Is there going to be a Facebook? Because I don't have a twitter.
There hasn't been any facebook threads in the recent past afaik. The twitter list concept doesn't really translate well to other social media. There are some facebook groups you could probably join, maybe an event page, but it's not the same type of thing.
Wooooo! I've got my flights and accommodation booked already, now I just need Khoo to announce ticket sales and I'm coming to PAX and I'm @LewiePsMummy
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I must be a total twitter moron. I look at the PAX East 12 list and I can see my tweets. I look at the PAX Prime 12 list and I can't. I know I must have done something wrong just can't figure out what. :oops:
I must be a total twitter moron. I look at the PAX East 12 list and I can see my tweets. I look at the PAX Prime 12 list and I can't. I know I must have done something wrong just can't figure out what. :oops:
It depends on the tweet. Any "@" replies you send to people will only show up on the list if that person is also on the list. For example, Chorazin was on the East 2012 list but not the Prime 2012 list (unless he opts-in), so your last two tweets that were @Chorazin won't show up on the prime list, but will show up on the East list.
I must be a total twitter moron. I look at the PAX East 12 list and I can see my tweets. I look at the PAX Prime 12 list and I can't. I know I must have done something wrong just can't figure out what. :oops:
It depends on the tweet. Any "@" replies you send to people will only show up on the list if that person is also on the list. For example, Chorazin was on the East 2012 list but not the Prime 2012 list (unless he opts-in), so your last two tweets that were @Chorazin won't show up on the prime list, but will show up on the East list.
I must be a total twitter moron. I look at the PAX East 12 list and I can see my tweets. I look at the PAX Prime 12 list and I can't. I know I must have done something wrong just can't figure out what. :oops:
It depends on the tweet. Any "@" replies you send to people will only show up on the list if that person is also on the list. For example, Chorazin was on the East 2012 list but not the Prime 2012 list (unless he opts-in), so your last two tweets that were @Chorazin won't show up on the prime list, but will show up on the East list.
@j0biwan ... and hey, maybe I'll remember to tweet this time... it could happen!
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer) PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
I'm a few of the older lists (PAX is actually why I originally signed up for Twitter back in 2008) but go ahead and add me to the one specific for this year! @BrennaCeDria (fyi, my account is protected but I always check any requests I receive against my current followers, and will also be checking the list here so I know to add you guys back! ^_^)
I'll be one of the cosplayers running around this year. I'm always glad to add other PAX attendees on Twitter and G+ but just send me a quick @ so I know who you are.
There hasn't been any facebook threads in the recent past afaik. The twitter list concept doesn't really translate well to other social media. There are some facebook groups you could probably join, maybe an event page, but it's not the same type of thing.
I'm @PolarisDb, and I generally follow back anyone who follows me, provided it's clear you're part of this forum/community from your profile.
XBL/PSN-Polaris314/Twitter/DJ P0LARI5
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
This will be my first time at PAX. My Twitter will get no doubt progressively nerdier the closer I get to the event.
It depends on the tweet. Any "@" replies you send to people will only show up on the list if that person is also on the list. For example, Chorazin was on the East 2012 list but not the Prime 2012 list (unless he opts-in), so your last two tweets that were @Chorazin won't show up on the prime list, but will show up on the East list.
Your last tweet that wasn't "@" someone was
Thank you!! I started using twitter for PAX East and I am still getting use to it.
Fairly new to twitter.
I've been made an example of! :-P
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Hey, it's me, Teldra! Did someone say "greatsword"? [Eternity]
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
Please re-post when not private if you want to be added to the list. If you just want to post here so people can add you, I shan't think of it again
Coming for the first time since 2007 (EDIT: it was 2008)!!!! It's been way too long.
Your wife will have to opt herself in, sorry. Added you though
<@zerzhul> you win at twdt
Second year going, can't waittttttttttttttt
Welcome to Seattle!
I'll be one of the cosplayers running around this year. I'm always glad to add other PAX attendees on Twitter and G+ but just send me a quick @ so I know who you are.
Dakinggamer's Paradise
PAX Prime/West 2024 - hotel room [] 4 day badge [√]