If it was something that was on IMDb, then link to IMDb.
Otherwise, people will likely assume that you are sitewhoring.
But beyond that, welcome to our forum. Please have fun, and read the rules thread.
When I first posted the link I linked to the IMDb page, after I posted I checked the link to make sure it worked and it wouldnt open so I changed the link to the one that appears on IMDb if that makes sense. Here's the original link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903747/board/thread/196881928/
And thanks. Will check rules, have lurked here for a while, first chance I had to contribute something.
PiptheFairFrequently not in boats.Registered Userregular
I've only seen up to the end of the second season.
Shit was getting fucking real...
This has been said a hundred times in every Breaking Bad thread here. The following reply has been said the same amount of times:
You have no fucking idea
Ha ha, yeah, I know. My girlfriend and I have been watching the DVDs, and at the end of pretty much episode we'd turn to each other and be all 'gat-dayum, NOW what the fuck is going to happen?'
You may also want to take a quick look at the rules thread to get yourself familiar.
Should I delete the thread and post it somewhere else?
Otherwise, people will likely assume that you are sitewhoring.
But beyond that, welcome to our forum. Please have fun, and read the rules thread.
When I first posted the link I linked to the IMDb page, after I posted I checked the link to make sure it worked and it wouldnt open so I changed the link to the one that appears on IMDb if that makes sense. Here's the original link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903747/board/thread/196881928/
And thanks. Will check rules, have lurked here for a while, first chance I had to contribute something.
don't metamod
and yes I realize the irony of this post
don't metametamod
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Argh what the heck are they gonna do with the next season
Shit was getting fucking real...
You have no fucking idea
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
I need to see the most recent season. Dang Hulu was already past the first few episodes by the time I finished getting all caught up on Netflix.
Ha ha, yeah, I know. My girlfriend and I have been watching the DVDs, and at the end of pretty much episode we'd turn to each other and be all 'gat-dayum, NOW what the fuck is going to happen?'
Probably after June 5th, which is when the DVD/Blu-Ray releases.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky