PAX East 2012 was my first PAX, and I went with a very small group. We had trouble getting some tabletop games together, and I had some ideas to improve things.
1) Navigational aids are needed. If each group of 20 or so tables had some sort of a banner on a post, that would really help people find people. Being able to say "#ttlfg looking for two more players for arkham horror, sitting in #twisp" would really help.
2) A 60" TV (or even better, a projector) by the tabletop zone giving a constant rolling feed of #ttlfg or an intelligent parser of #ttlfg would help those sans-smartphones
3) The #TTLFG hashtag could be greatly expanded to have a protocol to help find groups. Something along the lines of these hashtags after #ttlfg
just looking to play something
#whatev - just looking to play something
hosting a game - looking for players
n wanted number of players to join in to start a game
game what game you are looking to play
location where am I
looking to play
game what game you are looking to play
location where am I
thoughts on the protocol?
A simple display with the table top LFG feed would be super sweet. I didn't have problems with groups except early Sunday morning when I went straight to table-top. I wanted to play some Miskatonic and nobody was around, so nothing really would have solved that.
Also acoustics were a nightmare at some tables in the corner free-play areas. That's just the nature of the BCEC and corners, but we had some bizarre "spots" where it was really bad. We had one spot on the table where two players sat and at first we thought they were just hard of hearing... nope... the roar of the entire convention somehow converged into that spot.
I've suggested adding/combining one or two "Mega Tables" as an idea in the suggestions thread, but really that's more for the food-court area in my mind.
If that's not doable due to space issues then some kind of official acknowledgement of the #ttlfg tag and instructions on its use in the HQ area would help a lot.
PAX does need to pust #ttlfg a lot more. GIANT BANNARZ.
The reasons I think there should be an "official" protocol is to make automated tools (posting for a game, hunting for a game, and a #ttlfg status website) possible. I think it would be really cool/handy to be able to go to and get a realtime overview of what is going on. This doesn't necessarily have to be done via the tweetie, but it would be easiest for the most people, I think. There would need to be some way at the TT zone to post sans-smartphone, though.
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3DS: 2492-5478-6311 // Steam & WiiU: kingofmars2099
Had a hell of a time getting a Munchkin group together. When I posted a request for players I got a bunch of DMs asking if I wanted to play other games. Got a little tiring, though I know it was just due to folks desperately wanting to play their own game.
In regards to gespo's post, I was the friend that had success with holding up the box. I held my arms up with the lid in one hand and the number of players we were looking for on my fingers in the other and within 10 seconds I had found more players.
Yeessss....this is exactly what I needed! I posted in another thread about being confused over how to join demos or find a group to plan with. Simply knowing this feed even existed would have enhanced my PAX experience so much. I'm not a big twitter person and it would never have occurred to me there might be a feed for just this issue. Some signage would have been fantastic.
I used to have a projector in HQ that displayed a Twitterfall to A) reinforce the use of the hashtag and allow Attendees without Twitter to see the feed. These last two shows I've skipped having it because of space constraints, resources and the fact that it can easily be trolled. I turned it off after someone just spammed n-bombs from multiple accounts. Yes, that's why we can't have nice things.
I'm a huge fan of the "hold up the box" method. And I agree having landmarks at East to find the tables would be awesome. We always ask for signage hanging from the ceiling at East, to which we are told it costs a shitload of money. This year we actually had a TT_HQ sign above HQ which was amazing. Hopefully that trend continues and I can use it to leverage more signage.
"I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time." - Tycho
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3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Editor in Chief @
With the high traffic in TT, I think a purely low-fi setup would breakdown too quickly - the [E] would constantly be updating his list, and even then odds are that a lot of those groups might find a random person through other means and not inform HQ to take them off the list. Ideally, once a game is full it would be a trivial matter to remove your post so further participants wouldn't try to join in after you're full.
Position an [E] in a place where they can see the entire playspace. Have each table with a LFM flag as well as a number. The [E] can then simply maintain a list (perhaps on a large screen/projector) of what table is playing what game (optional for the players to advertise on the Big Screen) and when they see the LFM flag taken down, can remove the game from the list.
Removes the reliance on smartphones/Twitter and requires less software development (locally updated by an [E], no server-client communications).
Just an idea, but I know I would be enticed in if I saw a screen with a D&D or Munchkin image, pointing to a numbered table - the area as it stood was a tiny bit intimidating and I ended up never getting the time to wander around looking for a game I might be interested in.
Editor in Chief @
I like the idea of having a group take an LFM flag (a BIG one) and writing down what they're playing. Could even just enter it into a simple terminal. This would likely not work as well for Prime, where all the TT is so split up, but for East it's a good thought. I think a solution that works for both Prime and East would be the best one to choose moving forwards though, and given the highly split nature of TT at Prime I think this will end up having to be a little more high-tech. But steps in the right direction are better than no change at all.
Numbered tables might work. We may also go with a basic grid or coordinate system. I.e. SW corner of freeplay, Row 2, etc.
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
So any system that is free or costs less than $50 has a much better chance of being applied. Especially if it requires no additional Enforcer staff to run or supervise. Any system that cannot meet all of the above criteria is much less appealing.
Rolling Old School Dice since '04
Get Wizards to donate some monitors and computing equipment TTLFG! Brought to you by WotC!
This, while simple, has a lot of advantages:
1. It's simple and easy to understand. 1. Go to the tabletop area. 2. Find a light. 3. Enjoy your game.
2. It doesn't require a ton of extra setup.
3. It doesn't require that people do something to "opt-in". There are no apps to download. You don't need a cell phone, or to go sign up on a list, or anything like that. Nor do you need to worry about making sure that people are informed about it. It's a system that pretty well advertises itself in that it should be pretty obvious to anyone who happens to talk by.
4. It doesn't really require any extra manpower.
Now, as I said, I can't speak for the setup for prime, but this seems like it would fit nicely for East.
Hell, get a bunch of these, write LFM across the top of them with a sharpie, and have people set them out on top of their box lid when they need players.
So, low budget options? Got a couple...
With these two, those using the #ttlfg hastag then can then at least let people know what table to head to - and the table is easily found once there. Any idea of a central info point could then be spun out from these, as time/staff/budget requires.
Editor in Chief @
Each table is numbered, and the number is displayed somehow (everyone has had good ideas here), additionally there is a QR Code affixed to the number/table that when scanned takes the user to the LFM webpage for that table. This will be a simplified UI where one enters the game they are playing (autocomplete for common games, but any text can go there), and the number of spots available. After that the UI becomes just a few large buttons to allow the user to signify if a spot becomes filled, or if a spot opens.
On the other end, people can open up the LFG webpage on their own phones. This will show a list of games looking for people, sortable by time, game, and number of open spots. If they see a game they would like to join, they can call "dibs" on the number of spots they need. This will not show the spots as taken (the person at the table has to handle that), but will show other people looking that there may already be someone headed that direction.
The table numbers will additionally have a location associated with them ("Third Floor") to help finding them since they're scattered around at Prime.
This can also be hooked to a large screen for realtime information.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Anything that can't bounce through an internal network won't work very well (At least at East) due to network saturation. (It was pretty bad at East to put it mildly)
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
I do think that the Tables (at both PAXes) need to be numbered, but I would think that making this as open-ended as possible would be best. That way you could use it for pre-PAX gaming nights, after-hours meetups at hotels, that kind of thing. I personally don't like QR codes, but I guess that's something that might streamline the process for a lot of people.
Yeah, that's always an issue to worry about. I design this stuff to be as low bandwidth as possible, and to be very resilient in the case of a occasional connectivity (like happens at PAX). Personally, I've never had a problem on T-Mobile, but I understand that Verizon and AT&T get pretty saturated. Internal networks are basically just as useful as the internet at large because of the amount of Wifi interference.
I can see where you're going with that, but I would argue that the structure is necessary for the Big Event so that everyone has a consistent way to find each other, and unnecessary for ad hoc sessions where some sort of hashtag on twitter would do just fine. QR Codes have become way overused (and poorly used) as of late, but I've been using them for a long time specifically for purposes like this. It's a great use case for it, because it can direct someone directly to a URL that has a page that is pre set up for what they're trying to do.
Also, since I'm in a brainstorming mood, mockups!
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Verizon and AT&T share a backbone in Boston- AT&T rents tower space from Verizon. It normally works fine, since they're on different frequencies, but at PAX it dies in a fire.
Sprint does semi-okay, but its 3g gets slammed. Ironically, the non-LTE 4g was pretty good, but that doesn't reach the center of the BCEC (it doesn't propagate as deep into concrete for whatever reason).
I could see having two or three projectors that synch off of a low-bandwidth model- might take them 5 minutes to update themselves, but once they're updated, everyone can see them.
Could even run them off of cheapo hardware- I have two spare garbage rigs I have no use for, that I was about to throw out actually.
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
We ran (or at least a previous version based on the same backing tech) and they managed to stay up to date as long as there was a wired connection for the machines.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
It uses twitter, therefore I never used it.
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
Haha, that's fine, but I'm really talking about the technology backing it. I'm pushing the relevant data directly to the browser rather than requiring syncing operations or polling, which allows for real time information, with guaranteed delivery in the case of lag or disconnect. The mechanism would be the same with my proposed idea.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Sure, but what's the downside to running a couple projectors? (Other than projector cost, I mean)
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
Nothing, I was just saying that they would be pretty easy to keep in sync using the same tech as my tweet-wall app.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Real estate.
Projectors mean you have a lot of dead floor space between the projector and the screen it displays on. There just wasn't anywhere to put such a contraption this year, much as it pained us to omit it.
Honestly, twitter as a medium isn't bad; signing up for an account doesn't somehow expose you to unwanted spam, as you can make your account as private as you want, and you can use it as little or as much as you prefer; you can stick to just using it for PAX, and nobody would really care that your feed is dead the other 50-51 weeks out of the year.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Put the box of what you're playing on the table, with the cover standing up vertically. Anyone who is walking by can see what you're playing and that you're looking for players.
Occam's Razor is your friend.
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology... Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster.
I completely agree that a meatspace solution is good. The issue is that Prime tabletop is spread between several different area that are not only not viewable from a single spot, but aren't even all that near each other. The electronic solution would be best served used in conjunction with some sort of flag indicating an open game.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Did anyone else have trouble with the block system? I wasted so much time trying to find a Carcassonne group to play with and didn't get one game in. And I couldn't find one Carc box in the library (were they hoarded at tournament?). It just felt so much easier last year - you could just plan your day around the 3 hours you needed for that tournament - if it conflicted, you just didn't play. I was looking forward to that all year again. I wonder how many people actually played it this year... the list was maxed out last year.
Any thoughts?