I'm heading for the Expo hall. Will post to twitter when I hit the Borderlands 2 line. I expect I'll be there a while, so please come find me and get your coins!!! (These things are HEAVY!)
Sunday I am planning to go to the gear box panel so I will be getting in tha line early.
Can I meet with you after gearbox panel? I'm in the line now.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
edited September 2012
@teknotronic Right after the panel I am going to try to get in line for the main theater. You will be able to find me there. Or come to the front of the line right now. It's 3:30 right now.
Just want to thank SkeleVader again for putting this all together, as well as all those will call volunteers! I know it was a ton of work for you guys but it's really appreciated, the results are wonderful! : D
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
I'll be at the Post pax party tonight. Last chance to get your coin.
If you didnt pick up your coin this weekend you will need to send $6 for shipping.
I looked for SkeleVader at the P3 but didn't see you Will send shipping dollars.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Anyone who needs to send money for shipping, send $6 to my PayPal account matthewryanallen@hotmail.com
Make sure to include your forum name and invoice number if you remember it.
If you can't use PayPal for some reason let me know and we will work it out.
I'm an idiot and completely messed up getting my 2 coins. Any chance I can pay for shipping or is my cause lost? I'm in seattle most weekends if that helps. lol
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
I'm an idiot and completely messed up getting my 2 coins. Any chance I can pay for shipping or is my cause lost? I'm in seattle most weekends if that helps. lol
I have your coins and you will simply need to send $6 for shipping to my PayPal account matthewryanallen@hotmail.com
Include your forum name and invoice number if you have it.
Simply the best news I have heard all day. Your patience is very, very much appreciated. I'll send it later today!
bacon_avengerDefender of Pork ProductsPacific NW, USARegistered Userregular
edited September 2012
I would also like to thank SkeleVader for setting this up. The coin is an amazing piece of work. The pictures in the thread do not do it justice.
I would also like to thank all the will-call agents (the crow flys by rainbow) for putting up with us badgering them at times to get the coins. These things are a lot heavier that I thought they would be, and knowing that people like Jenny_Spaghetti carted a heavy box of the things around where ever they went makes them even more awesome than before.
yup thanks to skelevader for doing all the setting up and stuff - and to everyone who carried them around especially punzie who had my 5 - best con visiting presents for others ever - meant I didn't need to worry about finding things for others who couldn't make it all weekend
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
I had a lot of fun organizing this and I think it turned out well. The Will Call distribution needs some tweaking I think, but I hope to organize it again next year.
Little Miss RachelGeek Chick Before Geek Was ChicIdahoan ExileRegistered Userregular
edited September 2012
Just wanted to stop in and say that I LOVE my coin. It's gorgeous, and weighty with destiny. Huge thanks and applause for @SkeleVader for making them and organizing the whole thing!
Did anyone give out any coins to the PA folks or anyone else?
I was given one of these by an Enforcer who worked under me in Tabletop. It is an amazing piece of work, and I am proud to own it. I know he gave one to The Tabletop Manager and one to Robert Khoo also.
I gave almost all of my coins away to various folks. They made wonderful gifts and raised delight in the eyes of everybody who beheld them. Khoo really dug his coin, (I wasn't the one to give it to him, I just happened to over-hear him talk about it later) and the most often heard comment I got from people who picked up their coins was "Wow, these are WAY bigger and nicer than I expected!"
First time back to the forums in quite some time and I'm so happy to see the coin is still going strong! Thank you everyone for their work and I can't wait to see East's coin!
This was my first PAX event, and the week that I took off work to explore Seattle and have a great time with my friends during the event was easily the best week of my life. With that being said, I didn't know about the Challenge Coins until just a few days ago when I started browsing these forums to help stave off Post-PAX depression. All I can say is that I'm positively blown away by the fantastic sense of community and comradery that pervades this forum... I'm used to "official" forums being a bit of a pit, to be honest.
While I'm far too late to throw in for a coin this year, I just wanted to post and let you guys know this is one of the coolest projects I've seen come out of a convention community. The design is beautiful, it sounds like you guys handled distribution in fun ways; plus the fact that each year keeps the "Welcome Home" ring as a feature pleases the OCD designer in me who likes to see uniformity when something is part of a series. Drives me absolutely nuts when cover design for a book series or various digital media completely changes halfway through it's run and the spins no longer line up nicely.
Er... that turned into a bit of a tirade. My point is... I just wanted to let everyone involved in this know how much it's appreciated, even by people who weren't a part of it this year. Thanks.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Thanks for the kind words vid.
To those few that never picked up your coin at Pax, I sent one last E-mail in hopes you will send me shipping so you can get your coin(s).
If by Oct 18th anyone has not paid for shipping I will release the extras back into the wild and see if anyone wants them. (No refunds).
Shoot, sorry I missed you. I thought I would find you at the Kerplunk Omegathon game but I didn't see you there either.
I'm heading for the Expo hall. Will post to twitter when I hit the Borderlands 2 line. I expect I'll be there a while, so please come find me and get your coins!!! (These things are HEAVY!)
Can I meet with you after gearbox panel? I'm in the line now.
If you didnt pick up your coin this weekend you will need to send $6 for shipping.
I still have your coins! I'll be in Seattle until Monday night around 10pm. If you're an [E], catch me you know where.
Make sure to include your forum name and invoice number if you remember it.
If you can't use PayPal for some reason let me know and we will work it out.
Not per coin, $6 will ship your whole order, no matter how many coins you have.
I have your coins and you will simply need to send $6 for shipping to my PayPal account matthewryanallen@hotmail.com
Include your forum name and invoice number if you have it.
I would also like to thank all the will-call agents (the crow flys by rainbow) for putting up with us badgering them at times to get the coins.
Thank you everyone involved!
I was given one of these by an Enforcer who worked under me in Tabletop. It is an amazing piece of work, and I am proud to own it. I know he gave one to The Tabletop Manager and one to Robert Khoo also.
Seconding the thanks for all the teamwork to make the coin happen as well, they're a great memento of PAXes gone by.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
While I'm far too late to throw in for a coin this year, I just wanted to post and let you guys know this is one of the coolest projects I've seen come out of a convention community. The design is beautiful, it sounds like you guys handled distribution in fun ways; plus the fact that each year keeps the "Welcome Home" ring as a feature pleases the OCD designer in me who likes to see uniformity when something is part of a series. Drives me absolutely nuts when cover design for a book series or various digital media completely changes halfway through it's run and the spins no longer line up nicely.
Er... that turned into a bit of a tirade. My point is... I just wanted to let everyone involved in this know how much it's appreciated, even by people who weren't a part of it this year. Thanks.
To those few that never picked up your coin at Pax, I sent one last E-mail in hopes you will send me shipping so you can get your coin(s).
If by Oct 18th anyone has not paid for shipping I will release the extras back into the wild and see if anyone wants them. (No refunds).