I just got asked at work to download a zillion files. I have a page of links that each look like this:
<td style="width:16px;"><img OnClick="window.open('/Analytics/Data/ViewResponseDetails.aspx?responseGuid=be9b4e83-cd5b-479e-a61a-7fa88b91aef8&noChrome=true', 'Response', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes')" src="/Images/details16.gif" style="border-width:0px;cursor:hand;" /></td><td align="left">FILENAME.EXTENSION - 289 KB</td>
Each of those links goes to a page with a link like this:
<input type="image" style="border-width:0px;" src="/Images/data_down.gif" id="ctl00_pageContentPlace_DownloadFile3753655" name="ctl00$pageContentPlace$DownloadFile3753655">
When I click that second link, it gives me the usual Firefox "you have chosen to open...." dialog.
Is there a good way to do this with a browser extension or something? I have been trying DownThemAll/FlashGot, but they don't seem to work (or I just don't know enough about them to use them). I think that OnClick tag for the first link might be throwing it off.
Steam: Mike Danger | PSN/NNID: remadeking | 3DS: 2079-9204-4075
Or you could be rad as all heck and use wget (if you have the linux).