CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Soooo...I ordered my buttons already. What? I can't help it if the discount code is conveniently there and I have been placing money aside specifically for this reason.
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Very wise on the copyright violations, but if we actually did that, a good amount of us would be in BIG doodoo throughout the years. Luckily, we don't sell them. So just be smart on what you choose.
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
I have no design!!!!!!! There is no time!! What will I do? Ahhhhhh! Seriously though.. Thinking of doing a tiny run of kitty faces. Maybe Odahviing with her tongue out as my primary. Nothing is really grabbing on, but I've loads of time.
Still PAXing strong. [E] for lyfe. ELand forever.
Oh, also... If people need assistance making theirs I'd be happy to offer mine.
I'd love your help! If you don't mind too terribly.
I'd like either of these done in the 1.5" round. With my forum name curved across the top arc of the button, and "Pax Prime 2012" curved around the bottom arc of the button. N7 logo Mass Effect, Long service medal
I'm sorry ahead of time, if I'm too annoyingly picky.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Updated the OP with my own content, and got rid of the bits that were copy/pasted to make it seem like I was talking about myself in the third person. Let me know if anything is missing, wrong, or needs to be clarified.
In other news, Android app is coming along nicely.
EDIT: Doing some math, I just realized this is our fifth anniversary. That's pretty awesome!
jonxp on
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
regarding the template: i'm guessing the inner circle would be the actual face of the button while the area between the circles is what's going to be "wrapped around" or lost?
Oh, also... If people need assistance making theirs I'd be happy to offer mine.
I'd love your help! If you don't mind too terribly.
I'd like either of these done in the 1.5" round. With my forum name curved across the top arc of the button, and "Pax Prime 2012" curved around the bottom arc of the button. N7 logo Mass Effect, Long service medal
I'm sorry ahead of time, if I'm too annoyingly picky.
Do you have bigger versions? I think the 1.5 inch rounds are a bit higher resolution than this. The n7 logo is doable, but the long service medal is a bit small.
Make sure that the black circles are NOT visible when you submit the artwork. They are there as guides only.
yeah, i made a spare so that i can post it on the button site, i got the scaling/centering off by a little bit, i kind of taught myself how to do this in about 3 hours >_>
Make sure that the black circles are NOT visible when you submit the artwork. They are there as guides only.
yeah, i made a spare so that i can post it on the button site, i got the scaling/centering off by a little bit, i kind of taught myself how to do this in about 3 hours >_>
The Buttoneering site actually gives you a bit of a preview of what your artwork will look like on a button. If you leave "Crop Button" selected, and use the exact artwork that you are sending to PureButtons, it will crop it to the "inner" circle automatically, giving you an image of what will be on the non-wrapped front of your button. Feel free to take your time to get it right, we still have plenty of time before PAX.
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
so is our artwork supposed to be inside the dashed circle or reach the outer border of the dashed circle
Crogoth on
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Artwork is to be inside the dashed circle. The bolded outer circle is what you would see if you place it on its side and moved it around. Like you would see folks trademark or copyright or website along that area.
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
so is our artwork supposed to be inside the dashed circle or reach the outer border of the dashed circle
The new templates are much better than my old GIMP template. Take a look at them on the PureButtons site. They give more details now on exactly what will be where on your button, and make it more obvious that you should replace your artwork with theirs, not just use it as an overlay.
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Yeah, GIMP doesn't support CMYK yet for some reason. Just use the JPG version as a layer, and make it semi-transparent to see where everything lays out, and then delete it when you're happy.
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
@Knight_ : Don't worry about the long service medal. I like the N7 better.
Gahhh sorry I'm taking so long. Been a busy weekend. I'll have time to do it tomorrow night though I think.
No worries! There's plenty of time.
The PSD you should upload to purebuttons is here. I'm not sure why it went to crazytown in the dropbox preview, but the PSD still looks correct. I assume it's CMYK blowing up their preview, since it seems to be missing the K values. Very odd.
Edit: Decided to change my avatar anyways so I guess this post was moot.
I'd like either of these done in the 1.5" round. With my forum name curved across the top arc of the button, and "Pax Prime 2012" curved around the bottom arc of the button.
N7 logo
Mass Effect, Long service medal
I'm sorry ahead of time, if I'm too annoyingly picky.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
In other news, Android app is coming along nicely.
EDIT: Doing some math, I just realized this is our fifth anniversary. That's pretty awesome!
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
ALSO, here's a fun idea:
group of 8 make "gym leader" buttons and to win one you have to beat them in a pokemon match!
lols, I'm leaving the photoshopping to those better suited than I, here on the forums.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Could be worse, if I made buttons out of my avatar that'd be pretty douchey lol. *remembers what his Triwizard costume is gonna be*
Oh...right...nvm this is the best idea ever!
Do you have bigger versions? I think the 1.5 inch rounds are a bit higher resolution than this. The n7 logo is doable, but the long service medal is a bit small.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
How does it look?
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Make sure that the black circles are NOT visible when you submit the artwork. They are there as guides only.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
yeah, i made a spare so that i can post it on the button site, i got the scaling/centering off by a little bit, i kind of taught myself how to do this in about 3 hours >_>
The Buttoneering site actually gives you a bit of a preview of what your artwork will look like on a button. If you leave "Crop Button" selected, and use the exact artwork that you are sending to PureButtons, it will crop it to the "inner" circle automatically, giving you an image of what will be on the non-wrapped front of your button. Feel free to take your time to get it right, we still have plenty of time before PAX.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
The new templates are much better than my old GIMP template. Take a look at them on the PureButtons site. They give more details now on exactly what will be where on your button, and make it more obvious that you should replace your artwork with theirs, not just use it as an overlay.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
edit: seems as though gimp does not like their .psd filetype. something about unsupported color mode: CMYK
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Gahhh sorry I'm taking so long. Been a busy weekend. I'll have time to do it tomorrow night though I think.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
PAX2012 STATUS:"Is it too soon yet?!"
I *know* I have a shot of mine floating around on one of my webservers, but I can't find it. I'll take one when I get home.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
And special rare chase button!
These were my 2 buttons from last year
They're pretty well detailed, the 1.5" round I made for east had really small bits that you could still see easy.