- It fires or can fire any sort of projectile. (Yes, even Nerf.)
- It looks like a real firearm at "second glance." (Yes, even if it's a kid's toy.)
- It's sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. (Yes, even if it's not made of metal.)
Due to the fact that those look like they could hurt someone I am going to guess they'll be a no go.
Altering an actual weapon to be non-dangerous is an iffy situation and we would likely err on the side of caution and not allow you to bring them into the convention center. I would suggest using a clear substitute such as plastic or foam. Please remember that the item cannot be sharp enough to cut or pierce.
Altering an actual weapon to be non-dangerous is an iffy situation and we would likely err on the side of caution and not allow you to bring them into the convention center. I would suggest using a clear substitute such as plastic or foam. Please remember that the item cannot be sharp enough to cut or pierce.
I am. My Enforcer handle is EvilGenius. I have been a member of the Enforcer Security team for the past two PAX East's and will be heading up the security team this year. I will attempt to help in answering any questions people may have. Thank you!
I would disallow those knives unless they were completely dull and had no point at all. In their current state, even if the edge is dulled, they have a sharp point. You can bring them and take the chance, but as described they would be disallowed.
I wanna try to do a solid snake cosplay from mgs2, seeing I already have most of the costume. But does anyone have the slightest idea where you can get a grey wetsuit? I can get a flgihtsuit and talor it but I would rather get something that's actually form fitting.
I wanna try to do a solid snake cosplay from mgs2, seeing I already have most of the costume. But does anyone have the slightest idea where you can get a grey wetsuit? I can get a flgihtsuit and talor it but I would rather get something that's actually form fitting.
If you just need a grey form fitting fabric suit, then you might be able to use a grey Zentai suit instead.
Hello there, just wanted to share some Claptrap cosplay i had done at Pax east the last 2 years and a hint of what i have planned for this year. I'm going to include some step by step photos in case anyone is interested in how i did it or to make one themselves.
Pax East 2011
This was the end result.
The was how the idea originated. I was originally going to do some Fallout 3 vault dweller cosplay but while playing borderlands with a buddy i told him id make him up a Claptrap suit because it sounded uncomfortable and im a jerk. As it turned out i was so impressed with my handiwork i made it my focus and we took turns wearing it.
This is the view from the inside. Cramped, dark and no peripheral vision.
Escalators become a nightmare.
Pax East 2012
The idea this year was same but more of it.
For this guy i had to use woodgrained contact paper.
The Jacobs Claptrap was by far the most of a pain in the ass.
This was on the exhibition floor in front of a couple thousand people.
Photo with Randy Pitchford and David Eddings.
On display before an easter morning Gearbox panel.
Another 1500 people in line for said panel.
After the panel i left them behind for the Gearbox to take back to their studio.
Except for this one which i cut the face off of and threw the rest in a dumpster. THEY HAVE NO FEELINGS!!!
The rest were safely transplanted to the studio where they were promptly put to work.
And apparently commandeered as halloween costumes for the lazy!
And makeshift chili guardians?
Pax East 2013
This is my only hint for this year's Pax East. if everything comes together it should be pretty cool and ill throw the pix up here as well.
I really should also point out that i didnt make this mask. It's a premade kit from punished props. I only painted it basically.
I wanna try to do a solid snake cosplay from mgs2, seeing I already have most of the costume. But does anyone have the slightest idea where you can get a grey wetsuit? I can get a flgihtsuit and talor it but I would rather get something that's actually form fitting.
If you just need a grey form fitting fabric suit, then you might be able to use a grey Zentai suit instead.
I was thinking just using some of my spandex running gear, I am afriad if I get rid of the head on a zentai that might weaken the seams. I am way too young to go as old snake, but that would make great face camo!
Hello there, just wanted to share some Claptrap cosplay i had done at Pax east the last 2 years and a hint of what i have planned for this year. I'm going to include some step by step photos in case anyone is interested in how i did it or to make one themselves.
Pax East 2011
This was the end result.
The was how the idea originated. I was originally going to do some Fallout 3 vault dweller cosplay but while playing borderlands with a buddy i told him id make him up a Claptrap suit because it sounded uncomfortable and im a jerk. As it turned out i was so impressed with my handiwork i made it my focus and we took turns wearing it.
This is the view from the inside. Cramped, dark and no peripheral vision.
Escalators become a nightmare.
Pax East 2012
The idea this year was same but more of it.
For this guy i had to use woodgrained contact paper.
The Jacobs Claptrap was by far the most of a pain in the ass.
This was on the exhibition floor in front of a couple thousand people.
Photo with Randy Pitchford and David Eddings.
On display before an easter morning Gearbox panel.
Another 1500 people in line for said panel.
After the panel i left them behind for the Gearbox to take back to their studio.
Except for this one which i cut the face off of and threw the rest in a dumpster. THEY HAVE NO FEELINGS!!!
The rest were safely transplanted to the studio where they were promptly put to work.
And apparently commandeered as halloween costumes for the lazy!
And makeshift chili guardians?
Pax East 2013
This is my only hint for this year's Pax East. if everything comes together it should be pretty cool and ill throw the pix up here as well.
I really should also point out that i didnt make this mask. It's a premade kit from punished props. I only painted it basically.
You guys were awesome last year. I was the Dovahkiin who danced with your posse in the expo hall. Great times were had!
Last year was my first cosplay experience also my first PAX. I went by myself, it was awesome. Go for it
Little sneak peak and my redeemed riven sword =P I did more work to it on the detailing. The chest piece is the hardest part lol....
I am totally down with organizing two cosplay meet-ups (one on Friday and one on Saturday) !!!
Again, I think we should wait till we see the schedule to start considering times so that we can avoid the big panels.
I'm still down with the idea of meeting at the Rock Band free play area. Anyone else have suggestions?
I am probably going to be Lady Deadpool all 3 days, that way I can put all my effort into making that costume the best! And because it will be easy to get ready in the morning/comfortable lol
I saw that Dovahkiin \ Claptrap dance without knowing where any of the characters were from and was thoroughly confused. Now I at least know where claptraps are from and am thoroughly amused instead.
Update on my costumes:
The Bane mask is proving to be more difficult than what I've imagined to make. I'm not particularly skilled in any sort of expert craft making but I'm trying my best. It's just not turning out very well and I have yet to make the vest. I don't have the dosh to shell out about $400+ on the items either.
So it looks like I'll be doing my Max Payne (MP3, bald version) cosplay for all three days. Unless I can consider a new costume idea.
@MissMoogle if you're not doing 101 or Harley I don't think I'm going to do a ghoul or Ivy. But would you be interested in lending me your 101 jumpsuit if I decide to go ahead with the ghoul?
@MissMoogle if you're not doing 101 or Harley I don't think I'm going to do a ghoul or Ivy. But would you be interested in lending me your 101 jumpsuit if I decide to go ahead with the ghoul?
For sure! but I am still not 100% what I'm doing yet haha. I need to dig my costume out of the moving boxes (from August lmao) and see what I can do with it. If you still wanna do Ivy I will bring my Harley no matter what and maybe do it on Sunday?
ok so money has gotten SLIGHTLY better, and i was able to go to the thrift store today and grab some clothes to go with my Lookouts cosplay. here is a pic of what i have so far. now i just have to figure out how im going to do the alterations to the shirt and maybe find some swords.
im hoping to remove the buttons (or atleats hide them) and have it look more like its tied shut.
@MissMoogle I have to redo my entire Ivy, and I think it's too late to do that. It'll be too much of a scramble. If you find your 101 jumpsuit, just let me know a while before PAX so I know if I need to bring SFX makeup.
Yet another update from myself:
I still want to do a two costume idea, like I said Max Payne is still on. My consideration of the second cosplay would be Barry Burton from Resident Evil. I skimmed through the forums and didn't see anyone else doing a RE cosplay. Anyone doing one perhaps? Would be great for some photo ops.
Yet another update from myself:
I still want to do a two costume idea, like I said Max Payne is still on. My consideration of the second cosplay would be Barry Burton from Resident Evil. I skimmed through the forums and didn't see anyone else doing a RE cosplay. Anyone doing one perhaps? Would be great for some photo ops.
I could maybe scavenge my old Raccoon Police Department uniform? Or, the new Leon Kennedy design from RE6, I believe I have all of the clothes for that.
I'm planning to do as Konata Izumi (yes i know it is not game related but still lol) Hopefully it is warm enough for the skirt
Any costumes are welcome! Just be prepared to answer a lot of questions about where your character is from. As for the weather warming up for skirts I'd have mixed opinions on that. Last year I wore the equivalent of a kilt as part of my costume and I was freezing my hairy man legs off. Once you're in the center everything is nice and cozy, so depending on where you want to walk outside, be prepared.
I'm planning to do as Konata Izumi (yes i know it is not game related but still lol) Hopefully it is warm enough for the skirt
If you are staying in the Westin - go for it, if you are staying such that you'd be walking outside - either put leggings on then pack in a checked bag, or I'd suggest do something else - I did a skirt while staying at the Renn and it was Chilly!
I've bought the pattern for the 10th Doctor's coat. I'm hoping to get the fabrics for less than $60, which is about how much I've been told they should cost. All I need past that is elbow patches for the 11th, and to not lose patience with my hair until after PAX. I don't know how the Doctor can stand it.
So what are thoughts on Blue Guns? They're made of rubber and are for training use, and seem to fit the criteria for acceptable prop weapons. Just want to double check with the big wigs on this.
So what are thoughts on Blue Guns? They're made of rubber and are for training use, and seem to fit the criteria for acceptable prop weapons. Just want to double check with the big wigs on this.
Also, rubber training knives like this one?
Those may be frowned upon. I believe one of the rules states that if it looks like the real counterpart it's not good.
I also want to know something. Can I still bring a nerf gun, but have everything in the insides gutted? I saw a few nerf guns last year. Saw a Heavy from TF2 last year with a gatling gun nerf gun, among others. I know it says that if it shoots a projectile of any sort it's no good. But if I make it so it can't fire at all will it be acceptable?
Nerf guns are allowed as long as they are non-functional. How you non-function them is up to you, the best method is gutting them.
Blue training guns are a very grey area. I know they aren't real, however they are by design accurate replicas. If they are painted black then its a clear violation and not allowed. If they remain blue then its very marginal and I need a chance to think it over and discuss amongst staff so that we present a consistent policy.
Nerf guns are allowed as long as they are non-functional. How you non-function them is up to you, the best method is gutting them.
Blue training guns are a very grey area. I know they aren't real, however they are by design accurate replicas. If they are painted black then its a clear violation and not allowed. If they remain blue then its very marginal and I need a chance to think it over and discuss amongst staff so that we present a consistent policy.
On a side note I work for an army/navy chain up here in New England. We sell the same training gun as the other man posted but it is in bright yellow.
Due to the fact that those look like they could hurt someone I am going to guess they'll be a no go.
Tumblr | Twitter PSN: misterdapper Av by Satellite_09
Altering an actual weapon to be non-dangerous is an iffy situation and we would likely err on the side of caution and not allow you to bring them into the convention center. I would suggest using a clear substitute such as plastic or foam. Please remember that the item cannot be sharp enough to cut or pierce.
Are you on @AaronC's staff?
Good afternoon,
I am. My Enforcer handle is EvilGenius. I have been a member of the Enforcer Security team for the past two PAX East's and will be heading up the security team this year. I will attempt to help in answering any questions people may have. Thank you!
If you just need a grey form fitting fabric suit, then you might be able to use a grey Zentai suit instead.
Pax East 2011
This was the end result.
The was how the idea originated. I was originally going to do some Fallout 3 vault dweller cosplay but while playing borderlands with a buddy i told him id make him up a Claptrap suit because it sounded uncomfortable and im a jerk. As it turned out i was so impressed with my handiwork i made it my focus and we took turns wearing it.
This is the view from the inside. Cramped, dark and no peripheral vision.
Escalators become a nightmare.
Pax East 2012
For this guy i had to use woodgrained contact paper.
The Jacobs Claptrap was by far the most of a pain in the ass.
This was on the exhibition floor in front of a couple thousand people.
Photo with Randy Pitchford and David Eddings.
On display before an easter morning Gearbox panel.
Another 1500 people in line for said panel.
After the panel i left them behind for the Gearbox to take back to their studio.
Except for this one which i cut the face off of and threw the rest in a dumpster. THEY HAVE NO FEELINGS!!!
The rest were safely transplanted to the studio where they were promptly put to work.
And apparently commandeered as halloween costumes for the lazy!
And makeshift chili guardians?
Pax East 2013
This is my only hint for this year's Pax East. if everything comes together it should be pretty cool and ill throw the pix up here as well.
I really should also point out that i didnt make this mask. It's a premade kit from punished props. I only painted it basically.
I was thinking just using some of my spandex running gear, I am afriad if I get rid of the head on a zentai that might weaken the seams. I am way too young to go as old snake, but that would make great face camo!
You guys were awesome last year. I was the Dovahkiin who danced with your posse in the expo hall. Great times were had!
Looks awesome!
Again, I think we should wait till we see the schedule to start considering times so that we can avoid the big panels.
I'm still down with the idea of meeting at the Rock Band free play area. Anyone else have suggestions?
I am probably going to be Lady Deadpool all 3 days, that way I can put all my effort into making that costume the best! And because it will be easy to get ready in the morning/comfortable lol
PSN: totobomb
Add me!
The Bane mask is proving to be more difficult than what I've imagined to make. I'm not particularly skilled in any sort of expert craft making but I'm trying my best. It's just not turning out very well and I have yet to make the vest. I don't have the dosh to shell out about $400+ on the items either.
So it looks like I'll be doing my Max Payne (MP3, bald version) cosplay for all three days. Unless I can consider a new costume idea.
For sure! but I am still not 100% what I'm doing yet haha. I need to dig my costume out of the moving boxes (from August lmao) and see what I can do with it. If you still wanna do Ivy I will bring my Harley no matter what and maybe do it on Sunday?
PSN: totobomb
Add me!
im hoping to remove the buttons (or atleats hide them) and have it look more like its tied shut.
I still want to do a two costume idea, like I said Max Payne is still on. My consideration of the second cosplay would be Barry Burton from Resident Evil. I skimmed through the forums and didn't see anyone else doing a RE cosplay. Anyone doing one perhaps? Would be great for some photo ops.
I could maybe scavenge my old Raccoon Police Department uniform? Or, the new Leon Kennedy design from RE6, I believe I have all of the clothes for that.
Any costumes are welcome! Just be prepared to answer a lot of questions about where your character is from. As for the weather warming up for skirts I'd have mixed opinions on that. Last year I wore the equivalent of a kilt as part of my costume and I was freezing my hairy man legs off. Once you're in the center everything is nice and cozy, so depending on where you want to walk outside, be prepared.
If you are staying in the Westin - go for it, if you are staying such that you'd be walking outside - either put leggings on then pack in a checked bag, or I'd suggest do something else - I did a skirt while staying at the Renn and it was Chilly!
Finally got the glasses. So that's one day figured out at least.
Been working on my Support cosplay on and off since September. Crunch time. Less then 2 months to go.
My current choices
If those pictures are an indicator on what you look like may I suggest a possible Chocolina cosplay?
I do not have that much of a fit body. Also, are you crazy, it's going to be Boston in the winter.
Also costume I have complete is my Arkham City Catwoman one.
Here's a spoiler for it:
Also, rubber training knives like this one?
Those may be frowned upon. I believe one of the rules states that if it looks like the real counterpart it's not good.
I also want to know something. Can I still bring a nerf gun, but have everything in the insides gutted? I saw a few nerf guns last year. Saw a Heavy from TF2 last year with a gatling gun nerf gun, among others. I know it says that if it shoots a projectile of any sort it's no good. But if I make it so it can't fire at all will it be acceptable?
Blue training guns are a very grey area. I know they aren't real, however they are by design accurate replicas. If they are painted black then its a clear violation and not allowed. If they remain blue then its very marginal and I need a chance to think it over and discuss amongst staff so that we present a consistent policy.
On a side note I work for an army/navy chain up here in New England. We sell the same training gun as the other man posted but it is in bright yellow.