Fun legal fact you may not have known:
When someone is taken into custody for possession of child pornography, anyone who lives with that person also has all of their electronics temporarily confiscated and processed.
I didn't know that until last week.
Also, I don't have a roommate anymore.
So anyway, how is everyone doing today? Did I miss anything?
Just kidding.
Please don't hate me.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
we've been wondering what happened in the smnc thread.
You missed some solid opportunities in the execution of this one.
probably be very bored
That is a good point.
My goodness, that's terrible, TDOT
I was more worried about getting yelled at
SE++ Map Steam
What if she shaves?
What if she's 15 and shaves?
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
glad you're back
If there's dirt on the field, play kickball.
he can take it
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Just changes what sport you play.
If she waxes you get to go bowling.
any activities which darken in retrospect
I was sitting at home when my roommate and shitload of police officers came in.
I was questioned, my computers went away for a week, and I've spent that time getting shit sorted out with my lease and utilities. (and also getting a new job, thankfully, though that's unrelated).
The police won't tell me anything (for obvious reasons) and my roommate won't tell me anything (I assume his lawyer told him to keep quiet) so that's all I know.
Bottom line is I'm living alone now, though my family has given me a shitload of both direct and financial help this week so just aboute everything's sorted out.
What worries me most is this guy was my best friend. I've known him for more than a decade!
So either he's been wrongly accused or he wasn't who I thought he was and I'll probably never know.
There's some stand-up comedian that talks about having dated younger girls mostly, (younger as in, 20's), and then dated someone closer to his age... and was like, hey i forgot pubic hair was even a thing
whereas i had the opposite experience. Married to someone in their 40's.. then dating ladies in their 20's/30's? Where'd it all go?
it all dissappeared
SE++ Map Steam