Yea, that's the same image I've been trying to use for reference. After breaking it all down piece by piece, it's starting to look much more simple to make as long as I can find the base pieces of clothing to modify.
Thanks for the advice with the jacket though, that's the main part that I've been kind of skeptical about. Wasn't sure how to make the patchwork sort of look on a jacket, especially since I have very little experience sewing. How well would fabric paint work? I thought about doing something like that since I don't really have much sewing experience and then just adding stitching to make it give it the patchwork look, but I wasn't sure if it would end up looking crummy.
I was thinking about cheating a bit and using my own hat since I got a Mad Hatter hat as a gift a couple years back (actually the same one as what's recommended in that link), but you've changed my mind. That's definitely a much better fit. Mine is obnoxiously large and a bit flimsy, so glad you found that!
Well, fabric paint honestly won't look 100% right. When I was using it to modify our Riddler's jacket, the painted parts came out somewhat leathery. It's definitely the quick and dirty option, but if you don't mind that kind of look, that'd definitely be the way to go.
Alternative option would be to use the iron-on applique technique, if you haven't got a sewing machine and are not confident with one but can handle a pair of scissors and an iron with facility. Scroll down to the bit about fusible adhesive for tips on how to actually use the stuff. It might take a little longer and be a little more expensive, but this method is still pretty easy and will give you the best-looking results.
For the stitches themselves, I'd use yarn or embroidery thread, something nice and thick so it'll actually show.
PAX Prime 2012 (Pin-Up Gardener Poison Ivy)
PAX Prime 2013 (Bollywood Black Mage)
PAX Prime 2014 (Renaissance Lady Link)
Awesome, thanks for the help. I'll look into using the fusible adhesive, and if that doesn't work out and I can't find a way to sew it, I'll use the fabric paint as a last resort. Now back to the challenge of finding a jacket to use. Still haven't been able to find something that looks right to build on.
So last year we tried to organize an official Cosplay meet up and it kind of failed (mostly because we didn't solidify a good meeting place and picked a bad time) Anyone interested in trying to to do this again? I think if we plan ahead and make the meet up widely known it could be really fun! If anyone is interested in organizing this with me or is already in the process of doing so and I just didn't get the memo, let me know!
So last year we tried to organize an official Cosplay meet up and it kind of failed (mostly because we didn't solidify a good meeting place and picked a bad time) Anyone interested in trying to to do this again? I think if we plan ahead and make the meet up widely known it could be really fun! If anyone is interested in organizing this with me or is already in the process of doing so and I just didn't get the memo, let me know!
I think an official meet up would be a great idea. It'll be hard to pick a time for absolutely everyone to be able to make it, but that's just in the nature of PAX I guess. I'd definitely say sometime Saturday, not sure what time would be best.
I'm with the idea of doing a cosplay meet up. We did something like that last year with maybe 12+ people or so. Just did a few poses with this one guy for a few photos. Was fun though.
As Arcanic said it's difficult to get everyone at a place at the same time due to panels and other obligations. I would recommend the Rock Band Free Play area for a meet up point though. Saturday would be the best day too.
Anyone going as any Kirby characters? I'll be bringing out King Dedede for Saturday.
Friday will be Mimi from Super Paper Mario.
Sunday I will just be myself unless I have a good reason to bring another cosplay out
My Pink Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger costume should be ready well before then, so I'll probably be wearing it on Friday - and I'm stoked about that, but I'm giving serious thought to trying to hire an assistant for the day so I'll have someone to hold my stuff while I'm posing for pictures, hand out contact cards, etc. For Saturday, I'm thinking I may go with my steampunk airship captain ensemble, which I'm premiering this Halloween, though I may need to look into some different weapons, as the ones I have may not fit the criteria (the gun is cast resin and can't fire, and isn't really a realistic design, but might be conceivably be mistaken for an actual firearm on a glance or two; the dagger/short sword is hard plastic and might conceivably scrape someone, though it'd probably take some effort). And for Sunday I may do my dark faerie queen costume from last year (crown's crooked in both these pictures -- I fixed it later, but still haven't found any pictures where it's on straight):
back from my trip so officially able to think about my cosplay - anyone have suggestions for where to buy 2 over-sized round joysticks? Might have to make them, but would love to just buy one so it is more realistic (hopefully).
Awesome, thanks for the help. I'll look into using the fusible adhesive, and if that doesn't work out and I can't find a way to sew it, I'll use the fabric paint as a last resort. Now back to the challenge of finding a jacket to use. Still haven't been able to find something that looks right to build on.
Maybe this? The epaulettes are fine from other reference images I've seen, though could cover them in a different fabric with the patch method. You'd need to remove all the buttons, add a couple belts and the toggle/buckle thingies. Sleeve length doesn't matter much since you'll be rolling them up. If it's a little tight across the chest, that's fine as it'll be worn open anyway. Just make sure it's the right length to hit you mid-calf. Optional slit in the back, if you feel confident enough sewing/ironing that. Might need to figure out how to enlarge the collar, though...could sacrifice the epaulettes to add some fabric there? Though that would require some potentially tricky sewing/ironing.
Alternatively, one could attempt dying this one slightly green.
Fidchel on
PAX Prime 2012 (Pin-Up Gardener Poison Ivy)
PAX Prime 2013 (Bollywood Black Mage)
PAX Prime 2014 (Renaissance Lady Link)
Ok so far I've heard most people say Saturday would be a good day to do a cosplay meet up, and I agree. I think we should wait for the schedule to be posted before discussing times and such. I like the idea of meeting up at the Rock Band Free Play area, but its still up for debate of course if someone has any other ideas!
Hopefully when we get closer to the date we can get a better idea of how many people are interested in doing this! I would really like to make a Facebook group as well, because many of my friends (who are not on these forums) might want to come to this meet up too. Anyone who is interested in coming to the meet-up, feel free to send me a friend request (link to my fb is in the sig.) I would like to make this public and see how many cosplayers we can get together at once! This will also be the best way I can reach out to my friends who are photographers, who I'm sure would love a chance to get all the cosplayers in one room. And if any of you are interested in getting some free pro cosplay photos, I would be happy to connect you with some of the awesome photographers who I know that will be there! ^_^
Awesome, thanks for the help. I'll look into using the fusible adhesive, and if that doesn't work out and I can't find a way to sew it, I'll use the fabric paint as a last resort. Now back to the challenge of finding a jacket to use. Still haven't been able to find something that looks right to build on.
Maybe this? The epaulettes are fine from other reference images I've seen, though could cover them in a different fabric with the patch method. You'd need to remove all the buttons, add a couple belts and the toggle/buckle thingies. Sleeve length doesn't matter much since you'll be rolling them up. If it's a little tight across the chest, that's fine as it'll be worn open anyway. Just make sure it's the right length to hit you mid-calf. Optional slit in the back, if you feel confident enough sewing/ironing that. Might need to figure out how to enlarge the collar, though...could sacrifice the epaulettes to add some fabric there? Though that would require some potentially tricky sewing/ironing.
Alternatively, one could attempt dying this one slightly green.
First one is probably the best one I've seen yet, think I'll go with that one. Really appreciate all the help.
Is a handmade bow without the string and a quiver of rods with feathers attached on one end ("arrows") acceptable? I think I saw some people with unstrung bows before, but I don't remember seeing arrow props.
Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
TWDT '13: HufflepuffOotP
Actual arrows would not be allowed, but some blunt rods with feathers attached would be fine. If you had a prop "arrow" which clearly had a foam or blunt tip that would be fine as well.
The bow unstrung or with a string that couldn't be pulled back (ie a prop string) would be fine as well.
If things work out in my favor. So far it has. I will be Storm from X-Men, 1992 cartoon version. I got with wig, the contacts, and the earrings. My friend is a pro seamstress so she will be a big help. I have lost 81 pounds so far and I got 19 more to lose till I reach my goal. I will be Storm ready by March! At least I hope so! :P
I think I'm going to go as a female version of Marty McFly for one of the days, then a pokeball for the other day. I'm not sure if the pokeball would be a lame idea though. Thoughts?
Dueling Marty's :highfive:
Also a meetup on Sat would be cool
Is a handmade bow without the string and a quiver of rods with feathers attached on one end ("arrows") acceptable? I think I saw some people with unstrung bows before, but I don't remember seeing arrow props.
I would just remove the tips of the arrows. should be good then.
Is a handmade bow without the string and a quiver of rods with feathers attached on one end ("arrows") acceptable? I think I saw some people with unstrung bows before, but I don't remember seeing arrow props.
I would just remove the tips of the arrows. should be good then.
From the PAX FAQ
It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce such as a Little Sister syringe made of wood.
If you bring "arrows" then they must be blunt and unable to pierce skin at all.
back from my trip so officially able to think about my cosplay - anyone have suggestions for where to buy 2 over-sized round joysticks? Might have to make them, but would love to just buy one so it is more realistic (hopefully).
Progress of my redeemed riven costume I just finished the chest piece, came out better than i though, there are some little crack i need to patch up or so far so good! I don't know how to walk around in this all day long... lol
Yea last year I thought we are planning a meeting, show up 2 days (some say friday, some say saturday) and no one showed up =( I hope this year is different.
Yea last year I thought we are planning a meeting, show up 2 days (some say friday, some say saturday) and no one showed up =( I hope this year is different.
Wait... were you the other person at the Friday meetup? I was the TF2 RED Medic.
I want to see a big meetup. I would love a group picture.
Sunday: Vanille (FFXIII) or Peach (SSBB), still deciding
I especially like the look of the Assassin's Creed III one and Vanille. Never seen a FFXIII cosplay the the cons I've been so it'd be a nice change in pace.
Thanks for the advice with the jacket though, that's the main part that I've been kind of skeptical about. Wasn't sure how to make the patchwork sort of look on a jacket, especially since I have very little experience sewing. How well would fabric paint work? I thought about doing something like that since I don't really have much sewing experience and then just adding stitching to make it give it the patchwork look, but I wasn't sure if it would end up looking crummy.
I was thinking about cheating a bit and using my own hat since I got a Mad Hatter hat as a gift a couple years back (actually the same one as what's recommended in that link), but you've changed my mind. That's definitely a much better fit. Mine is obnoxiously large and a bit flimsy, so glad you found that!
Alternative option would be to use the iron-on applique technique, if you haven't got a sewing machine and are not confident with one but can handle a pair of scissors and an iron with facility. Scroll down to the bit about fusible adhesive for tips on how to actually use the stuff. It might take a little longer and be a little more expensive, but this method is still pretty easy and will give you the best-looking results.
For the stitches themselves, I'd use yarn or embroidery thread, something nice and thick so it'll actually show.
PAX Prime 2013 (Bollywood Black Mage)
PAX Prime 2014 (Renaissance Lady Link)
PSN: totobomb
Add me!
I think an official meet up would be a great idea. It'll be hard to pick a time for absolutely everyone to be able to make it, but that's just in the nature of PAX I guess. I'd definitely say sometime Saturday, not sure what time would be best.
As Arcanic said it's difficult to get everyone at a place at the same time due to panels and other obligations. I would recommend the Rock Band Free Play area for a meet up point though. Saturday would be the best day too.
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
Friday will be Mimi from Super Paper Mario.
Sunday I will just be myself unless I have a good reason to bring another cosplay out
Are you on Facebook Rangers?
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Maybe this? The epaulettes are fine from other reference images I've seen, though could cover them in a different fabric with the patch method. You'd need to remove all the buttons, add a couple belts and the toggle/buckle thingies. Sleeve length doesn't matter much since you'll be rolling them up. If it's a little tight across the chest, that's fine as it'll be worn open anyway. Just make sure it's the right length to hit you mid-calf. Optional slit in the back, if you feel confident enough sewing/ironing that. Might need to figure out how to enlarge the collar, though...could sacrifice the epaulettes to add some fabric there? Though that would require some potentially tricky sewing/ironing.
Alternatively, one could attempt dying this one slightly green.
PAX Prime 2013 (Bollywood Black Mage)
PAX Prime 2014 (Renaissance Lady Link)
Hopefully when we get closer to the date we can get a better idea of how many people are interested in doing this! I would really like to make a Facebook group as well, because many of my friends (who are not on these forums) might want to come to this meet up too. Anyone who is interested in coming to the meet-up, feel free to send me a friend request (link to my fb is in the sig.) I would like to make this public and see how many cosplayers we can get together at once! This will also be the best way I can reach out to my friends who are photographers, who I'm sure would love a chance to get all the cosplayers in one room. And if any of you are interested in getting some free pro cosplay photos, I would be happy to connect you with some of the awesome photographers who I know that will be there! ^_^
PSN: totobomb
Add me!
First one is probably the best one I've seen yet, think I'll go with that one. Really appreciate all the help.
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
The bow unstrung or with a string that couldn't be pulled back (ie a prop string) would be fine as well.
Thank you for asking.
Pax Pals Facebook!
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
That's an option. And if people can make it to both, they can do that, too. : p
Hell why not both days? The more the merrier. Maybe even go out and about in the streets nearby in search for food.
hopefully for both saturday and sunday, if my percussive unit doesn't kill me first o:
classic leblanc (fri&sat&sun)
badges [x] hotel [x] leblanc [3%]
panic [100%]
Here's some recent fun I had in Epcot with the cosplay:
Now to start dying fabrics and painting flowers for Terra lol.
Dueling Marty's
Also a meetup on Sat would be cool
I'm definitely up for a meetup, Friday or Saturday with everyone.
From the PAX FAQ
If you bring "arrows" then they must be blunt and unable to pierce skin at all.
Something like this? Are you going as arcade sona?
Twitter page:
more pics here:
Yea last year I thought we are planning a meeting, show up 2 days (some say friday, some say saturday) and no one showed up =( I hope this year is different.
Twitter page:
Wait... were you the other person at the Friday meetup? I was the TF2 RED Medic.
I want to see a big meetup. I would love a group picture.
Those might work - gotta figure out how big they are but hoping to :P
Hey! Yes I am!
Twitter page:
My current plans are:
Friday: The Independent (Assassin's Creed III)
Saturday: Shining Blade/Masquerade Armor (Guild Wars 2)
Sunday: Vanille (FFXIII) or Peach (SSBB), still deciding
That's you in that awesome cosplay!?!? (Masquerade Armor) Good Job! I didn't see you in person but saw pictures
Twitter page:
I especially like the look of the Assassin's Creed III one and Vanille. Never seen a FFXIII cosplay the the cons I've been so it'd be a nice change in pace.