Just a thought, how about crossing the three controller concept with the PC concept? Something like 360 controller, PC Mouse (where the Wii-mote is in the picture), and Atari or NES controller where the PS3 controller is?
Something to represent current console, all PCs, and old-school gaming.
That would be nice to have everyone represented like that.
It's nice to try to have lots of things represented, but with such a limited design space it can be very difficult. One of the things that has been really successful for all the coins has been to focus on one aspect of our culture and go with that (just like one aspect of the location). If you look back, we had the DS (handheld, prime 2010), dice and cards (tabletop, east 2011), the D-pad and power symbol (console, prime 2011), and an arcade machine (arcade, east 2012). I definitely think it's PC's turn to be in the spotlight on its own.
zerzhul on
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
It's nice to try to have lots of things represented, but with such a limited design space it can be very difficult. One of the things that has been really successful for all the coins has been to focus on one aspect of our culture and go with that (just like one aspect of the location). If you look back, we had the DS (handheld, prime 2010), dice and cards (tabletop, east 2011), the D-pad and power symbol (console, prime 2011), and an arcade machine (arcade, east 2012). I definitely think it's PC's turn to be in the spotlight on its own.
Controller evolution would be good for a whole different coin. Just a circle of connected controllers from old to new.
But yes, definitely do PC this year.
As a regular denizen of BYOC for the past couple years, I do like idea that it's the PC's turn. I withdraw my previous suggestion. Given the preference of relatively simple, easily recognized objects for each coin, perhaps a depiction of a mouse & keyboard would be appropriate?
As a regular denizen of BYOC for the past couple years, I do like idea that it's the PC's turn. I withdraw my previous suggestion. Given the preference of relatively simple, easily recognized objects for each coin, perhaps a depiction of a mouse & keyboard would be appropriate?
Maybe instead of a keyboard/mouse, we can do a laptop, to more well represent the BYOC (because who brings there whole desktop with them) Just make it in a 3/4 view, optionally with a little mouse attached to it.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
edited April 2012
Here is my idea,
In the center of the coin have the WASD key layout, around that have three monitors (or laptops) facing out and connected with dots (Imaging a flat screen monitor angled slightly back, now look down on the monitor from above, this would be the image of each monitor). This would form a triangle around the WASD keys representing a LAN setup. coming off one monitor there could even be a mouse. All these items would be made in 3D. In the background of the coin there could be a faint design, Something similar to this (The lines radiating from the center)
I'll come up with a sketch if anyone thinks its a good idea.
In the center of the coin have the WASD key layout, around that have three monitors (or laptops) facing out and connected with dots (Imaging a flat screen monitor angled slightly back, now look down on the monitor from above, this would be the image of each monitor). This would form a triangle around the WASD keys representing a LAN setup. coming off one monitor there could even be a mouse. All these items would be made in 3D. In the background of the coin there could be a faint design, Something similar to this (The lines radiating from the center)
I'll come up with a sketch if anyone thinks its a good idea.
I think this is a really promising idea. The screens would be angled back, leaning towards the center, yes? I think in this design you won't have much dead space to use for a background design. Any dead space can be used for mice. You mention having a mouse off of one monitor, but you could have one off of all three and likely kill any dead space in the design.
zerzhul on
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Yes, the monitors would be angled back and the screens would be facing out.
I'll finish the mock-up design tonight when I get home.
I prefer 2. but the mouse looks odd. Too shiny is the only word I can come up with. It's like it's too real, too smooth. It doesn't quite fit with the feel of the keys or other details.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I prefer 2. but the mouse looks odd. Too shiny is the only word I can come up with. It's like it's too real, too smooth. It doesn't quite fit with the feel of the keys or other details.
Thats because its just pasted in there from a real mouse.
Remember, these are just rough sketches to get the idea of what it would look like. The artist at phoenix challenge coins will give us a much better mock-up, looking more like what the coin would actually look like.
I feel like fitting a mouse in there somewhere is important, but the mouse-less design is so nice and clean Either way, this is semantics at this point, I think we have a winner "in general" for this side's design.
I feel like fitting a mouse in there somewhere is important, but the mouse-less design is so nice and clean...
I agree with that statement. What if the bottom monitor was replaced by the mouse? You lose the flow of the monitor ring, but you make what i think is one typical gaming setup. You'd have the mouse/keys in front of two monitors. That make sense? (Note i don't necessarily love this idea, just thinking out loud)
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
The more I look at Version 2 the more I like it. zerzhul is right, it is important to have the mouse in there somewhere.
I don't think the bottom monitor should be removed, having the three monitors linked representing a LAN set up is a key point I feel, but that's just me and others could feel differently.
Throwing out ideas helps a great deal, even if they don't get used they make the end product that much better since it requires us to reevaluate the design. I thank everyone so far who has contributed to this design.
What if I send Version 2 to PCC and see if they will produce a better mock up so we have a better idea of what it would look like as a coin?
Version two might look a little better without the background "rays". To me, aside from the mouse looking shiny and out of place, it just looks like there is a lot of clutter in the center. Might not look as bad on an actual coin.
Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
TWDT '13: HufflepuffOotP
The more I look at Version 2 the more I like it. zerzhul is right, it is important to have the mouse in there somewhere.
I don't think the bottom monitor should be removed, having the three monitors linked representing a LAN set up is a key point I feel, but that's just me and others could feel differently.
Throwing out ideas helps a great deal, even if they don't get used they make the end product that much better since it requires us to reevaluate the design. I thank everyone so far who has contributed to this design.
What if I send Version 2 to PCC and see if they will produce a better mock up so we have a better idea of what it would look like as a coin?
If they're willing to start a mockup before the other side is sketched out, that seems like a good idea
Version two might look a little better without the background "rays". To me, aside from the mouse looking shiny and out of place, it just looks like there is a lot of clutter in the center. Might not look as bad on an actual coin.
This might help as well, the rays may take away from the mouse since the mouse isn't centered.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Here is a quick edit in MS Paint (Since I am at work) to take out the rays:
yeah the mouse definitely looks less awkward without the rays
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
ok, so I will send this to PCC and see if they can get a mock up done for us to see if we like it.
Since everyone seemed to like the idea of Pike Place market I went ahead and asked PCC id they would do a mock up of the "location" side with this Image. We can always change it of course, I just thought it might save a little time if I had them come up with something.
ok, so I will send this to PCC and see if they can get a mock up done for us to see if we like it.
Since everyone seemed to like the idea of Pike Place market I went ahead and asked PCC id they would do a mock up of the "location" side with this Image. We can always change it of course, I just thought it might save a little time if I had them come up with something.
I think you're going about this the exact correct way.
Ooh! I like it without the rays better two.
That Park Place pic is pretty cool. I can't wait to see how it translates to coin.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
Just got this E-mail from Eric at PCC:
I hope to have art and price quote for you early next week. I got some art this am but it was not correct so I sent it back to be revised and I’ve included your latest image as well.
Eric Richards
So hopefully we will get to see both sides early next week.
What about putting the wasd keys on top of a mouse?
S2000GanSpartan-Rogue Class, Red SquadBellevue, WARegistered Userregular
edited April 2012
I like version 3 or 4. I like the tribute to classic PC gaming.
1.75 milled colorless is my vote i liked the 2010 coin that was 1.75 and i felt like the 2in 2011 was a bit big. and I believe 1.75 is the standard.
and is this approximately the final design?
what about the other side?
I like version 3 or 4. I like the tribute to classic PC gaming.
1.75 milled colorless is my vote i liked the 2010 coin that was 1.75 and i felt like the 2in 2011 was a bit big. and I believe 1.75 is the standard.
and is this approximately the final design?
what about the other side?
Read the whole thread We've discussed the other side.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
And here is a sample taken from that file if you don't want to down load the whole thing:
Now to discuss,
I like how the PC gaming side turned out. I think it incorporates most of the comments we have all had and is a nice compromise. Unless anyone sees something really wrong (or just really hates the design) I think we should go with it.
For the Pike Place Market side, I really like the idea PCC has with the center being a different color, but i realize others won't. So let me know.
The only issue I have with this image is the coins are not perfect circles and the image looks a little squished horizontally. Once I get some feedback from people here I will talk to Eric about it.
Very well said. I agree completely.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
But yes, definitely do PC this year.
Twitch broadcasting! Sometimes...
Pinny Lanyard
Maybe instead of a keyboard/mouse, we can do a laptop, to more well represent the BYOC (because who brings there whole desktop with them) Just make it in a 3/4 view, optionally with a little mouse attached to it.
In the center of the coin have the WASD key layout, around that have three monitors (or laptops) facing out and connected with dots (Imaging a flat screen monitor angled slightly back, now look down on the monitor from above, this would be the image of each monitor). This would form a triangle around the WASD keys representing a LAN setup. coming off one monitor there could even be a mouse. All these items would be made in 3D. In the background of the coin there could be a faint design, Something similar to this (The lines radiating from the center)
I'll come up with a sketch if anyone thinks its a good idea.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I think this is a really promising idea. The screens would be angled back, leaning towards the center, yes? I think in this design you won't have much dead space to use for a background design. Any dead space can be used for mice. You mention having a mouse off of one monitor, but you could have one off of all three and likely kill any dead space in the design.
I'll finish the mock-up design tonight when I get home.
I also realized I got ahead of my typing, I meant to say that instead of a mouse off of ONE monitor, you could try all 3. Fixed it in my last post :P
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
The background design would be cut into the coin, while all the other elements would pop up in 3D.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
I would think so since every other PAX coin has had the pacmans.
What if I got rid of the mice on each monitor and placed one in the center with the WASD keys?
I'd like to see that idea
And here is one without the mouse completely.
Version 3:
Personally, I like version 3.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Thats because its just pasted in there from a real mouse.
Remember, these are just rough sketches to get the idea of what it would look like. The artist at phoenix challenge coins will give us a much better mock-up, looking more like what the coin would actually look like.
I agree with that statement. What if the bottom monitor was replaced by the mouse? You lose the flow of the monitor ring, but you make what i think is one typical gaming setup. You'd have the mouse/keys in front of two monitors. That make sense? (Note i don't necessarily love this idea, just thinking out loud)
I don't think the bottom monitor should be removed, having the three monitors linked representing a LAN set up is a key point I feel, but that's just me and others could feel differently.
Throwing out ideas helps a great deal, even if they don't get used they make the end product that much better since it requires us to reevaluate the design. I thank everyone so far who has contributed to this design.
What if I send Version 2 to PCC and see if they will produce a better mock up so we have a better idea of what it would look like as a coin?
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
If they're willing to start a mockup before the other side is sketched out, that seems like a good idea
This might help as well, the rays may take away from the mouse since the mouse isn't centered.
Version 4
Since everyone seemed to like the idea of Pike Place market I went ahead and asked PCC id they would do a mock up of the "location" side with this Image. We can always change it of course, I just thought it might save a little time if I had them come up with something.
I think you're going about this the exact correct way.
That Park Place pic is pretty cool. I can't wait to see how it translates to coin.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
So hopefully we will get to see both sides early next week.
1.75 milled colorless is my vote i liked the 2010 coin that was 1.75 and i felt like the 2in 2011 was a bit big. and I believe 1.75 is the standard.
and is this approximately the final design?
what about the other side?
Read the whole thread
Here is the full file with all the info: Click here to download Google Doc
And here is a sample taken from that file if you don't want to down load the whole thing:
Now to discuss,
I like how the PC gaming side turned out. I think it incorporates most of the comments we have all had and is a nice compromise. Unless anyone sees something really wrong (or just really hates the design) I think we should go with it.
For the Pike Place Market side, I really like the idea PCC has with the center being a different color, but i realize others won't. So let me know.
The only issue I have with this image is the coins are not perfect circles and the image looks a little squished horizontally. Once I get some feedback from people here I will talk to Eric about it.
Let me know what you guys think.
right now I feel like the picture is far to busy.