crwth wrote: » it's great to hear irish banter between faq and thatdavefella
Bucketman wrote: » Tonight I learned that none of you like pancakes. Which makes you terrible
Isoldae wrote: » You can eat chips while chatting.
unintentional wrote: » i hate pancakes
(I've been super busy lately and haven't been on tc in a solid month and feel really bad about it!)
I'm sitting here
twiddlig n on my fucking male organ
feeeling the damn fool
I go into tinychat, see 10 people there, and just KNOW a drunken faq is lonely
I had it in another tab and honest to god I thought it was just faq talking to himself for a minute
it was
it was
motherfucker I will come out to where you are and stab a pencil into your eye
oh my goodness
internet is being a dildo
will try again laterrrr
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
you ain't never seen me eat chips
how could you