I have a little tale to weave to you fine folks. It is a tale of stupidity and idiocy (shocking come from me, I know).
So. I am in a very close knit Journalism class. We produce a live television news broadcast every Friday. There are sixteen of us, and we all know each other very well. One of the dudes in the class and I have an odd relationship. Him and I like to be as gross and vulgar as possible. Last Friday, him and I were doing our usual thing of texting each other really gross jokes about shit, piss, cocks, dicks etc. Now, during the course of our conversation, we started talking about a woman in our class. This is where things took a turn for the hilarious in a terrible, terrible way.
After finishing a very good newscast, we were all pumped and decided to go to the campus bar and grab some lunch. While at the lunch table, my friend and I were still of course exchanging nasty text messages. He made a joke about the attractive girl, and I typed this response:
"I want to rub <name withheld>'s titties. Then stick it in her cooter. Then her butt. Then her mouth. Then spooge on her face. In that order."
Now, if I had just sent this to my friend we both would have had our stupid little laugh and that would be the end of that. Case closed. But of course, as you all know, I am an idiot. You see, she was sitting right across the lunch table from me. We had been talking about her for a while, and so her name was somehow just sitting there in my head. So, on my phone list, I chose <name withheld>'s name and clicked send without a second thought.
Immediately after pressing send I realized my error, went "OH MY GOD." in my head and excused myself from lunch.
She works for a popular radio show in Eugene called The Donkey Show. I never listen to the radio. However, my friend and I were at a bar that night, and of course he was telling everyone the story and having a good laugh about it. He tells one random guy at the bar, and he goes "hey, I heard that on the Donkey Show today!" To which I went
I'm pretty good friends with the manager of this bar. He happens to be good friends with the hosts of the Donkey Show. Upon hearing that I was the one they were talking about on the show (luckily they didn't drop my name on the air), he immediately called one of the hosts and said that he knows me, and that I need to get on the air immediately. So uh, yeah. Looks like I'm going to go on the radio sometime this week and talk about how I want to rub <name withheld's> titties. Fun!
You gave her fair warning.
The sending of the text message is the 1 step. The rest is just exposition/backstory.
There was a guy in H/A asking how to fellate himself.
Yes. Apparently my story inspired listeners to call in and relate their own embarassing stories of mistakenly sending messages to certain people.
Without even bothering to make a pitstop at my brain, the words "Eh, I've had better" flew out my mouth before I was able to stop them.
Yeah...THAT went well.
Follow well in order, get your weapons ready,
Have you your pistols? Have you your sharp-edged axes?
Pioneers! O pioneers!
he sent it to her
I actually cannot stop laughing
You accidentally texted Tiffany, while having lunch with her, that you want to rub her (Tiffany's) titties, and spooge all over her. Then you left and she (Tiffany) told this to everyone via her (Tiffany's) radio show? Did I scan that right?
Sounds like she wants some spooge, if so.
Also, I did something like this once, though not exactly. Well, twice. This coworker and I used to IM each other during work. The girl that sat next to me (we'll call her Tiffany, for the hell of it) had ENORMOUS boobs and a phat ass. So I IMed my coworker, a few seats away, that I needed to "have sex with TS immediately...her boobs were all over the place." TS, by the by, are "Tiffany's" initials.
Then I went to lunch. I'm very particular about minimizing and locking my workstation whenever I walk away from my desk, even if it's for a glass of water.
Well, not this time! I come back and the IM is sitting there plain as day, and "Tiffany" has a weird look on her face.
Then another time I responded to a joke about cumming inside some girl to the girl, via IM. She asked me what the fuck I was talking about and I played it off.
Good times.
Yeah I laughed when I first heard one version of that joke in the movie Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey like 10 fucking years ago too.
Never saw that movie.
She got maaaaad.
You don't have to be sorry, but the person who is pretending that some scene from a movie actually happened to them should be.
Random... Druhim: Perhaps not to anyone else, but my opinion matters to me, which is kind of the point.
Look, short of sending you to her to ask for yourself, I can't prove anything to you. But it really did happen, and pretending I stole it from a movie didn't make the following 45 minutes any easier.
Follow well in order, get your weapons ready,
Have you your pistols? Have you your sharp-edged axes?
Pioneers! O pioneers!
I know, I browse the ban and warning lists periodically (what, it's entertaining)
All I can say is what. the. fuck.
What a regular Casanova you are.
how spoiled are you, jesus
The best part of that thread is how the OP (Deathmonger) confessed (or pretended) to being a "heterosexual girl" to "win" an argument with me and others in Debate and Discourse.
time to take a nap
Well, the entire thread is a good read, but here's the post in question:
And the one above it (if you click on the thread) is my post, the one this one is in response to - (s)he didn't quote me.
I'm feeling sleepy Orikae. Think you could blow me so I can doze off a little faster?