best at the end and you would win a prize. It seems that each year PAX goes on, cosplayers become more prominent. No, I don't have the guts to cosplay myself (nor the figure, for that matter), but I used to love to see the various anime characters, and I do love now seeing all the people dressed as game characters. It takes a lot of devotion to do that stuff!

    Panel submissions are open on

    You could always submit that as a panel if it's something you want to do.

  • TurnedtoGoldTurnedtoGold PittsburghRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    @MissMoogle and I are doing a Fallout 3 cosplay. She'll be 101 and I'm going as a ghoul. I did a trial run of some makeup tonight just to get a feel for the process and this is what I came up with. It's in super early stages, but I don't think it's half bad for the first time. This is all done with makeup and hand made prosthetics. No masks or store bought pieces.

    zerzhul on
  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    @MissMoogle and I are doing a Fallout 3 cosplay. She'll be 101 and I'm going as a ghoul. I did a trial run of some makeup tonight just to get a feel for the process and this is what I came up with. It's in super early stages, but I don't think it's half bad for the first time. This is all done with makeup and hand made prosthetics. No masks or store bought pieces.

    that is amazing! i've considered doing a ghoul moira for pax before, but i definitely don't have your makeup skills. what will you be doing for the outfit?

    tvethiopia on
    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • TurnedtoGoldTurnedtoGold PittsburghRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    @tvethiopia Thanks! I've been working really hard sketching out facial structures of ghouls and figuring out how to get the makeup just right. I'm glad you like it! As for wardrobe, I'll be wearing a tattered brown 50's style dress with a cardigan and boots of some sort. I'd also like to add a party hat for laughs.

    TurnedtoGold on
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular


    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • RegimentRegiment Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Oogre335 wrote: »
    ...This time we got a few friends coming so the current plan is:
    3.) Weaping angels and follow random people all day.
    So if anyone wants to join ill post more when Igot more info

    I'll be the 10th Doctor (just got the sonic screwdriver). I need to get a picture with the Angel (although part of me seems to recall that that isn't generally a good idea).

    Regiment on
    I never lose, I just win sideways.
  • ThemiscyraThemiscyra Registered User regular
    So aside from the faerie queen costume I wore on Sunday last year (which was kind of a last-minute decision - I had the costume from a prior event, and when my Sunday schedule abruptly opened up, I decided to throw it on), I've never really done cosplay at PAX East, and I could use some advice from old hands on how exactly the "second glance" rule re: fake guns works. I have a Big Daddy to go with my airship captain costume, and while a cursory examination will show that it can't fire anything at all ever, that whole "second glance" thing is making me a little nervous. So PAX cosplay veterans: do I have anything to worry about here? Should I go looking for something that's a little more obviously not a real firearm?

    PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut
    After time adrift among open stars
    Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
    I will return to where I began
  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    It will be fine.

  • BonniesBonnies Registered User regular
    I'll be cosplaying as Redeemed Riven from League of Legends =D I can't wait to see everyone's work!

  • LilybellaLilybella Registered User regular
    LotR all the way! :)

  • kemikalkemikal Registered User regular
    So I'm thinking about a Gaige costume of sorts. And I am just completely stumped on what to do for her robotic arm. Any suggestions?

    Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
    TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
  • riathewolfriathewolf Registered User regular
    kemikal wrote: »
    So I'm thinking about a Gaige costume of sorts. And I am just completely stumped on what to do for her robotic arm. Any suggestions?

    It's not exactly the same but I know a bunch of people who have made automail from FMA out of craft foam. There's also a lot of tutorials for it. Maybe you could modify one to look more like Gaige's arm?

    That's a fairly good one and she has other armor making tutorials on her site.

  • TuftTuft Registered User regular
    Just curious - are there restrictions on large-sized props? Was discussing some ideas with my husband and he mentioned thinking there used to be some limitations on size but I couldn't spot any specifics anywhere.

  • VideoGameStupidVideoGameStupid Registered User regular
    Hey all! For once, I have a selection of costumes for this upcoming PAX East. Tell me which ones I should try out:

    1. BLU Spy from TF2. I did this last year, and much to my amusement, a lot of people liked it. This was my second time doing a cosplay ever and I have to say, I was thrilled at the picture taking. So I may bring this one back.

    2. Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3. All I need now is the headband and the belts with pouches. I have an eyepatch and some BDUs and combat boots. Maybe get better gloves. And a beard that actually grows in...:P

    3. Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2. This is only happening if I can fix the hood AT THE VERY LEAST. The rest of it looks kind of bad quality but I really want to try it out.

    4. Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. Just need to get the mask. Would people care if I didn't shave my head bald or would that ruin the whole thing?

    5. Slenderman. This is probably my personal favorite and my newest complete costume. Sort of a video game character now, right?

    6. Leon Kennedy. I could either do his new look in RE6 (Leather Jacket and red shirt is all I have basically...), OR I can try and do what I did my first PAX and do a RPD uniform.

    7. Mario. BUT...a hipster version of him. Red plaid, overalls, red plaid fedora, lensless glasses, etc.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?

    Please do Naked Snake! I never see enough MGS characters at cons. Leon Kennedy would be cool as well.

  • JindraxJindrax Registered User regular
    Well, I finally took the zora armor out for a test run one day last weekend. Still got some work to do on it. I messed up the symmetry on the helm a bit and might redo it.

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    I still have a few things to add to this, but i think i'll bring this costume with me. Guess who!

  • Amoeba Amoeba Registered User regular
    First timer here! But I plan on sprucing up my intelligence core cosplay, that I'm wearing in my avatar.
    I wear a pink apron so people won't think I'm Wheatley, but it never works >.<

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    I come to this thread bearing a link jampacked with awesome information!

    It's exactly what it says on the tin and it's awesome.

  • skipper307skipper307 ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Im going as either Glaive Warrior Pantheon or Dreadknight Garen from League of Legends, what do you all think?? :) First time btw :p

    skipper307 on
    PAX South 2016: Time off ( ) 3 Day Pass (X) BYOC Pass ( ) Hotel (X) Costume ( )
    PAX East 2013: Time off (X) 3 Day Pass (X) BYOC Pass (X) Hotel (X) Costume ( )

    Alright. Off we go into the wild blue yonder!
  • BonniesBonnies Registered User regular
    skipper307 wrote: »
    Im going as either Glaive Warrior Pantheon or Dreadknight Garen from League of Legends, what do you all think?? :) First time btw :p

    I pick Dreadknight Garen.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    skipper307 wrote: »
    Im going as either Glaive Warrior Pantheon or Dreadknight Garen from League of Legends, what do you all think?? :) First time btw :p

    Oooh both are fun!

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • ArcanicEightArcanicEight Registered User regular
    skipper307 wrote: »
    Im going as either Glaive Warrior Pantheon or Dreadknight Garen from League of Legends, what do you all think?? :) First time btw :p

    I would definitely go with Garen. Good luck!

  • WulfWulf Disciple of Tzeentch The Void... (New Jersey)Registered User regular
    Going as Marty McFly this year. Should be fun!

    Everyone needs a little Chaos!
  • ArcanicEightArcanicEight Registered User regular
    Wulf wrote: »
    Going as Marty McFly this year. Should be fun!

    Okay. You win.

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I just saw Wreck It Ralph. contemplating cosplaying for the first time and as Wreck It Ralph. Now, let's see if I go through with this or I am just hyped from that movie. Haha.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    can't wait for the theaters to get their power back so we can go see Ralph :D that would be a fun costume

    ishtra on
    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • FuelFuel Registered User new member
    I'm going as a human Lady Rainicorn (Adventure Time). I'm still working on what I want it to look like, but I'm getting there. Pretty sure my fiance is going as Leon (Resident Evil).

  • kohanaikohanai Registered User regular
    helloooo! Last year was my first pax and my goodness... amazing... I walked around as Ramona Flowers for a couple days. But I really wanna get some good costuming in this year! I'm trying to decide between a few that are my-size friendly:

    White Glove Society member
    Hextech Janna
    Ahri (her normal skin)
    a Silent Hill Nurse
    Reverse Annie

    I am definitely doing Catsby (my group and I are [tentatively] all dressing up as members from the comic on Friday - can't wait!), but the others are so difficult to choose from. I have several pieces already that can work with some of these ideas, and I only have to remake my nurse head. Ahri would be a complete costume to make, but it's pretty simple, and I would just have to sew (or find) a dress for a teddy bear for Reverse Annie. So many choices!!! ahhh!

  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    Hey guys, I have a potential enderman cosplay going on.... Would stilts be okay? I wasn't sure, so I figured I'd ask before even attempting to make the costume. I may not end up using them, but it's best to know just in case.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I have definitely seen people using stilt-like apparatus at PAX in the past.

  • TraitoriousTraitorious Registered User regular
    Hey guys, I have a potential enderman cosplay going on.... Would stilts be okay? I wasn't sure, so I figured I'd ask before even attempting to make the costume. I may not end up using them, but it's best to know just in case.
    I've seen people on stilts at PAX before. Also, iirc, this has come up in previous years and sounds like as long as you're not blocking traffic (fire codes) it's fine.

  • thedandmomthedandmom Registered User regular
    Okay I'm not going to do my pinkie pie cosplay. I'm going to do Leavanny from pokemon. There is my design below

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    Before you invest in stilts let me confirm. I know at the last Prime the guy in stilts had to stop wearing them due to building rules / etc. I'll get an answer asap.

  • SynthetiKatSynthetiKat Registered User regular

    I want to make a cosplay of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts. I don't know if I have enough time. Seriously. Because...

    How the HELL do you make that top? It's like a backless tanktop corset combo... thingy? What? And in my case, because I'm flat-chested as a fourteen year old boy, I'd really need to have this thing shaped and with actual corset pieces...

    I've tried googling for help, but 99% of all Kingdom Hearts related cosplay questions boil down to "is it ok to kiss my axel in public 0u0 kya kawaii desu~" and I'm like

    god damn it kingdom hearts fans

    I have an idea if you haven't started or figured anything out yet. I'm new to cosplaying but I am self taught in the sewing world for 10 years and if you know how to sew I may be able to help out. I am working on I-No from Guilty Gear and had to learn the art of corsetry, KIND of. She has a high waisted skirt that fits just under the bust. I can show you the patterns I used to measure and make the skirt form fitting like a corset but without the steel bones and busk and using a zipper up the back instead.

    Let me know if you want links to some of the patterns I used. And if I have time I can try to get you a quick sketch on my own pattern I made yet making it more relevant to your costume.

  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    Stilts are not allowed inside the expo hall.

  • MoociferMoocifer Artsy Broad Registered User regular
    redfield85 wrote: »
    I just saw Wreck It Ralph. contemplating cosplaying for the first time and as Wreck It Ralph. Now, let's see if I go through with this or I am just hyped from that movie. Haha.

    I, too, just saw Wreck It Ralph and am considering cosplaying for the first time as Vanellope. Can't decide if I'm actually going to, BUT a photo op needs to happen if we both hop on the wagon. :D

    PAX East 2014!!!1!one
    3 Day Pass: [x] // Travel: [ x] // Time Off: [ x] // Hotel: [x]
    Twitter: @amysophie
    Twitter: amysophie
    Gamertag/Steam: Vixen Valentine
This discussion has been closed.