My two custom classes that I spend the most time in ...
Sniper: Archer with the Warbow, bodkin arrows, and footed shafts for minimal drop-off. Take the perk that lets you zoom in while aiming (it's a toggle - one click for 4x, one click for 8x, one click for normal) and the one that lets you hold your draw for longer, and stand waaaaaay the hell back. It basically works as a counter-archer - you find the enemies who are shooting your guys, and you drop headshots on them from across the map, right as they pause to aim. Other good targets are guys who are bandaging and guys who are trying for deathblows. Don't fire into melee - you won't hit for shit and your arrows don't regen fast enough to waste them. If you have to use your sidearm, you done messed up - I like the battleaxe for no particular reason, though. Your dagger is strangely effective if someone comes up to you, because it swings so damn fast and you can keep doing thrusts at the other guy's face and circling like crazy.
Medium Halberdier: I usually run in just the cuirass for the speed advantage, but occasionally I'll switch it up for the full plate if I need a little more staying power. I take the best halberd I can afford, put the convex grind on the blade with the Milanese fighting style, and the Surgeon perk with the good mods (bandages heal to full; heal allies faster). This is my preferred squad-leader build for the survivability. Sidearm is usually a battleaxe. Halberds have fan-fucking-tastic range, and with the Milanese fighting style, you offset their biggest weakness (really slow swing speed). Thrusts are fantastic, especially when you get some friends around you (swings will hit your friends). When you get into melee. drop your visor. It makes headshots much less problematic.
Actually, that's good advice all-around - get used to toggling your visor up-and-down quickly so that you can quickly assess a situation, mark targets, and then get back into a defensive posture against someone trying to ruin your day.
When you get a horse, don't fucking run into your team-mates. Friendly-fire exists in this game, including "get stunned because a half-ton of thoroughbred ran you over." It sucks to die because your "teammate" decided it'd be really cool to trample you, which dropped your block, and the guy your were fighting put an axe in your face.
Teamwork is important. Badguys can only face one of you if you're on opposite sides of the target, so keep circling away from each other, and the guy in the back should apply brute force until the problem goes away. If your ally is standing to your left, don't make left-hand swings - you'll just hit your ally, which will just piss him off (and make the enemy laugh).
Jump in while all the visors are up and awaiting face stabs/slashes. Always fun getting squared off against a group and doing way too much damage with my Scottish Greatsword because they keep them up.
I got the Executioner's Axe because how I liked it in the beta but I can't seem to find its hitbox now. Guess its description is much more apt.
Is marking enemies any different than hovering over an enemy to reveal their name and location?
The only time your visor should be up is during travel to the fight, and when scouting the battlefield to get a good look at potential targets. All other times, put your visor down. This goes for archers too. if you have a visor, put it down when you start shooting. It minimises the risk of an instakill headshot from return fire.
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
I just had a round of Conquest (pretty much the only mode I play) that went to time (first time I think that's ever happened to me). We ended up losing 65-35, but the other team had the top 10 scorers, then me, then three members of the other team, then my teammates started showing up.
I think I was on a total noobie team, and we held our own pretty damn impressively against a lot of people in plate with pollaxes.
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
edited October 2012
oh same here last night. Were you in the match with me or something? It was a constant fight over the farmhouse at point C. There was a guy bitching about everything all the time on the chat? I had like 3 dudes raging because they'd charge in on their cavalry and I'd just shoot them off of the horse from like 300m, leaving them all alone in the middle of the goonsquad they previously thought they'd be tearing up.
I sat down to play it like 10 minutes after their steam connection came back up at ~9:30, looked at the clock like 10 minutes later and it was 12:40.
... Maybe? I was white rose in that match. It was ... US Central server, I think? Certainly at about 12:40 Eastern last night.
I didn't see too much bitching in chat, but I wasn't checking it much anyway, other than to remind people to rez your allies.
Oh - another good tip. Anyone else play MAG on the PS3? If so, you know the power of picking up the medkit as your first piece of gear and playing battlefield medic. That also goes for this game (though the Surgeon perk makes healing better, anyone can heal without it). Picking someone up off the ground gives 300 gold and 300 experience, which is more than executing an enemy (250/250). Plus, it gets your side back into the fight much faster.
If you happen to be lying on the ground, don't surrender if there's a bunch of blue names around you (even if they're fighting). Let them pick you up and save you the run from the spawn point. Badguys who are attempting to revive their downed friends are great targets for headshots from missile troops or axes to the face. Contrarily, try to do your reviving from a covered position, if you can.
Speaking of spawn points, you can spawn in on your squad leader, which will save you the run back to the fight most of the time, and can seriously annoy the badguys if the one enemy they were fighting turns into 3 or 4. On the spawn screen, look for the moving crowned diamond, and click on it to pick your squad leader as your spawn point.
Squad leaders are the first guy to join a squad (protip: make sure you join a squad; you can spawn in without doing so, but it's silly; you can change squads each time you die). If you don't have the Squad Leader perk, then you might not want to be the first guy in (because SL buffs only work if you are the SL, and a non-perked guy can take up the slot), but if no-one's joining, go ahead - the mobile spawn point is better than nothing.
Oh, and if you want to do some single-player training, the one to start with is the London Tournament. That shows you melee, archery, crossbows, and horse riding.
Wasn't going to buy this yet, but my buddy grabbed it so I felt compelled. Had a good time last night - I guess waiting til midnight to play was a good idea since the servers were jacked for a bit (from what I hear). The netcode seemed fine to me and the game ran smooth on high settings. Combat was good, but I didn't do any training so I missed out on some of the key commands. Like being able to spin around your polearm from blade to hammer side etc. Glad I picked it up, and I'm eager to grind up some more money for unlocks.
I've been enjoying this game. I started out using the arming sword and light everything, focusing speed. This trained me to block better and get really good at aiming for those squishy non-visored faces. Now I'm using heavy armour and the castillion sword, and with the added protection from heavy armour I find I usually end up in the top 5 each round.
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
I'm having a lot of fun with this, but I feel like I have to fight my teammates more than my enemies - it seems like everyone will hit their allies when they're trying to execute to knock them out of the animation and take it for themselves. I watched one dude go down and then 3 other people just hit eachother over and over to stop the execute.
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
yeah I'm starting to think organized groups are using that as a strategy. I feel like I've been kept in a never ending loop or executions to keep me (somehow I seem to get identified as a power player or something) out of the match for as long as possible so they can cap a point virtually unopposed.
So far my most useful custom class is:
AP longbow + double quiver
Castillon sword
the steel buckler thing + wall + smash
full helm+visor
default medium armor choice
I may be slow as hell with it, but most headshots won't instant kill me and it makes a versatile point cap-defense class. I can take a few out from long range as I approach a cap, Castillon+buckler seems to be a decent meat+potatoes type thing for when I'm cleaning up enemies from the point, and it can slow down push-backs without leaving the point by sniping as they approach. The only thing this class really fails at is anyone with full plate deciding to attack me.
my other custom has a warhammer which I'm told is effective against full plate.
I still find it annoying and frustrating though when I'll land a fully charged pick-end of the hammer, overhead swing onto someone's leather hooded head and NOT instantly kill them. Pretty sure getting hit with a full swing to the noodle would leave your brains in a jackson pollock all over my pant legs.
GT: Acidboogie PSNid: AcidLacedPenguiN
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
edited October 2012
My favorite thing so far is advancing on the enemy's archer line from the side while they pluck away and then just massacring all of the little archers one by one with my axe.
I think they did a pretty good job with how encumbrance/perks/weapons are balanced and interact. I feel like, so far, there are very few "cheap" tactics (one being the people in full plate who get right up on you and spam small sword attacks with Milanese style) and everything works pretty well. You can really tell a difference between the armors, and the difference between using a sword and, say, a polearm, is very different and takes a different strategy.
Winning a one on one versus someone is a great feeling, one I don't think gets matched in various other multiplayer games... here, it doesn't really matter who sees who first (if your both melee) most of the time - you fight, sometimes in protracted duels, and eventually someone will mess up a parry, get shield bashed at the wrong time, etc, and go down. It's even more satisfying when someone comes up to help and you end up taking them out, too, though that is pretty rare.
As a crossbowman, more often than not I'll win a 1v1 now. The longsword + dome shield combo is just way too awesome. Thrusting strikes provide tons of armour penetration.
My intro to this game (and essentially the whole genre) was the Giant Bomb quick look yesterday, so it's fair to say my blood is some of the freshest being spilt. My closest point of reference is honestly Battlefield, so I apologise in advance to all the M&B veterans and vaguely informed historians!
The game has made a fantastic impression so far though. I love the deliberate pace of the combat; the focus on position and timing. I was actually surviving longer than I expected, just by being sensible with my approach/blocking, and patient with attacks. I even had a few instances where three or four guys were struggling to drop me, backing slowly and biding my time for quick attacks, and using natural bottlenecks to help even the odds.
I can't help feeling I'm oblivious to a bunch of controls/systems though. The 'tutorial' did a great job of repeatedly telling me to press CTRL to crouch (fighting a bunch of AI definitely helped with the basic attack controls though). Is there a good idiot's guide anywhere?
I definitely prefer the more open maps I've played so far. Some of the ones within city walls feel like a bit of a clusterfuck and seem to remove a lot of the strategy. And besides, how much cooler does it look when the armies first advance on each other across a field - I get a little swell of excitement every time.
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
The 'tutorial' did a great job of repeatedly telling me to press CTRL to crouch (fighting a bunch of AI definitely helped with the basic attack controls though). Is there a good idiot's guide anywhere?
There's multiple single-player tutorials available. Did you do the London Tournament? It gives you a good introduction to each of the main combat styles.
I've begun to throw caution to the wind and start playing as a lightly armored 2H sword or axe maniac. I also like being a unique butterfly - everyone else is running heavy armor. That light armor really lets me move and swing quickly.
Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
The 'tutorial' did a great job of repeatedly telling me to press CTRL to crouch (fighting a bunch of AI definitely helped with the basic attack controls though). Is there a good idiot's guide anywhere?
There's multiple single-player tutorials available. Did you do the London Tournament? It gives you a good introduction to each of the main combat styles.
Other than that, this thread?
I did the Tournament before jumping online again this evening. I think I missed the point of some of the sections but it was helpful.
There's definitely some whiners in the servers I've tried. Two handed swords, archers and squad spawn all seem to cop a bunch of flak; game is the worst thing ever yet they're inexplicably still playing it.
I've basically been sticking to the default soldier with sword and shield, my custom guy isn't much different yet. I seem to do best using a shield and stabbing towards their face.
My only issues are getting in to full armored spammer fights that interrupt my attacks while I seem unable to find the hit box on my weapon when I actually do get a swing off. Perhaps it takes more practice using each weapon but whenever I use the Executioner's Axe I just feel useless 90% and 10% omg did you just see that overhand/underhand instant KO?
So I changed my customized guy to a crossbowman with a domed shield and haven't looked back.
I was doing poorly for awhile until my last half dozen games. Despite constantly seeing people say there's no disadvantage to heavy armor, I switched to the least encumbering light armor I could buy, the two-handed sword, and speed/encumbrance-related perks. I am so fast. I just went on an eight kill streak, only to die by jumping off a bridge. I may not be able to take as many hits but I ready my swings faster than they can attack me.
Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
I had probably my best game yet playing a custom crossbowman class, had somewhere around 27 kills and near the same amount of headshots, lots of captures/capture assists and somewhere around 10 executions. Was just tearing everyone up. The crossbow is crazy good when built correctly and when you can do the hardest active reload. All of the heavy armor dudes are seemingly too dumb to put down their visors ever, so I got several instant death face shots on charging knights.
as far as complaints, I'm not usually one to say something is OP, but I'm having a hard time saying the two handed sword is balanced. every round, no exaggeration, 90 percent of my team/the other team are using it. it's powerful and fast and has a huge non specific hit zone, unlike the other strong 2 handers that take finesse and skill to use, you can't just spam left click. you can with the two handed sword easily, and win.
Are you the magic man?
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
yeah, my naked crazy-man-with-a-hammer build gets me some massive lulz. I'm going to try going full plate with a mace and shield, no primary to see if that works out better or not.
GT: Acidboogie PSNid: AcidLacedPenguiN
lu tzeSweeping the monestary steps.Registered Userregular
Haven't got the game, been watching on youtube and my interest is gradually going up.
I was just wondering one thing though... The game is third person right? So what advantage is there to having the visor up, ever?
Having the visor up gives you a clearer view of the battlefield but revealing a big weak point.
With your visor down your field of view is greatly reduced (your screen reflects your visor type and blacks out the rest of your screen) but covering that glaring weak spot.
Now, I might just need to crank up the gamma but it's a pretty big hindrance to me.
Here's a screenshot of the visor down using the heaviest helmet.
@Frei: I'm afraid my light armour fast sword class is going to have a really tough time getting kills once people learn to put the visor down.
Thendash on
lu tzeSweeping the monestary steps.Registered Userregular
Ah, that's actually pretty cool.
Obviously none of the guys I've been watching on youtube bothered with the visor either.
Keep in mind that not all helmets have visors. The heavy helmets and I think most, if not all, medium helmets have them. But I don't think any light helmets have visors.
Just saw that the greenmangaming code: GMG25-EVFWS-4Z4ZN can be used for war of the roses knocking the price down to $22.50. I'm thinking of jumping on it, its available until sometime Oct 8th.
When someone's visor is down, is it still possible to get a blade through the gap? And if so, any idea roughly how much it modifies your hit chance? I seem to be leaning towards light builds with one-handed swords, but I'm so reliant on forward thrusts to the face.
Man, I've been seeing some dick moves online. Hijacking executions is one thing, but last night a teammate attacked the guy reviving me so he could snake the points. I should have yielded so he didn't get anything. Chivalry may be dead, but what a bummer seeing that proven in a game like this.
Btw, cheers for the info earlier @Frei. Confirmed my suspicions about what the orange indicators actually are, and good to know how the hits and damage are dictated.
I don't think there's really a hit "chance." The devs have stated many times that they're very proud of their collision detection system so I don't think there'd be any sort of roll to hit going on even with the visor down. It'll certainly effect how much armour pen is needed to get through to the squishy face behind.
Sorry, poor choice of words there. I just meant whether the collision detection factors in a gap that small as something possible to hit. But you're saying the weapon would need better penetration stats anyway?
I don't think you should be able to spawn on someone in the middle of melee combat. I like squad spawns generally, but seeing people materialise next to the person you're having a prolonged duel with kinda sucks.
For those of you with the game, could you elaborate a little bit on how the customization etc. affects the gameplay? I'd be especially interest in weapon customization, fighting styles(I presume italian and german schools are represented, maybe the english one too?), and so forth? I've had difficulty finding info on this aspect of the game.
Sniper: Archer with the Warbow, bodkin arrows, and footed shafts for minimal drop-off. Take the perk that lets you zoom in while aiming (it's a toggle - one click for 4x, one click for 8x, one click for normal) and the one that lets you hold your draw for longer, and stand waaaaaay the hell back. It basically works as a counter-archer - you find the enemies who are shooting your guys, and you drop headshots on them from across the map, right as they pause to aim. Other good targets are guys who are bandaging and guys who are trying for deathblows. Don't fire into melee - you won't hit for shit and your arrows don't regen fast enough to waste them. If you have to use your sidearm, you done messed up - I like the battleaxe for no particular reason, though. Your dagger is strangely effective if someone comes up to you, because it swings so damn fast and you can keep doing thrusts at the other guy's face and circling like crazy.
Medium Halberdier: I usually run in just the cuirass for the speed advantage, but occasionally I'll switch it up for the full plate if I need a little more staying power. I take the best halberd I can afford, put the convex grind on the blade with the Milanese fighting style, and the Surgeon perk with the good mods (bandages heal to full; heal allies faster). This is my preferred squad-leader build for the survivability. Sidearm is usually a battleaxe. Halberds have fan-fucking-tastic range, and with the Milanese fighting style, you offset their biggest weakness (really slow swing speed). Thrusts are fantastic, especially when you get some friends around you (swings will hit your friends). When you get into melee. drop your visor. It makes headshots much less problematic.
Actually, that's good advice all-around - get used to toggling your visor up-and-down quickly so that you can quickly assess a situation, mark targets, and then get back into a defensive posture against someone trying to ruin your day.
When you get a horse, don't fucking run into your team-mates. Friendly-fire exists in this game, including "get stunned because a half-ton of thoroughbred ran you over." It sucks to die because your "teammate" decided it'd be really cool to trample you, which dropped your block, and the guy your were fighting put an axe in your face.
Teamwork is important. Badguys can only face one of you if you're on opposite sides of the target, so keep circling away from each other, and the guy in the back should apply brute force until the problem goes away. If your ally is standing to your left, don't make left-hand swings - you'll just hit your ally, which will just piss him off (and make the enemy laugh).
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
I got the Executioner's Axe because how I liked it in the beta but I can't seem to find its hitbox now. Guess its description is much more apt.
Is marking enemies any different than hovering over an enemy to reveal their name and location?
I think I was on a total noobie team, and we held our own pretty damn impressively against a lot of people in plate with pollaxes.
Had a fuckin' blast.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
I sat down to play it like 10 minutes after their steam connection came back up at ~9:30, looked at the clock like 10 minutes later and it was 12:40.
I didn't see too much bitching in chat, but I wasn't checking it much anyway, other than to remind people to rez your allies.
Oh - another good tip. Anyone else play MAG on the PS3? If so, you know the power of picking up the medkit as your first piece of gear and playing battlefield medic. That also goes for this game (though the Surgeon perk makes healing better, anyone can heal without it). Picking someone up off the ground gives 300 gold and 300 experience, which is more than executing an enemy (250/250). Plus, it gets your side back into the fight much faster.
If you happen to be lying on the ground, don't surrender if there's a bunch of blue names around you (even if they're fighting). Let them pick you up and save you the run from the spawn point. Badguys who are attempting to revive their downed friends are great targets for headshots from missile troops or axes to the face. Contrarily, try to do your reviving from a covered position, if you can.
Speaking of spawn points, you can spawn in on your squad leader, which will save you the run back to the fight most of the time, and can seriously annoy the badguys if the one enemy they were fighting turns into 3 or 4. On the spawn screen, look for the moving crowned diamond, and click on it to pick your squad leader as your spawn point.
Squad leaders are the first guy to join a squad (protip: make sure you join a squad; you can spawn in without doing so, but it's silly; you can change squads each time you die). If you don't have the Squad Leader perk, then you might not want to be the first guy in (because SL buffs only work if you are the SL, and a non-perked guy can take up the slot), but if no-one's joining, go ahead - the mobile spawn point is better than nothing.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
So far my most useful custom class is:
AP longbow + double quiver
Castillon sword
the steel buckler thing + wall + smash
full helm+visor
default medium armor choice
I may be slow as hell with it, but most headshots won't instant kill me and it makes a versatile point cap-defense class. I can take a few out from long range as I approach a cap, Castillon+buckler seems to be a decent meat+potatoes type thing for when I'm cleaning up enemies from the point, and it can slow down push-backs without leaving the point by sniping as they approach. The only thing this class really fails at is anyone with full plate deciding to attack me.
my other custom has a warhammer which I'm told is effective against full plate.
I still find it annoying and frustrating though when I'll land a fully charged pick-end of the hammer, overhead swing onto someone's leather hooded head and NOT instantly kill them. Pretty sure getting hit with a full swing to the noodle would leave your brains in a jackson pollock all over my pant legs.
I think they did a pretty good job with how encumbrance/perks/weapons are balanced and interact. I feel like, so far, there are very few "cheap" tactics (one being the people in full plate who get right up on you and spam small sword attacks with Milanese style) and everything works pretty well. You can really tell a difference between the armors, and the difference between using a sword and, say, a polearm, is very different and takes a different strategy.
Winning a one on one versus someone is a great feeling, one I don't think gets matched in various other multiplayer games... here, it doesn't really matter who sees who first (if your both melee) most of the time - you fight, sometimes in protracted duels, and eventually someone will mess up a parry, get shield bashed at the wrong time, etc, and go down. It's even more satisfying when someone comes up to help and you end up taking them out, too, though that is pretty rare.
The game has made a fantastic impression so far though. I love the deliberate pace of the combat; the focus on position and timing. I was actually surviving longer than I expected, just by being sensible with my approach/blocking, and patient with attacks. I even had a few instances where three or four guys were struggling to drop me, backing slowly and biding my time for quick attacks, and using natural bottlenecks to help even the odds.
I can't help feeling I'm oblivious to a bunch of controls/systems though. The 'tutorial' did a great job of repeatedly telling me to press CTRL to crouch (fighting a bunch of AI definitely helped with the basic attack controls though). Is there a good idiot's guide anywhere?
I definitely prefer the more open maps I've played so far. Some of the ones within city walls feel like a bit of a clusterfuck and seem to remove a lot of the strategy. And besides, how much cooler does it look when the armies first advance on each other across a field - I get a little swell of excitement every time.
I haven't really played with any random people who worked anything like a team on here so may be fun.
There's multiple single-player tutorials available. Did you do the London Tournament? It gives you a good introduction to each of the main combat styles.
Other than that, this thread?
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
I did the Tournament before jumping online again this evening. I think I missed the point of some of the sections but it was helpful.
There's definitely some whiners in the servers I've tried. Two handed swords, archers and squad spawn all seem to cop a bunch of flak; game is the worst thing ever yet they're inexplicably still playing it.
I've basically been sticking to the default soldier with sword and shield, my custom guy isn't much different yet. I seem to do best using a shield and stabbing towards their face.
So I changed my customized guy to a crossbowman with a domed shield and haven't looked back.
as far as complaints, I'm not usually one to say something is OP, but I'm having a hard time saying the two handed sword is balanced. every round, no exaggeration, 90 percent of my team/the other team are using it. it's powerful and fast and has a huge non specific hit zone, unlike the other strong 2 handers that take finesse and skill to use, you can't just spam left click. you can with the two handed sword easily, and win.
I was just wondering one thing though... The game is third person right? So what advantage is there to having the visor up, ever?
With your visor down your field of view is greatly reduced (your screen reflects your visor type and blacks out the rest of your screen) but covering that glaring weak spot.
Now, I might just need to crank up the gamma but it's a pretty big hindrance to me.
@Frei: I'm afraid my light armour fast sword class is going to have a really tough time getting kills once people learn to put the visor down.
Obviously none of the guys I've been watching on youtube bothered with the visor either.
Man, I've been seeing some dick moves online. Hijacking executions is one thing, but last night a teammate attacked the guy reviving me so he could snake the points. I should have yielded so he didn't get anything. Chivalry may be dead, but what a bummer seeing that proven in a game like this.
Btw, cheers for the info earlier @Frei. Confirmed my suspicions about what the orange indicators actually are, and good to know how the hits and damage are dictated.
I don't think you should be able to spawn on someone in the middle of melee combat. I like squad spawns generally, but seeing people materialise next to the person you're having a prolonged duel with kinda sucks.