Microsoft have announced that they’ve increased the maximum file size for an Xbox Live Arcade game from 50MB to 150MB. They also announced that as of April 3 a 512MB memory card will be available for Xbox 360 with a price tag of $49.99. It will be pre-loaded with Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. The 64MB memory card will still be available, and the price will drop from $39.99 to $29.99.
At Microsoft.
I'm glad the Arcade game size limit has gone up. The memory unit pricing structure on 360 seems off to me though, $30 for 64MB, $50 for 512MB, and $100 for 20GB? They should all be cheaper.
I imagine they'll be announcing a bigger harddrive soon, though.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
I mean, sure sony is still charging $25 for an 8mb PS2 card, and sure, accessories are supposed to be a good chunk of the profit bread-and-butter, but haven't they realized that this time around, content is doing a much better job of it?
IMO, they'd do much better with 64mb cards as an impulse buy -- at $9.99 or $14.99, I'm sure many of us would buy one or two, just for the convenience. 512 cards then should be priced at $29.99, to encourage the real cheapos who bought a core system to upgrade, and then encourage them to start spending that money on XBLA -- now that they have the storage capacity, it's a valid path for them. 64mb cards are just useless for the marketplace.
Fuck yes Eets!
Also the memory card upgrade isn't all that bad. If you don't want one you don't have to buy one but it comes with Geo Wars and it's a decent size to hold a handful of XBLA stuff. I guess it's good for those memory card guys.
Steam | Live
You know, at $15 I'd definitely pick one up on impulse, and I'm sure that more than two people would do this for everyone that would get it at $50. Does that make sense, or is it extremely warped economics?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
This does nothing at all to change the release of Worms.
Of course, Worms is already gold and set for two days away, so yeah, no change, but I just wanted to explain it a bit further for our friend Des.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!